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随着Z世代的到来和科技的发展,新媒体营销对新一代用户群体的影响力不断上升。新媒体是继传统媒体之后,在互联网背景下出现的媒体形态,用户从过去被动接受的角色转变为可自主创作的作者与读者身份。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,新媒体用户中中青年为用户主流,年龄在26岁至40岁的比例超过七成。同时,娱乐、社交、资讯获取为新媒体平台最主要用途,占比分别达到57.8%,53.1%和51.8%,近四成受访用户表示最常接触的新媒体广告形式为图片广告,同时近三成受访用户偏好以图片为主的广告形式。与此同时,新媒体营销同样存在其不足之处,访用户对于新媒体广告传达产品信息的有效性持较为中立的态度,认为新媒体营销广告或其产品信息的可信度一般。新媒体营销广告在传递产品信息、提升广告可信度上仍需继续改善。未来新媒体营销应精耕广告内容,在趣味性、有效性、创新性上寻求提升与突破,提高其信息真实性,如何在保留真实性的基础上深耕内容创作将是新媒体营销未来的发展方向。
With the advent of Generation Z and the development of technology, the influence of new media marketing on the new generation is increasing. New media is a media form emerging in the Internet era after the traditional media. Users have changed from passively accepted roles to independent authorship and reader identity. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, young and middle-aged users of new media are the mainstream of users, with over 70% of them aged from 26 to 40. At the same time, entertainment, social networking and information acquisition are the main uses of new media platforms, accounting for 57.8%, 53.1% and 51.8% respectively. Nearly 40% of respondents indicated that the most frequently contacted form of new media advertising is photo advertising, while nearly 30% of respondents preferred image-based advertising. However, new media marketing has its shortcomings. Interviewed users have a more neutral attitude towards the effectiveness of new media advertising to convey product information. They think that the credibility of new media marketing advertising or its product information is general. New media marketing advertisements still need to be improved in delivering product information and enhancing the credibility of advertisements. In the future, new media marketing should focus on advertising content, seek to improve and break through in interest, effectiveness and innovation, and improve the authenticity of its information. Working for further cultivating content creation on the basis of retaining authenticity will be the future development direction of new media marketing. -
艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国手机新闻客户端市场监测报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:百度新闻、腾讯新闻、搜狐新闻、新浪新闻、一点资讯、天天快报、网易新闻、今日头条、人民日报、新华社、央视新闻、趣头条、凤凰新闻、ZAKER、UC头条、东方头条、Flipboard 红板报、澎湃新闻、天天头条
随着移动互联网渗透率不断提升,手机新闻客户端逐渐成为中国居民获取资讯的主要途径。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2019年中国手机新闻客户端用户规模达6.93亿,市场潜力巨大。在新闻客户端平台方面,2019Q1中国手机新闻客户端市场格局保持稳定,腾讯新闻、今日头条月活用户数量均超2亿,以绝对领先优势位居行业前列。在客户端用户方面,新闻客户端用户中男性普遍占六成,高收入群体偏爱传统媒体类新闻客户端。在网络监管严格化的背景下,新闻客户端将回归真实本质,开启品质提升。同时,下沉市场开始觉醒,新闻资讯平台将以更贴近大众生活的新闻来获取三、四线城市用户,行业竞争加剧。
With the increasing penetration of Internet, mobile news App has gradually become the main source of information for Chinese. According to iiMedia Research, the scale of mobile news App users in China is expected to reach 693 million in 2019, which indicates huge market potential. In terms of news App, in 2019Q1, the pattern of China's mobile phone news App market remained stable. The monthly active users of Tencent news and Toutiao news both exceeded 200 million, which is at the leading position of the industry. In terms of users, male accounts for 60% of the news App users, whereas high-income groups prefer traditional media news App. Under the background of strict network supervision, news App will stick to truth and start quality improvement. At the same time, the sinking market began to wake up, news App will to present news that is more close to the public life to obtain users in third and fourth tier cities, leading to the intensification of industry competition. -
艾媒报告 |2019中国县级融媒体中心建设研究与分析报告
2018年8月,习总书记发表讲话强调“要扎实抓好县级融媒体中心建设”,即将媒体与政务、服务等业务相结合,形成包括媒体服务、党建服务、政务服务、公共服务和增值服务在内的五大服务。为推动中国县级融媒体中心建设发展,2019年中央补助地方公共文化体系建设专项资金预算数达147.1亿元,比2018年增长14.0%。目前中国县级融媒体中心已形成包括合作共建、独立自建和平台共享在内的三种主要模式,县级融媒体建设发展态势良好。中央广播电视总台上线全国县级融媒体智慧平台,北京、吉林等各地区探索出属于自身的发展模式,长兴传媒集团进行市场化创新发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,2019年县级融媒体言值指数达64.8,网民看好其发展建设,湖南、浙江地区最关注县级融媒体发展情况。但须注意,县级融媒体快速发展的同时仍存在运营乏力、内容生产缺乏原创和人才缺乏等问题。
In August 2018, president Xi Jinping emphasized that “we must do a good job in the construction of county-level media center”, that is, media, government, service and other businesses will be combined to form media services, party building services, government services, public services and value-added services. In order to promote the development of China's county-level integrated media center, the budget for the special fund for the construction of the local public cultural system in the central government reached 14.71 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 14.0% over 2018. At present, China's county-level fusion media center has formed three main modes including cooperation and co-construction, independent self-construction and platform sharing. The development of county-level integrated media is in good shape. The Central Radio and Television General Station launched the national county-level integrated media wisdom platform, and Beijing, Jilin and other regions explored their own development model. Changxing Media Group carried out market-oriented innovation and development. iiMedia Research monitoring found that in 2019, the county-level integration media index reached 64.8, netizens are optimistic about its development and construction, Hunan and Zhejiang regions are most concerned about the development of county-level media. However, it should be noted that at the same time as the rapid development of county-level media, there are still problems such as lack of operation, lack of originality in content production and lack of talents.
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