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In 2020, the state and local governments will intensively introduce policies to emphasize the positioning of "houses are used for living, not for speculation". Under this general trend, it is difficult to relax the control policies such as purchase restriction, loan restriction and sales restriction in the short term. It is expected that the real estate policy environment will continue to be tight in 2021. However, from the data of real estate land purchase area and construction area, the scale of land acquisition of real estate enterprises will grow steadily in 2020, and the newly started area will peak and fall. It is estimated that there will still be a strong growth momentum for real estate investment in 2021. (“iiMedia Report | Monthly operation and year-end inventory data monitoring report of China's real estate industry (Oct & Nov,2020)" full version has 51 pages, please click the Browse HD Report button on the right side of the article to browse the report )艾媒咨询|2020年8-9月中国房地产行业月度运行数据监测报告
With the gradual improvement in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the national real estate development investment has shown a trend of full recovery and steady growth since it first recovered in June. According to data, as of September 2020, the funds in place for real estate development enterprises were 13.3763 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.4%. However, due to the approaching winter, northern cities will gradually usher in a downtime. Therefore, the newly started area of houses has dropped by 3.40%.艾媒咨询|2020年6-7月中国房地产行业月度运行数据监测报告
From June to July 2020, the property market regulation will continue to adhere to the positioning of “no speculation in housing and housing”. Many places have successively introduced regulation and control policies on the property market to severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations in the real estate market and regulate the order of the real estate market. In July 2020, the urban housing prices of new houses in the three major cities of Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen ranked among the top three, while the average prices of Ningbo, Beijing and Fuzhou increased significantly.艾媒咨询|2020年4-5月中国房地产行业月度运行数据监测报告
Comprehensive April-May 2020, China's 70 large and medium-sized cities commercial housing sales price changes statistics found that during this period, the sales price of newly built commercial housing in various cities increased slightly, but the price is still higher than the same period last year Fall back.iiMedia Research believe that under the influence of the country's housing policy of "only live and not speculate", the housing prices of all cities are controlled. Although the housing demand has slightly increased due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, it is generally stable.
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