报告全文内容共计375页、207126字、251个图表。艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国家装行业消费者需求调研报告
当前,随着生活水平的提升与消费需求的变化,家装行业已逐渐成为备受关注的消费领域,市场规模在不断增长。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家装行业消费行为调研报告》数据显示,超过七成的消费者在装修时既会考虑硬装又会考虑软装,足以看出消费者对其房屋装修的重视程度。在此背景下,家装市场吸引了众多参与者,各家机构和工作室争先恐后出不穷,其中最受消费者青睐的是半包装修(52.71%),其次是全包装修(32.76%)。就购买的家具类型而言,目前消费者最多购买支撑类家具(85.10%)、贮藏类家具(84.62%)等。在智能家装方面,中国消费者最感兴趣的是智能马桶的水温调节功能,高度关注智能门锁的指纹识别功能。艾媒咨询分析师认为,尽管家装市场前景广阔,但竞争也异常激烈,并且消费者对行业整体服务和智能化程度的要求也逐步增高。企业要想在这个市场中脱颖而出,需持续深入地洞察消费者需求,不断创新设计和材料,推出更多符合消费者期待的家装产品和服务。
At present, with the improvement of living standards and changes in consumer demand, the home improvement industry has gradually become a consumer field that has attracted much attention, and the market scale is growing. According to the latest "2024 China Home Decoration Industry Consumer Behavior Research Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, more than seventy percent of consumers will consider both hard and soft decoration when decorating, which is enough to see how many consumers attach importance to their home decoration. In this context, the home improvement market has attracted many participants, with various institutions and studios scrambling to emerge, among which the most popular among consumers is semi-packaged repair (52.71%), followed by full packaging repair (32.76%). In terms of the type of furniture purchased, at present, consumers buy the most support furniture (85.10%), storage furniture (84.62%), etc. In terms of smart home improvement, Chinese consumers are the most interested in the water temperature adjustment function of smart toilets, and they are highly concerned about the fingerprint recognition function of smart door locks. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that although the home improvement market has broad prospects, the competition is also extremely fierce, and consumers' requirements for the overall service and intelligence of the industry are gradually increasing. In order to stand out in this market, companies need to continue to gain in-depth insight into consumer needs, continuously innovate designs and materials, and launch more home improvement products and services that meet consumer expectations.艾媒咨询|2021-2024年中国月子中心行业市场需求与投资规划分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国月子中心市场规模自2013年的17.8亿元到2019年的179.8亿元,中国月子中心的市场规模年均复合增长率在47%左右。结合中国当前人口生育率情况来看,以及近期三孩政策的推出,2021年后人口生育率可能小幅上升趋势,因此,月子中心的市场规模也会随之增长,预计2023年将达到243亿元的市场规模。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前月子中心正处于蓬勃发展阶段,预计未来一段时间仍保持增长趋势;但是由于行业水平参差不齐,并且还没有形成完备的市场监管标准,因此在2021年后月子服务行业会处于调整期,增速放缓。
According to the data of iimedia research, the market scale of China's month care center has increased from 1.78 billion yuan in 2013 to 17.98 billion yuan in 2019, with an average annual compound growth rate of about 47%. Combined with China's current fertility rate and the recent introduction of the three child policy, the fertility rate may rise slightly after 2021. Therefore, the market scale of the child care center will also grow, and it is expected to reach 24.3 billion yuan in 2023. AI media consulting analysts believe that at present, the confinement center is in a stage of vigorous development, and is expected to maintain a growth trend for some time in the future; However, due to the uneven level of the industry and the lack of a complete market regulatory standard, after 2021, the growth rate of the service industry will slow down.艾媒报告|2020-2021后疫时代中国家用陶瓷行业产业环境与市场发展机会调查分析报告
The development of China's ceramic industry is facing serious difficulties. Data show that in 2018 China's 137 large-scale construction ceramics enterprises closed down, and several major ceramic tile production areas have ceased production. Among them, the output of Henan and Guangdong declined significantly. Affected by the new crown epidemic, the global ceramic industry is facing a crisis in 2020, and the output of Chinese ceramics has declined in the first quarter, and foreign trade exports have also been affected. Therefore, the company ’s operating income capital inflow has been greatly reduced, and the cash flow of SMEs is facing great challenges .艾媒研报 |齐家网(齐屹科技 01739.HK):从“传统电商平台”到“互联网赋能生态”的跨越
互联网家装行业市场空间巨大,仍处于早期发展阶段。iiMedia Reserach(艾媒咨询)预计2020年中国互联网家装市场规模超5000亿元,年复合增长率超过20%,目前,小公司、小作坊甚至个体户仍然是家装行业的主力军,且家装流程长,难以标准化,客户和装修企业痛点明显。齐家网以平台为核心,连接家装行业大量优质企业,形成了互联网家装中的齐家生态,并围绕用户端及装修公司端开展“赋能战略”。齐家网的一站式服务,为消费者提供了一个更便捷、可靠的选择。同时,平台为装修服务商及供应商源源不断推荐客户,并提供行业基础设施、VR软件以及ERP系统,节省交易和交付时间。在2018年,齐家网公布了“SSF”战略,将在商家端和用户端两端同时发力,最大化地满足用户和商家的需求。
Internet home decoration industry has huge market potential and It is still in the early stage of development. IiMedia Research predicts that the Chinese Internet home decoration market will exceed 500 billion yuan in 2020, with an annual compound growth rate of more than 20%. At present, small companies, small workshops and even individual households are still the main force in the home decoration industry, and the process of home decoration is long and difficult to standardize. The pain points of customers and decoration enterprises are obvious. Qeeka Home, which takes platform as the core, links a large number of high-quality enterprises in the home decoration industry, and forms Qeeka Home ecology, that could carried out “enabling strategy“ around users and decoration companies in the Internet home decoration industry. Qeeka Home's one-stop service provides consumers with a more convenient and reliable choice. At the same time, the platform continuously recommends customers for decoration service providers and suppliers, and provides industry infrastructure, VR software and ERP system. All of these save transaction and delivery time for decoration service providers and suppliers. In 2018, Qeeka Home announced the “SSF“ strategy, which will work at both ends of the business side and the user side to maximize the needs of users and businesses.