中国香港正在面临劳动人口减少及产业升级挑战,身份规划服务市场呈现显著增长态势。2023年,通过各个人才引进计划,香港吸引了超过22万份新申请,其中约13.5万宗获得批准,获批率达61.3%,揭示了身份规划服务需求的强劲增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)的调研指出,该市场的主要客户群体为高学历、高收入的中青年人士,多数拥有学龄子女,其子女的年龄段大多集中在幼儿园和小学阶段。在选择服务时,客户最重视机构的专业性(61.6%)、成功案例(54.4%),以及“一站式”服务的便捷性(40.2%)。市场正向综合服务模式转变,服务机构正致力于提供涵盖税务规划、财富管理、子女教育等在内的全方位配套服务,实现真正意义上的“一站式”服务体验,推动行业服务标准升级。
Hong Kong, China, is facing the challenges of declining labor force and industrial upgrading, and the identity planning service market is showing significant growth. In 2023, Hong Kong attracted more than 220,000 new applications through various talent introduction schemes, of which about 135,000 were approved, with an approval rate of 61.3%, revealing a strong growth in demand for identity planning services. According to iiMedia Research, the main customer groups in this market are young and middle-aged people with high education and high incomes, most of whom have school-age children, and most of their children are concentrated in kindergarten and primary school. When choosing services, clients value the professionalism of the institution (61.6%), successful cases (54.4%), and the convenience of "one-stop" service (40.2%). The market is changing to a comprehensive service model, and service providers are committed to providing a full range of supporting services covering tax planning, wealth management, children's education, etc., to achieve a truly "one-stop" service experience and promote the upgrading of industry service standards.艾媒咨询|2023年中国预制菜产业发展蓝皮书
全球家居市场规模在2010年至2025年间整体呈上升趋势,2023年已达5192.9亿美元,预计2025年达5546.6亿美元。互联网技术的不断演进正引领家居售后服务行业的数字化升级,促进供需双方更高效精准匹配,并促进了线上线下服务融合的新模式。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国互联网家居售后服务市场发展白皮书》数据显示,随着企业采用轻资产运营策略并依托第三方服务平台增强服务效能,服务效率成为46.7%消费者选择互联网家居服务平台的首要考量。面对消费者日益多元且个性化的服务需求,互联网家居售后服务平台在继续提供优质传统服务的基础上,正积极拓展服务边界,旨在全方位满足消费者瞬息万变的一站式个性化定制服务诉求,构建起更加契合时代潮流的家居售后服务生态。
The global home furnishing market has shown an overall upward trend from 2010 to 2025, reaching $519.29 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $554.66 billion by 2025. The continuous evolution of Internet technology is leading the digital upgrading of the home after-sales service industry, promoting more efficient and accurate matching between supply and demand, and promoting a new model of online and offline service integration. According to the latest Research Report 2024 White Paper on the Development of China's Internet home after-sales service market Market released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry,as enterprises adopt asset light operation strategies and rely on third-party service platforms to enhance service efficiency, service efficiency has become the primary consideration for 46.7% of consumers to choose Internet home service platforms. In the face of consumers' increasingly diversified and personalized service needs, the Internet home after-sales service platform is actively expanding its service boundaries on the basis of continuing to provide high-quality traditional services, aiming to meet consumers' ever-changing demands for one-stop personalized customization services in an all-round way, and build a more responsive home after-sales service ecosystem.艾媒咨询|2023-2024年全球及中国跨境电商运营数据及典型企业分析研究报告
At present, the global cross-border e-commerce has entered a new stage of rapid development. Data show that in the past five years, the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce has shown a growth trend, rapid growth in 2019-2020, the growth rate in the past two years, but the overall scale is still increasing year by year, and the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce reached 1.7 trillion yuan in the first three quarters of 2023. Global trade activity continues to rise and external demand shows signs of picking up. The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and the continuous promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative have made the cooperation between the railway, port, customs and other departments increasingly close, which has played an important role in further promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce, and the development of emerging markets is strong. With the formation of online shopping habits in countries or regions around the world, its cross-border e-commerce market has great potential for development, attracting a large number of Chinese e-commerce enterprises, and the development of e-commerce economy will also usher in a spurt of development.
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