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艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国小屏手机市场趋势与消费行为需求研究报告
From 2011 to 2023, China's smartphone shipments increased from the initial 95 million units to 276 million units, and domestic smartphone shipments showed a steady growth trend and are expected to reach 287 million units in 2024, an increase of 3.6%. Small-screen mobile phones are favored by consumers, and more than 50% of consumers focus on small-screen mobile phones. The core advantages of small-screen mobile phones are easy to carry (73.5%), easy to operate (54.4%) and comfortable to hold (45.2%). Consumers' satisfaction with small-screen mobile phones averages 4.2 points. At present, small-screen mobile phones can basically meet the all-round requirements of consumers and have broad market prospects. With the advancement of technology and the diversification of consumer demand, small-screen mobile phones are gradually moving from the middle market to the high-end market, becoming a new bright spot in the smart phone market. Technological innovation is the key factor to promote the high-end of small-screen mobile phones. At the same time, with the progress of technology, small screen mobile phones are no longer an island, but become the core of a multi-device interconnection intelligent ecosystem, this trend not only enhances the functionality of small screen mobile phones, but also brings consumers a more rich and convenient intelligent experience.艾媒咨询|2020年中国5G手机网民体验及态度调查报告
5G手机在2020年开始迅速扩大在市场的话语权。2020年截至7月,中国5G手机出货量累计达到7750.8万部,占智能手机总出货量的44.2%;上市5G新机型累计119款,占总上市机型的46.5%。而2019年全年5G手机出货量及上市新机型分别仅为1376.9万部及35款。5G手机在市场渗透率的上升最主要因素还是在于各大厂商跟进新款产品的时候转向5G赛道,导致消费者在购买新机时被动接受5G手机产品。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户购买5G手机最主要原因在于正常更替手机,占比41.6%。而非5G手机用户中,73.3%认为现阶段大众没有购买5G手机的必要。5G手机目前未体现出明显优于其他主流智能手机的特性,相反,5G通信套餐价格昂贵、商用城市较少,均使置换5G手机的性价比较低,阻碍其市场普及。未来只有从需求端出发激发消费者刚需,将5G在通信传输方面的优势在智能手机体现,同时挖掘能够依靠5G手机搭载的杀手级应用产品,才能加速5G手机普及。
5G smartphone rapidly expand its discourse power in the market in 2020. YTD 5G smartphone shipments were 77.508 million units, represented 44.2% of the total shipment. The total number of new models were 119, accounting for 46.5% of the total new models. Comparatively, total 5G smartphone shipments and new models released in 2019 were 13.769 million and 35. The main reason for the increase of 5G mobile smartphone market penetration is that the major manufacturers turn to compete in the 5G market when they released the new products, which led to consumers’ passively acceptance 5G smartphone. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 41.6% of the interviewees purchased 5G smartphone because of the normal replacement of the mobile phones. However, 73.3% of non-5G smartphone users think that it is not necessary for the public to buy 5G smartphone at this stage. At present, 5G mobile smartphone do not show obvious advantages over other mainstream smartphones. On the contrary, the high traffic pricing of 5G smartphone and the lack of commercial cities make the replacement of 5G smartphone with low cost performance, and thus hinder its market popularization. In the future, only by standing from the demand side, reflecting the advantages of 5G in communication transmission in smartphones, and developing killer application that can only rely on 5G smartphones, can we accelerate its popularization.艾媒报告 |2019全球智能终端生态与华为鸿蒙系统市场机会调查报告
On May 21, 2019, Huawei announced that its independently-developed operating system ““Huawei Hongmeng““ would be available in the fall of 2019 at the earliest, which immediately attracted wide attention from the public. in the context of the shrinking global smartphone market, Huawei's market share jumped to the second place in the global smartphone market in the first quarter of 2019. The development of the operating system may be directly related to the trade war between China and the United States. US sanctions on a number of Chinese technology companies have accelerated the pace of their technological self-reliance. As for Huawei's self-developed Hongmeng operating system, nearly 90% of Chinese enterprises believe that self-developed operating system is necessary, and more than 90% of Internet users and enterprises support Huawei to develop its own operating system. Analysts in iiMedia believe that the key to the development of self-research system is to solve the problem of ecological construction. Against the background of trade war, it is necessary to strengthen the research and development of core technologies. Launching a new operating system at a time when 5G technology is maturing is also a good development opportunity for Huawei.艾媒研报|传音控股:海外手机市场竞争加剧,“非洲之王”考验升级
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年全球手机整体出货量为18.91亿部,同比下降4.4%,其中智能手机出货量为14.05亿部,同比下降4.2%。中国作为全球第一大手机市场,萎缩程度较全球市场更为剧烈。2018年中国智能手机出货量为3.9亿部,较2017年下降11.7%,存量竞争加剧。与此同时,以非洲和印度为代表的新兴市场国家,正处在人口红利释放期,手机普及率整体偏低,且以功能机为主。数据显示,2018年非洲市场智能手机渗透率维持在三成水平,而印度的智能手机渗透率仅为28%。新兴国家人口红利带来的增量市场以及存量市场的升级需求显示出手机市场仍有较大发展潜力,吸引了手机巨头们的目光,它们纷纷加大力度开拓新兴市场。2018年中国品牌智能手机海外销售占比增长至40%。随着中国主要品牌“出海”步伐的加速,传音控股的错位市场竞争战略逐渐失效,它将面临多个巨头品牌的正面较量,竞争更加激烈。
According to iiMedia Research, global mobile phone shipments in 2018 were 1.891 billion, down 4.4% from a year earlier, of which smartphone shipments were 1.405 billion, down 4.2% from a year earlier. As the world's largest mobile phone market, China has contracted more sharply than the global market. In 2018, China shipped 390 million smartphones, down 11.7% from 2017, and the stock competition intensified. At the same time, emerging market countries, represented by Africa and India, are in the period of demographic dividend release. Mobile phone penetration rate is generally low, and mainly functional machines. Data show that smartphone penetration in Africa remained at 33% in 2018, compared with 28% in India. Incremental market and upgrading demand of stock market brought by demographic dividend in emerging countries show that the mobile phone market still has great development potential, which attracts the attention of mobile phone giants, who have increased their efforts to explore emerging markets. Overseas sales of Chinese brand smartphones increased to 40% in 2018. With the acceleration of the pace of ““going to sea““ of China's major brands, Transsion's dislocation market competition strategy is gradually ineffective. It will face a positive competition among several giant brands, and the competition will become more intense.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国智能手机品牌东南亚市场研究报告
随着中国智能手机市场用户红利接近尾声,市场趋于饱和,中国智能手机品牌逐渐将竞争的主战场向海外转移,纷纷走上“出海”战略,而东南亚的巨大潜力使得其成为各个智能手机品牌的主要发力点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年小米市场份额荣登印度榜首,在印尼市场,小米、vivo份额大幅增长,OPPO在泰国市场强势扩张。未来,东南亚市场各个智能手机品牌竞争将进一步加剧,品牌高调、渠道下沉将成为主要竞争手段。除此之外,智能手机品牌在重点投入4G的同时将积极应对5G变革。
As the user bonus of Chinese smart phone market comes to an end and the market tends to be saturated, Chinese smart phone brands gradually shift the main battlefield of competition to overseas and embark on the strategy of “going to sea“ one after another. The huge potential of southeast Asia makes it the main starting point for all smart phone brands. According to data from iiMedia Research, xiaomi topped the list in India in market share in 2018. In Indonesia, xiaomi and vivo saw their market share increase significantly, while OPPO expanded strongly in Thailand. In the future, the competition among various smart phone brands in the southeast Asian market will be further intensified, and high-profile brands and sinking channels will become the main means of competition. In addition, smart phone brands will actively respond to 5G revolution while focusing on 4G investment.艾媒报告 |2019年中国柔性显示产业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
政策支持和技术进步共同推动中国柔性显示产业快速发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,2018年中国柔性显示游产业链各个环节相关企业营收均超亿元,相关上市公司中京东方A(000725.SZ)的网络关注度最高,隆华科技(300263.SZ)的网络口碑最好。但由于技术门槛高等相关因素影响,中国柔性显示产业上游发展基础薄弱,产业存在发展不成熟、技术欠缺和市场份额不足等问题。
The scale of China's bio-pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, and the proportion of bio-pharmaceutical output in the pharmaceutical industry continues to rise. In 2017, the total output value of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in China's park was about 1.5 trillion yuan. At present, China's biomedical industry has formed three major clusters, including the Bohai Rim region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Pearl River Delta region, and the industrial agglomeration effect is outstanding. China's bio-pharmaceutical industry is in a stage of rapid development. In 2018, many head-to-head listed companies in biomedical related fields such as monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines all exceeded 100 million yuan, achieving year-on-year growth. According to iiMedia Research, netizens in Shanghai are most concerned about the biomedical industry, and 40.9% of netizens surveyed support the application of transgenic technology in the pharmaceutical field. Among the heads of monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines, Fuhong Hanlin as well as Weiguang Bio and Lidmanthe has the best online reputation,iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that in the future, the combination of artificial intelligence with new drug research and the fierce competition among head enterprises is an important trend in the development of China's biomedical industry.艾媒报告|2018中国智能手机市场竞争态势与用户行为数据监测报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年第三季度中国智能手机出货量同比下降明显,中国智能手机的市场存量份额大部分由iPhone、华为、OPPO、vivo以及小米占有,其中iPhone占28.9%,华为占17.1%。2018年中国TOP5手机品牌中,华为手机的网民口碑最佳,iPhone发布会的热度以及传播力度最强,但获得的网友差评最多。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed,the Chinese shipment of smart phone in the third season in 2018 declined obviously year-on-year.The top 5 smart phone brands—iPhone,Huawei,OPPO,vivo and Xiaomi dominate the most market share in China,with iPhone accounting for 28.9%and Huawei accounting for 17.1%.Huawei owns the best public praise from the Internet in the top 5 smart phone brands,while iPhone got the most discussing and the most powerful dissemination but the most negative comment form its new product release meeting in 2018.艾媒舆情|企业声援华为抵制苹果事件舆情监测分析报告
The detention of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Canada has aroused the collective concern of netizens. Many downstream industry suppliers have sent messages in support of Huawei, and some even boycotted Apple.Iimedia big data public opinion monitoring system found that after the initial fermentation in Weibo, the event spread rapidly through the PC site, and the thermal index reached its peak on December 10.
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