本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:梦想加,氪空间,ATLAS 寰图
2022年中国联合办公市场规模预计将达到2273.5亿元,未来联合办公的市场规模有望进一步扩大。首先是全球联合办公空间数量仍呈现持续增长趋势。随着中国办公模式的消费升级,行业市场规模将继续扩张。在此基础上,中国联合办公行业将进一步整合,市场资源向少数头部企业聚集,精细化的运营管理竞争将变得激烈。尽管行业发展潜力巨大,中国联合办公行业企业普遍存在盈利模式的单一问题。如何通过企业增值服务拓展盈利渠道,寻求多元化盈利模式转变,将是行业内接下来的发展重点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,51.6%的用户期望联合办公企业能够增加税务、法律、知识产权等企业代理或咨询服务,超七成用户表示会继续使用联合办公行业空间服务,且使用意愿不会下降。随着智能应用进程的快速发展与运营管理等增值服务的不断拓展,联合办公行业精细化的服务品质将得到发展,对目标客群的吸引力也将得到提高。
The size of China's co-working office market is expected to reach 227.35 billion yuan in 2022, and the market size of co-working offices is expected to further expand in the future. First, the number of global co-working spaces is still showing a continuous growth trend. With the consumption upgrade of China's office model, the industry market scale will continue to expand. On this basis, China's co-working industry will be further integrated, market resources will be concentrated in a few leading companies, and competition for refined operation management will become fierce. Despite the huge potential for industry development, companies in the co-working industry in China generally have a single problem with their profit model. How to expand profit channels through enterprise value-added services and seek diversified profit model changes will be the next development focus in the industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, 51.6% of users expect co-working companies to increase tax, legal, intellectual property and other corporate agency or consulting services, and over 70% of users said they will continue to use co-working space services and are willing to use it. Will not fall. With the rapid development of intelligent application process and the continuous expansion of value-added services such as operation management, the refined service quality of the joint office industry will be developed, and the attractiveness of the target customer group will also be improved.艾媒报告|2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告
2020年3月20日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国就业创业环境进行分析。并且,本报告对1377名求职者和370名招聘方展开问卷调研,分析2020年中国就业创业市场以及对受新冠疫情影响程度进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2019年中国CIER指数低于去年水平,显示就业竞争较为激烈,就业信心较低。城镇新增就业人数、就业困难人员就业人数等数据都呈现同比下降趋势。与此同时,2019年裁员潮愈演愈烈。这是由于一方面,2019年大环境不景气,许多企业都减少了招聘的数量,开始进行不同规模的裁员,不少企业甚至倒闭。另一方面,高校毕业生等人数不断增加,适龄劳动力不断涌入就业市场。
The downturn in the big environment in 2019, many companies have reduced the number of hiring, began to lay off employees of different sizes, and many companies even closed down. The outbreak in 2020 further increased employment pressure, making the employment situation even more severe. Under the active guidance of government policies, it is believed that the subsequent economy will gradually recover, the entrepreneurial environment will improve, new business opportunities will be continuously explored, and the industry may enter a period of historical opportunities.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国宠物经济运行现状与发展趋势研究报告
其他企业/品牌:铃铛宠物、E宠商城、小狗在家、爱宠医生、佩蒂股份、雀巢普瑞纳、天地荟、Freshpet 、JM smucker、皇家、麦富迪、比瑞吉、玛氏、伯纳天纯、ORIJEN、顽皮、珍宝、耐威克、多尼斯、中央花园和宠物、UNICHARMCORP、波奇宠物、有宠、小佩宠物、阿闻、淘宠网、萌窝。
2020年6月12日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1年中国宠物经济运行现状与发展趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,并且通过草莓派数据调查与计算系统调研对中国宠物经济运行进行分析,着重分析宠物交易、宠物食品、宠物用品、宠物医疗、宠物生活服务和宠物应用App等领域,以及中宠股份、普瑞生物、新瑞鹏集团等典型案例。随着宠物地位的提高以及情感寄托的增加,在宠物食品消费外,宠物主还乐于尝试美容、摄影、寄养、保险、训练等新兴消费方式,极大地推动了宠物产业链服务市场的发展。目前,如宠物网红、宠物咖啡店、宠物主题乐园也受到年轻人追捧,新经济形式不断出现。
iiMedia Research data show that china's pet market size in 2019 reached 221.2 billion yuan, is expected to reach 295.3 billion yuan in 2020, from the proportion of all types of pet families, cats and dogs are still the main pet type. At the same time, the sales of pet supplies also have a clear upward trend, insect supplies sales line growth of more than 200% YoY, hamsters, climbing pet, rabbit supplies online sales growth of nearly 100% YoY.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国联合办公行业白皮书
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:氪空间,优客工场,梦想加,Bee+,纳什空间,ATLAS 寰图,wework中国,WE+酷窝,SOHO 3Q,滴滴出行,字节跳动,快手,新氧美容,五粮液,中粮集团,顺丰速递,中民投,IDG资本,普思资本,前海梧桐,鸥翎,愉悦资本,M31 Management,山东国惠,丝路华创,高瓴资本,泛大西洋,景荣控股,路劲产业,全明星投资,易凯资本,龙熙房地产,IDG资本,歌斐资本,逸星资本,Ocean Link ,珠海大横琴集团
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,联合办公行业市场规模约为1267.2亿元,预计到2022年有望突破4000亿元。2019年中国联合办公行业经历深度洗牌,行业由大规模扩张转向精细化运营阶段,品牌之间呈现分化趋势,拥有精细化运营管理能力的品牌更具发展潜力。在综合竞争力方面,梦想加、优客工场、wework中国位列前三。在租户使用联合办公产品的联合调查中,66.7%的受访租户表示提升效率是主要原因;40.2%的租户因灵活便利而选择联合办公产品;30.4%的租户透露节约成本是其使用联合办公产品的主要原因。艾媒咨询分析认为,未来随着产品服务质量提高,市场接受度趋于上升,在智能技术的加持下,办公环境将走向高效智能化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, the market size of the Joint Office Industry is about 126.72 billion yuan, and it will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2022. In 2019, the Joint Office Industry in China has undergone in-depth reshuffle. The industry has shifted from a large-scale expansion to a refined operation stage. Brands are showing a trend of differentiation. The stronger the refined operation management capabilities, the greater the brand's development potential. In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, Mydreamplus, Ucommune, and Wework China are among the top three. In the survey of the reasons for tenants using co-working products, 66.7% of the interviewed tenants stated that high efficiency was the main reason; 40.2% of the tenants chose co-working products for its flexibility and convenience; 30.4% of the tenants revealed that cost savings are the main reason for using co-working products. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in the future, with the improvement of product and service quality, the acceptance of co-working market tends to rise. With the blessing of intelligent technology, the office environment will move towards efficient and intelligent.艾媒报告|2019中国宠物经济运行状况与投资价值研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,“宠物”一词在全国各地都受关注,而广东省的相关资讯最多,占12.81%。随着宠物角色向家庭成员转变,“拟人化”的宠物服务与宠物用品行业兴起,宠物行业形成了食品宠物饲养、宠物交易、宠物食品、宠物用品、宠物医疗、宠物服务的细分领域。宠物食品行业发展成熟,2018年,佩蒂股份企业营收达8.7亿元,同比增长37.5%。宠物美容、宠物玩具、宠物服饰、宠物智能家居等成为风口。宠物医疗方面,宠物医院出现连锁化趋势。截至2019年5月,瑞鹏宠物医院超400家,瑞派宠物医院超300家。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国宠物经济相关产业已逐渐完善,并正在兴起宠物网红、宠物主题餐馆、宠物社交、品牌店连锁化等。
iiMedia Research shows that people in all over the country pay attention to “pet”, and the information provided by Guangdong Province are the most,which is 12.81%.As the role of pet turns into family member, some goods and services that treats pet as human has been a hit. In the segmenting field of pet industry, the pet food industry developed maturely. The income of Petpal Pet Nutrition Technology reached 87 billion yuan in 2018, with the growth of 37.5%.Besides,Pet Beauty , Pet Toy, Pet Adornment, Pet Smart Home and the like become popular. In the field of Pet Medical Treatment, pet hospital shows the trend of linkage. By the end of May,2019,the amount of Ruipeng Pet Heal Thcare Group’s subsidiary is more than 400 and Ruipai Pet Hospital expanded to 300.iiMedia Research analyst believes that the related industry of pet economy in China has gradually become perfect, and “Pet Red”,Pet Theme Restaurant, Pet Social and the brand store chain of pet spring up.艾媒研报|优客工场:独角兽扩张快,“二房东”摘帽难
The data shows that in 2018, the number of Chinese market entities was 110 million, of which the number of SMEs exceeded 70 million. They have a large demand for office space. Along with the economic development and the change of concept, the demand for office space of enterprises gradually shows the characteristics of cost reduction and experience upgrade. In this context, the joint office space upgrades and replaces traditional commercial real estate with a model that can better address user pain points and meet user needs, and gradually exhibits rigid characteristics. It is estimated that the scale of China's joint office market will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2020. . At present, China's joint office enterprises mainly focus on Internet-based start-ups and some real estate brands, which are widely distributed in first-tier cities and continue to radiate to second-tier cities. In terms of market share, head players have already occupied a third of the country's share, and market concentration is expected to increase further. As a unicorn enterprise in the joint office field in China, Ucommune has great potential for development due to its own resource integration capability and scale advantage, but its single revenue structure, unstable cash flow, and operational management capabilities will be the major problems that need to be solved to overcome its opponents.艾媒报告|2019中国网络游戏企业社会责任感专题研究报告
iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国手机游戏市场规模接近1500亿元,较2017年增长26.4%,而对于游戏行业整体而言,2018年增速仅为5.3%。近年游戏行业发展繁荣主要由手机游戏高速增长所致,目前行业头部企业如腾讯游戏、网易游戏均在手游领域投入巨大。2018年收入前50手游新品中,腾讯、网易研发的游戏合计收入占比达到44.4%。近年来,中国游戏企业重视企业形象和社会责任,iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,社会责任感TOP50网络游戏企业中,三分之二来自于北上广深一线城市。在企业上市情况方面,A股上市企业占比高达56.0%,经济效益对于企业发挥社会责任感起到关键作用。腾讯游戏、多益网络社会责任感得分分别为上市企业和非上市企业之首,头部企业更需发挥行业领头作用,树立良好业内形象。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China mobile game market in 2018 is close to 150 billion yuan, with an increase of 26.4% over 2017. While for the whole game industry, the growth rate in 2018 is only 5.3%. In recent years, the development and prosperity of the game industry is mainly caused by the rapid growth of mobile games market. At present, leading enterprises in the industry, such as Tencent games and Netease games, have invested tremendous amounts in the field of mobile games. Tencent and Netease accounted for 44.4% of the total revenue of the top 50 mobile games in 2018. In recent years, Chinese game companies attach great importance to corporate image and social responsibility. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, two-thirds of TOP50 online game companies with most social responsibility come from first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. As for the listing situation of enterprises, the proportion of A-share listed enterprises is as high as 56.0%. Economic benefits play a key role in the social responsibility of enterprises. Tencent Game and Duoyi Network have the highest scores of social responsibility for listed and non-listed enterprises respectively. Head enterprises need to play a leading role in the industry and establish a good image in the industry.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国知识付费行业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
2018年知识付费行业在中国蓬勃发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年知识付费用户规模达2.92亿人,预计2019年知识付费用户规模将达3.87亿人。然而面临产品打开率和复购率缩水、缺乏内容筛选和推广体系等行业困境,艾媒咨询分析师认为,纵横向复购版图扩张或成知识付费可持续发展关键。
Since the first year of knowledge payment in 2016, the scale of China's knowledge paying users has been growing at a high speed. According to iiMedia Research, the number of knowledge paying users reached 292 million in 2018. It is estimated that the number of knowledge paying users will reach 387 million in 2019. Under the driving factors of policy strengthening intellectual copyright protection, online payment popularization to support knowledge payment, national output seeking to realize cash export and consumption upgrade driving culture expenditure, the knowledge payment market is expanding, but the industry faces product opening rate and repurchase rate. In the face of shrinkage, lack of content screening and promotion systems, knowledge-paying companies are seeking further development, such as the IP operation strategy of Himalayan FM, and Qianliao is translating from knowledge-based payment tools to knowledge-based payment platforms. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the horizontal re-purchase of the paid knowledge products and the vertical re-purchase joint expansion may become the key to the sustainable development of knowledge payment.艾媒报告 |2019中国3.15消费者权益调查报告游戏篇
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国游戏行业用户规模达到6.26亿人,用户规模持续扩大但增速放缓。在目前游戏权益相关政策放严的形势下,头部平台开始发力内容监管机制,并注重对未成年人游戏用户进行引导。48.4%的受访用户表示遭遇过权益受损,其中仅有46.3%的用户进行维权,游戏维权机制亟待完善。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the user scale of the China Game industry has reached 626 million. While the scale of users is expanding, the growth process is slowing down. Leading platforms start to improve their content supervision mechanism and instructions towards juveniles, given the strict policy supervision. 48.4% of the interviewed users indicate they have encountered infringement of rights while only 46.4% of the interviewed users have defended their rights. Therefore, right-safeguard mechanism in the games industry should be perfected.