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自2020年起,国内外互联网头部企业纷纷入场元宇宙。而数据显示,从2017年到2021年,中国区块链支出增长约12.8倍;2021年中国VR终端硬件市场规模为136.4亿元,AR终端硬件市场规模为208.8亿元;2021年中国云计算产业规模达2109.5亿元,各领域的技术高速发展为元宇宙行业提供全面的技术支持 。但值得注意的是,目前元宇宙并无明确落地场景或者产品,市场和监管部门应当谨防炒作风险。
Since 2020, Internet leading enterprises at home and abroad have entered the meta universe one after another. The data show that from 2017 to 2021, China's blockchain expenditure increased by about 12.8 times; In 2021, the scale of China's VR terminal hardware market was 13.64 billion yuan, and the scale of AR terminal hardware market was 20.88 billion yuan; In 2021, the scale of China's cloud computing industry reached 210.95 billion yuan. The rapid development of technology in various fields provides comprehensive technical support for the meta universe industry. However, it is worth noting that at present, there is no clear landing scene or product in metauniverse, and the market and regulatory authorities should beware of the risk of speculation. -
2020年中国云计算市场规模达到1776.4亿人民币,2021年有望增至2330.6亿人民币。首先是新基建、数据化进程的推进,使行业得到新的发展动能。其次,新冠肺炎疫情的出现和延续,缩短了市场云服务的应用周期,行业迎来全面大爆发。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年全球企业更大程度地集中布局混合云领域,布局企业高达87%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,传统型企业、互联网企业的业务边界被打破的同时,传统型企业和私有云、互联网企业与公有云之间原有的紧密关系也随之被打破,混合云成为了大势所趋。同时,青云科技成功上市,映射了混合云市场价值被逐步释放。此外,云计算将全面覆盖于全行业,成为基础设施。同时,云计算将大面积与各产业之间进行深度融合,构建新的数字生产力,发挥协同效应,为企业和社会的发展提供新的动力。
The size of China's cloud computing market will reach 177.64 billion RMB in 2020, and is predicted to reach 233.06 billion RMB in 2021. First of all, the new infrastructure and the advancement of digitalization have given the industry new momentum of development. Secondly, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation and the continuation, shortened the cycle of cloud service application in the market, the industry will be a full-scale explosion. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 87% global enterprises invested in the field of hybrid cloud in 2020. The consulting analyst of iiMedia Research believe that while the business boundaries of traditional enterprises and Internet enterprises are broken, the original close relationship between traditional enterprises and private cloud has been broken and the relationship between Internet enterprises and public cloud has also been broken. Hybrid cloud has become the general trend in the industry of cloud computing. At the same time, the company called Qingyun technology successfully landed on STAR Market , which reflects the gradual release of hybrid cloud market value. In addition, cloud computing become an infrastructure in a whole industry. At the same time, cloud computing will be deeply integrated with various industries in a large area, build new digital productivity, create a synergistic effect, and provide new power for the development of enterprises and society.
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