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艾媒报告| 2018-2023全球及中国高端保险产业运行大数据与标杆案例分析报告
In 2018, the global insurance premium (excluding health insurance) was 3.66 trillion euros, up 3.30% year on year. On the Chinese side, life insurance and property insurance are developing on a dual track. With the increase in the proportion of people with high net worth, the high-end insurance market has begun to develop. According to AI media consulting analysts, the most important concern of China's high-end insurance target customers is also the pursuit of wealth inheritance and safety. Especially in the new situation of unstable international situation, the preservation and safety of financial market and property has become one of the most concerned topics for China's high-end insurance target customers. Moreover, more than half of the interviewees said that they had already begun to prepare or were in the process of making relevant arrangements for wealth inheritance. At the same time, high-end medical insurance is also one of the important attractions of high-end insurance.