Chinese enterprises accelerate the pace of their own digital transformation, and the enabling effect of electronic signature on enterprises continues to highlight, thus promoting the continuous iterative upgrading of electronic signature technology. Especially in the context of COVID-19 normalization, online office is becoming more and more popular. The degree of application of electronic signatures is gradually deepened, and the application scope and scene of electronic signature are further widened. The market scale of China's electronic signature industry will continue to rise and is expected to reach 40.42 billion yuan in 2024.艾媒咨询| 2020-2021年中国电子签名行业发展现状及用户调研分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例: e签宝,法大大,契约锁
According to the survey data of iiMedia Research, 43.1% of electronic signature users in China choose esignature. The electronic signature industry has a high concentration, which has formed a giant effect to a certain extent. With the continuous popularization of "internet plus", electronic signature will continue to broaden the application scenarios of electronic signature, and the frequency and investment of users generally show an increasing trend. However, under the new trend of electronic signature, the industry competition will become more and more fierce, and the competitive advantages of giants such as e-sign will continue to enlarge.