随着全国各地促销费政策的持续发力,餐饮消费市场需求不断被激发,加速拓店和深入下沉市场成为各地餐饮品牌的重中之重,各餐企对餐饮服务商的需求进一步增加。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国餐饮服务商行业白皮书》数据显示,2023年中国餐饮收入达52890亿元,餐饮行业进入平稳发展期,预计2025年中国餐饮收入有望达56712亿元。餐饮服务商通过为餐企提供多元化解决方案、数智化全方位服务等助力餐饮企业降本增效,完成数字化转型。2018-2023年中国餐饮连锁率持续提升,各中大型餐企纷纷计划出海甚至已经出海,含小微型企业在内的餐饮企业对餐饮服务商的需求进一步扩大,69.0%的餐饮企业有数字化意向或计划。2024年,信息管理系统割裂(38.7%)与营销推广及运营能力较弱(36.1%)问题成为餐饮企业实施数字化布局的主要难题;餐饮企业倾向选择行业通用的数智化产品服务商与注重产品服务便携性和成本控制的服务商。随着数字化进程不断加快,餐饮服务商正加速布局一体化服务,行业已涌现多家头部企业。此外,国内餐饮市场逐渐饱和倒逼餐企和餐饮服务商寻求第二增长曲线,“出海”成为新发展机遇。
With the continuous force of the promotion fee policy across the country, the demand for food and beverage consumption market has been continuously stimulated, accelerating the expansion of stores and deepening the sinking market has become the top priority of catering brands around the country, and the demand for catering service providers has further increased. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China's catering service Provider Industry White Paper from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,289 billion yuan in 2023, and the catering industry will enter a period of stable development. It is expected that the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,671.2 billion yuan in 2025. Catering service providers help catering enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency by providing diversified solutions and all-round services of digital intelligence for catering enterprises, and complete digital transformation. From 2018 to 2023, China's restaurant chain rate continues to increase, and medium-sized and large restaurant enterprises have planned to go to sea or even have gone to sea, and catering enterprises including small and micro enterprises have further expanded their demand for catering service providers, and 69.0% of catering enterprises have digital intentions or plans. In 2024, the fragmentation of the information management system (38.7%) and the weak marketing promotion and operation ability (36.1%) have become the main problems in the implementation of digital layout of catering enterprises; Catering enterprises tend to choose the service providers of digital intelligent products that are common in the industry and those that pay attention to the portability of products and services and cost control. As the digitization process continues to accelerate, catering service providers are accelerating the layout of integrated services, and a number of leading enterprises have emerged in the industry. In addition, the gradual saturation of the domestic catering market has forced catering companies and catering service providers to seek a second growth curve, and "going to sea" has become a new development opportunity.艾媒咨询|2020年中国互联网医疗行业发展专题研究报告
近年来,中国互联网医疗行业发展迅速,从萌芽期步入到高速发展期。2020年,互联网医疗受新冠疫情影响发展继续加快,5G和人工智能技术逐步落地应用也助推行业规模增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,74.4%的受访网民在疫情期间参与过互联网医疗服务,且认为其能够减轻门诊压力和避免交叉感染的网民占比也超过七成。在互联网医疗主要细分市场中,移动医疗平台借助移动互联网普及和物流水平提高,其品牌认知和市场发展较快,2020年中国移动医疗用户规模将达到6.35亿人,市场规模也将超过520亿元。
In recent years, China Internet medical industry has developed rapidly, from the embryonic stage to high-speed development period. In 2020, the development of Internet medical industry will continue to accelerate under the influence of Covid-19, and the application of 5G and AI technology will also boost the growth of the industry scale. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 74.4% of the interviewed netizens participated in Internet medical services during the Covid-19 period, and more than 70% netizens believed that it could reduce the pressure of outpatient service and avoid cross infection. In the main market segments of Internet medical industry, mobile medical platforms, with the help of the popularization of mobile Internet and improvement of logistics level, have a rapid brand recognition and market development. In 2020, the user scale of China mobile medical industry will reach 635 million, and the market size will also exceed 52 billion yuan.艾媒咨询|2020-2021中国互联网医疗行业发展白皮书
2021年中国移动医疗市场规模预计将达到635.5亿元,用户规模将扩大至6.87亿人。医疗器械设备与电商行业的发展,推动中国互联网医疗行业市场迎来新的发展机遇。首先是中国政策环境的利好,同时互联网医疗服务行业在2020年迎来重大普及发展的历史机遇,行业经济前景可观。医疗硬件设备的提升与专业数字化医疗网络的搭建同样为互联网医疗提供更长远技术支持。2019年中国移动医疗行业投资交易规模急剧增长至162亿元,资本市场密切关注中国移动医疗产业发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户对于当前互联网医疗行业服务表示“比较认可”占比46.0%,“非常认可”占比22.2%。其中,在诊前、诊中以及诊后环节中,最受认可的因素分别为服务时间地点灵活、就诊过程快捷以及在线支付方便,互联网医疗在效率上的提升得到用户普遍认可。未来中国医疗器械将在产品功耗、专业性、安全性等方面有更高的要求,走向更具创新性、人性化、精细化将成必然。
In 2021, China's mobile medical market is expected to reach 63.55 billion yuan, and the number of users will expand to 687 million. The development of the medical equipment and e-commerce industry has promoted China's Internet medical industry market to usher in new development opportunities. First of all, China's favorable policy environment. The Internet medical service industry had a major historical opportunity for popularization and development in 2020, and therefore the industry's economic prospects are considerable. The improvement of medical hardware equipment and the construction of professional digital medical networks also provide longer-term technical support for Internet medical treatment. In 2019, the scale of investment transactions in China's mobile medical industry increased sharply to 16.2 billion yuan, and the capital market paid close attention to the development of China's mobile medical industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, 46.0% of the interviewed users expressed "relatively recognized" and "very recognized" accounted for 22.2% of the current Internet medical industry services. Among them, the most recognized factors in the pre-diagnosis, in-diagnosis, and post-diagnosis links are flexible service time and location, fast medical treatment process, and convenient online payment. The efficiency improvement of Internet medical treatment is generally recognized by users. In the future, China's medical equipment will have higher requirements in terms of product power consumption, professionalism, and safety, and it will be inevitable to move toward more innovative, humane, and refined products.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国电子商票行业研究及趋势分析报告
After more than 30 years of development, China's bill market has developed rapidly, with a market size of hundreds of billions. As China's real economy recovers, financial activities will become more active and commercial ticket financing methods will gradually diversify, providing opportunities for the development of electronic commercial tickets. Since 2009, China's electronic commercial bill industry has developed rapidly, and the scale of participants in the electronic commercial bill system has continued to expand. As of the end of 2019, China's bill trading system had access to 2,884 legal entities, 2,913 members, and 101,622 system participants.艾媒咨询|2020年5-6月中国母婴行业运行状况及企业商情动态双月度报告
In 2019, China imported 345,500 tons of infant formula milk powder, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%. IiMedia Research believes that infant milk powder and complementary foods are basically rigid demands. Especially under the popularization of e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce and live streaming, China's infant milk powder and complementary food industries are not affected by the epidemic.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国互联网家装行业研究报告
疫情给家居建材市场的线下复工带来了一定的短期冲击,反向助力家装消费用户向线上迁移,也成为传统家装企业向线上转型升级的加速器。互联网模式成为装修市场新进入者的首选,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020Q1中国新增互联网装修企业同比增长率达18.8%,家居家装行业的刚需属性以及广阔的发展空间让其成为各资本热衷的市场。艾媒咨询分析师认为,电商巨头以及新进入者的不断涌入,会为家装市场带来更多新技术、新模式、新业态,行业发展迎来新契机的同时也将面临更大的挑战。
The epidemic has brought a certain short-term impact on the offline resumption of the home building materials market, which has reversed the promotion of home improvement consumer users to migrate online, and has also become an accelerator for traditional home improvement companies to transform and upgrade online. The Internet model has become the first choice for new entrants in the decoration market. According to the data of iiMedia Research, the growth rate of new Internet decoration companies in China in 2020Q1 is 18.8% year-on-year. The just-needed attributes of the home furnishing industry and the broad development space make it a market that all capitals are keen on. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the continuous influx of e-commerce giants and new entrants will bring more new technologies, new models and new formats to the home improvement market. While the industry development ushers in new opportunities and will also face greater challenges.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国保健品行业研究报告
iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,过去6年保健品行业市场规模保持两位数的增速,至2019年,市场规模约达2227亿元,2021年有望突破3300亿元。随着健康消费观念提升,养生需求从“银发一族”逐渐往“年轻一代”扩散。此外新兴科技与行业融合将推动产品和服务升级,为行业发展带来利好。消费者方面,超四成的受访者将产品品牌作为其购买时首要考虑因素,其中43.8%的消费者是自发购买保健品的,另外消费者对保健品行业的信心逐渐恢复,五成受访者看好保健品行业发展,超七成受访消费者认为保健品行业合规性有所提高。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前保健品行业呈较好发展态势,但与此同时保健品行业同质化竞争激烈,在消费人群的扩大化、细分化的趋势下,企业需要通过加强品牌建设和精细化管理,提升产品及服务品质,更好适应市场变化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research,in the past 6 years, the market size of the health products industry has maintained a double-digit growth rate. By 2019, the market size will be approximately 222.7 billion yuan, which is expected to exceed 330 billion yuan in 2021. With the upgrading concept of healthy consumption, the demand for health care has gradually spread from the “silver-haired people” to the “younger generation”. In addition, the integration of emerging technologies and industries will promote the improving of products and services, bringing benefits to the development of the industry. In terms of consumers, over 40% of the interviewees regard product brand as their primary consideration when purchasing. 43.8% of consumers purchase health products spontaneously. In addition, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. Besides, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the interviewed consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the current health care industry is showing a good development trend, but at the same time, under the trend of expanding and subdividing consumer groups ,the homogenization of the health care industry is fiercely competitive. Enterprises need to enhance the quality of products and services by strengthening brand building and refined management to better adapt to market changes.艾媒报告|2020年中国医用防护物资产业运行、监管及机遇分析报告
2020年4月5日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国医用防护物资产业运行、监管及机遇分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国医用防护物资及其细分领域进行分析。特别针对2020年3月商务部等联合发布的《关于有序开展医疗物资出口的公告(2020年第5号)》新规定,对2020-2021年的中国医疗物资行业的发展趋势进行分析预判。截至北京时间2020年4月3日10时,全球共累计确诊1010702人。口罩、防护服等医疗防护用品已成为全球紧缺的必需品,但应注意疫情过去之后医疗防护用品可能面临产能过剩等问题,如何平衡行业产能是相关企业需要考虑的问题。
Medical protective equipment is a global necessity during the epidemic. This has become a new opportunity for Chinese companies and brands to go overseas. However, we must pay attention to the quality control of Chinese brands. In the future, branding and specialization will become the core competitiveness of domestic medical protective equipment manufacturers. .艾媒报告|2020-2021后疫时代中国家用陶瓷行业产业环境与市场发展机会调查分析报告
The development of China's ceramic industry is facing serious difficulties. Data show that in 2018 China's 137 large-scale construction ceramics enterprises closed down, and several major ceramic tile production areas have ceased production. Among them, the output of Henan and Guangdong declined significantly. Affected by the new crown epidemic, the global ceramic industry is facing a crisis in 2020, and the output of Chinese ceramics has declined in the first quarter, and foreign trade exports have also been affected. Therefore, the company ’s operating income capital inflow has been greatly reduced, and the cash flow of SMEs is facing great challenges .艾媒报告|2019中国网络互助发展专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近八成的网络互助参与者对网络互助计划表示满意,仅有1.7%的参与者表示比较不满意。网络互助的出现,为低收入家庭提供健康保障,缓解因患重病带来的经济压力,另一方面也能一定程度上满足精神需求,互联网巨头纷纷入局网络互助行业,用户规模不断扩大。
目前中国商业保险覆盖率较低,社会医保在赔付金额和覆盖疾病类型上又未能达到商业保险的规模,居民的普惠保障需求旺盛,网络互助产品凭借低门槛和公益性逐渐获得下沉市场的青睐。且随着政府监管的趋严、企业积极创新,网络互助行业迎来新的高速发展期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,95.2%的网络互助参与者月均支付金额低于10元,参与者满意程度高。网络互助产品一方面为需求人群提供低成本的医疗保障;另一方面,互助的形式也满足帮助他人的精神追求。网络互助的低门槛、低成本特点,使其能够对下沉城市和更多低收入人群实现覆盖,逐渐成为群众医疗保障重要一环。
At present, the coverage rate of commercial insurance is relatively low in China, and the scale of social medical insurance fails to reach the scale of commercial insurance in terms of compensation amount and types of diseases covered. Residents have a strong demand for mass medical security, and online mutual assistance products gradually win favor in the sinking market due to the low threshold and public welfare. Moreover, with the government's stricter regulation and enterprises' active innovation, the online mutual assistance industry has ushered in a new period of high-speed development. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 95.2 percent of online mutual assistance participants paid less than 10 yuan per month on average, with high satisfaction. On the one hand, online mutual assistance products can provide low-cost medical security for people in need. On the other hand, the form of mutual assistance also satisfies the spiritual pursuit of helping others. With the characteristics of low threshold and low cost, network mutual assistance can cover sinking cities and more low-income groups, and gradually become an important part of mass medical security.
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