艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国服饰产品消费行为调查数据
时尚潮流的兴起让服饰成为时尚文化的重要载体,设计师品牌层出不穷,引领着全球服饰消费趋势。近年来,随着环保意识的增强和科技的飞速发展,可持续、智能化服饰逐渐崭露头角,为行业发展注入新活力。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国服饰产品消费行为调查数据》数据显示,在各类服饰风格中,休闲风以 36.93% 的占比拔得头筹,成为最受消费者青睐的风格,这一数据直观地反映出消费者在日常穿着中,对舒适感的强烈追求。而在材质选择方面,棉质凭借其独特优势,以 32.06% 的占比位居榜首,清晰地展现出中国消费者对于棉质服饰的高度偏好。艾媒咨询分析师认为,未来,服饰企业将继续加大研发投入,推出更多创新产品。在款式设计上,将融合多元文化元素和时尚潮流,打造个性化、差异化的产品。在材质应用上,将更多采用环保、智能、功能性面料,提升产品品质和附加值。例如,可降解面料、智能变色面料、具有健康监测功能的面料等将逐渐应用于服饰产品中。
The rise of fashion trends makes clothing become an important carrier of fashion culture, and designer brands emerge in an endless stream, leading the global fashion consumption trend. In recent years, with the enhancement of environmental awareness and the rapid development of science and technology, sustainable and intelligent clothing has gradually emerged, injecting new vitality into the development of the industry. According to the latest Survey data of consumption behavior of Chinese clothing products in 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, leisure style ranks first with 36.93% of all types of clothing styles, becoming the most favored style by consumers. This data directly reflects consumers' strong pursuit of comfort in their daily wear. In terms of material selection, cotton, with its unique advantages, ranked first with 32.06%, clearly showing the high preference of Chinese consumers for cotton clothing. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that in the future, clothing companies will continue to increase investment in research and development and launch more innovative products. In style design, it will integrate multi-cultural elements and fashion trends to create personalized and differentiated products. In the material application, more environmentally friendly, intelligent and functional fabrics will be used to improve product quality and added value. For example, degradable fabrics, smart color-changing fabrics, and fabrics with health monitoring functions will gradually be used in clothing products.艾媒咨询|2021年中国口腔医院产业细分领域及总趋势分析报告
In 2020, affected by the epidemic, the overall revenue of the oral medical industry decreased. In this context, the expansion momentum of national oral chain has slowed down and may sink to Tier 3 and 4 cities. At the same time, capital will gradually become rational in the layout of the dental industry, and the existing economic bubble in the dental industry will be effectively squeezed out. The overall concentration of the oral medical industry is low, and the market share of the top five institutions is low. Although the expansion of the industry chain is suspended due to the epidemic situation, with the continuous development of the industry, chain oral institutions will continue to become the focus of the development of oral medical institutions.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国快销食品行业发展现状及消费者行为洞察报告
快销食品行业是推动国内外经济双循环的重要环节。当前,快销食品也积极追求健康化、品质化、高端化的发展趋势,并且积极利用直播、短视频等模式催化线上经济的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为2019年中国休闲食品行业市场规模达到10556亿元,同比增长6.10%,预计2020年将超过11000亿元。
The fast-moving food industry is an important link in promoting the double cycle of domestic and foreign economies. At present, fast-moving foods are also actively pursuing the development trend of health, quality and high-end, and actively use live broadcast, short video and other modes to catalyze the development of the online economy. According to iiMedia Research's analysis, the market size of China's snack food industry reached 1,055.6 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 6.10% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 1,100 billion yuan in 2020.艾媒咨询|2020年中国饰品行业发展现状及消费者习惯分析报告
In order to promote the development of the jewelry industry, a series of policies have been issued from the central and local governments to provide a broader development space for the jewelry industry in terms of industrial support and financial support. However, affected by the epidemic, from January to July 2020, China's total retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry consumer goods was 115 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20.0%. With the continuous improvement of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation and the implementation of various consumer promotion policies, China's gold, silver and jewelry market is expected to pick up in the second half of the year.艾媒报告|2019年中国电影市场运行状况及2020发展趋势研究报告
The box office in 2019 is closely related to the subject matter, schedule and actors. From the perspective of themes, among the top 50 domestic films in 2019, by category, the number of story-type films is the largest, with a total of 37. Among them, biographical films that reflect the mainstream ideology fit the theme of the era and resonate with the patriotism of the audience. And got a good box office income. From the perspective of the date, the “New Year” and “Summer Season”movies in 2019 have not been as powerful as in previous years, and this year coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. “National Day Archives” have more high-quality, high-profile theme movies. In October The number of moviegoers increased by 120% year-on-year.艾媒报告|2020中国新春消费趋势研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020中国春节黄金周消费规模将继续保持稳定增长,达到11034亿元 ,新春成为中国最大的消费场景。随着新春消费的中坚力量转移至90后群体,各品牌商家须重视产品和销售模式的创新,及时迎合消费人群更替的变化。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,55.7%的受访网民表示在新春消费时注重商品质量,食品类年货选择注重健康的受访网民达到60.7%。在消费升级的背景下,价格不再是消费者关注的首要因素,而是回归到商品的质量。同时,随着养生意识的提升,消费者对健康型的食品需求提高,2020年将迎来品质新春。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the consumption scale of Chinese Spring Festival golden week is expected to grow steadily, reaching 1103.4 billion yuan in 2020 and the Spring Festival will become China's largest consumer scene. As the backbone of the Chinese New Year's consumption shifts to the 90s group, brands should pay attention to product and sales model innovations in order to timely cater to changes in consumer groups. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 55.7% of the Internet respondents pay attention to the quality of goods when they consume in the Spring Festival, while 60.7% of them pay attention to the health of food products. In the context of consumption upgrades, price is no longer the primary factor that consumers pay attention to, but returns to the quality factor. Meanwhile, with the improvement of health consciousness, consumers' demand for healthy foods will increase. Thus, a quality new year will be ushered in 2020.
(以下为节选页,完整版共33 页)艾媒报告 |2019中国餐饮行业大数据监测与商业新模式研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:新希望六和,书海供应链,宋小菜,链农,信良记,即刻联盟,食云集,熊猫星厨,屏芯科技,五芳斋,小龙坎,海底捞,九毛九,大龙燚,西贝筱面村,盒马生鲜,7 eleven ,FamilyMart,超级物种,小象生鲜,便利蜂,口碑,美团点评,饿了么,喜茶,泡面小食堂,华天饮食,凯瑞餐饮,广州酒家,外婆家,蓝海酒店,陶然居,木屋烧烤,丰茂烤串,阿拉提羊肉串大王,很久以前,柳叶刀烧烤,周黑鸭,全聚德,绝味食品股份有限公司,西安饮食股份有限公司,唐宫(中国)控股有限公司,上上谦,太二酸菜鱼
In 2018, the revenue of China's catering industry increased by 18.2% compared with 2017, breaking through 4 trillion yuan. There is still great prospect for the development of the catering industry in the future. At the same time, the development of the take-away industry has also provided a new market for catering. As of December 2018, the number of online take-out users in China reached 406 million, maintaining a relatively high growth rate. From the perspective of sub-categories, the number of dinner consumption is 12.9% higher than that of 2017. The pursuit of quality and diversification has become the mainstream choice; the hot pot industry continues to maintain a high growth rate, and Sichuan-style hot pot dominates the market; the barbecue industry is 26-35 years old. The segment became the main consumer group; the number of snack stores ranked first, and the quality upgrade trend was obvious; the new tea beverages grew rapidly, and the number of stores reached 410,000. According to the business data system of iiMedia Research, the concept of “smart restaurant” has a high degree of recognition in the consumer word of mouth, reflecting the trend of smart development of the catering industry in the future. In addition, the future combination of capital market and catering industry will be closer, and branding and scale will become an important development direction for China's catering industry in the future.艾媒研报 |2019H1三只松鼠运行状况与商业趋势研究报告
中国居民收入水平持续提高以及互联网消费习惯逐渐形成,驱动了中国休闲食品行业的快速发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国休闲食品电商市场销售额为621.3亿元,预计2020年该数额将突破900亿元,届时休闲食品整体市场规模有望达到3万亿元。三只松鼠选择坚果赛道并借助电商平台红利快速增长,营收规模持续扩大,2016-2018年营收年均复合增长率达25.8%。经过7年的运营,其“三只松鼠”IP化的品牌形象在全国已拥有较高知名度,产品品类不断丰富,收入结构得到优化。但随着电商平台红利消失,公司的运营成本不断攀升,利润受到挤占,对第三方电商平台的依赖逐渐转变成制约公司发展的阻碍。未来,随着公司全渠道销售网络的拓展,以及公司品牌价值逐渐释放,公司产品有望迎来量价齐升的良好局面。
The continuous improvement of income level of Chinese residents and the gradual formation of Internet consumption habits have driven the rapid development of China's snack food industry. According to iiMedia Research, the sales volume of snack food e-commerce market in China was 62.13 billion yuan in 2018, which is expected to exceed 90 billion yuan in 2020, and the overall market size of snack food is expected to reach 3 trillion yuan by then. Three Squirrels chooses nuts track and used e-commerce platform to increase its dividends rapidly. The revenue scale continued to expand, with an average annual compound growth rate of 25.8% from 2016 to 2018. After seven years of operation, its “three squirrels“ IP brand image has a high reputation in the country, product categories continue to enrich, and income structure has been optimized. However, with the disappearance of the dividend of e-commerce platform, the company's operating costs continue to rise, profits are squeezed, and the dependence on third-party e-commerce platform has gradually become a hindrance to the company's development. In the future, with the expansion of the company's all-channel sales network and the gradual release of the company's brand value, the company's products are expected to usher in a good situation of rising volume and price.艾媒报告 |2019年中国休闲食品电商行业研究与发展报告
2018年中国休闲食品电商市场销售额为621.3亿元,增速达到23.4%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)预测,未来中国休闲食品电商市场规模将进一步扩大,到2020年中国休闲食品电商市场销售额将达到964.0亿元。目前中国休闲食品电商市场头部企业相对稳定,三只松鼠、百草味、良品铺子连续三年成为TOP3企业。但市场集中度相对分散,2018年市场份额前五名企业的市占率总和不到5%。受健康、原生态、养生等概念驱动,2018年坚果销售增长率达16.3%,阿里平台坚果类产品销量约占零食类产品的25.0%。“科学配比”、“干湿分离”、小包装化的坚果产品销量大涨,2018年的每日坚果销量占整体坚果销量近四分之一,成为新的市场增长点。
In 2018, China's leisure food e-commerce market saw sales of 62.13 billion yuan, up 23.4 percent. iiMedia Research predicts that the size of China's leisure food e-commerce market will be further expanded in the future, and the sales volume of China's leisure food e-commerce market will reach 96.40 billion yuan by 2020. At present, the top enterprises in China's leisure food e-commerce market are relatively stable, with three squirrels, Baicao and Liangpin shops becoming TOP3 enterprises for three consecutive years. But market concentration is relatively fragmented, with the top five companies accounting for less than 5% of the total market share in 2018. Driven by the concepts of health, original ecology and health preservation, the sales growth rate of nuts reached 16.3% in 2018, and the sales volume of nuts products on ali platform accounted for about 25.0% of that of snacks. Sales of “scientific mix“, “separation of dry and wet“ and small package nuts have soared. In 2018, the daily sales of nuts account for nearly a quarter of the total sales of nuts, becoming a new market growth point.
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