随着经济的不断发展与健康消费理念深入人心,消费者对茶饮的需求逐渐从传统调味包装茶转向无糖茶、养生茶等。消费者对产品附加值及健康化的需求,以及茶饮市场产品构成变革共同促进了茶饮料行业的发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国茶饮料行业发展及消费洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国新式茶饮市场规模达3333.8亿元,同比增长13.5%;养生茶饮市场规模为411.6亿元,同比增长27.3%;无糖饮料市场规模达401.6亿元,同比增长101.2%,随着健康消费趋势凸显,茶饮料相关产品市场规模将进一步扩大。2024年,49.3%的中国茶饮料消费者通过内容分享平台了解包装茶饮品牌,46.9%的消费者偏好零糖零卡零脂类包装茶饮。随着健康消费趋势凸显,无糖低糖产品受到众多消费者青睐,无糖茶将进一步扩充市场容量,为茶饮料行业提供新增量。
With the continuous development of the economy and the concept of healthy consumption, consumers' demand for tea drinks has gradually shifted from traditional flavored packaged tea to sugar-free tea and health tea. Consumers' demand for added value and health of products, as well as changes in the composition of tea market products, have jointly promoted the development of tea beverage industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China Tea Beverage Industry Development and Consumption Insight Report from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the market size of China's new tea drink will reach 333.38 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5% in 2023. The market size of health tea drink was 41.16 billion yuan, an increase of 27.3%; Sugar-free beverage market size reached 40.16 billion yuan, an increase of 101.2%, with the health consumption trend highlighted, tea beverage related products market size will further expand, is expected to 2025 new tea market size of 374.93 billion yuan. In 2024, 49.3% of Chinese tea beverage consumers learned about packaged tea brands through content sharing platforms, and 46.9% of consumers preferred zero-sugar, zero-calorie and zero-fat packaged tea drinks. With the prominent trend of healthy consumption, sugar-free and low-sugar products are favored by many consumers, and sugar-free tea will further expand the market capacity and provide new additions to the tea beverage industry.艾媒咨询|2024年中国即冲即食山药片市场产品创新专题研究报告
The rising awareness of healthy eating among the population has greatly boosted the market demand for yam products. As a nutritious ingredient with health benefits, yam products are favored by more and more consumers due to their ease of consumption and health value. The high demand for yam powder for a long period of time has attracted many participants, coupled with the slow growth of the industry leading to intense competition for market share, increased competition within the yam powder track, a larger number of competitors with roughly equal competitive forces, as well as competitors offering roughly the same products or services, making it difficult to reflect significant differences, the new track of instant yam slices has begun to rise in the face of intense competition in the yam powder track.
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