艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国迷你仓行业发展现状及标杆企业案例分析报告
目前,迷你仓概念已逐渐被国人接受,在用户多场景使用需求的推动下,迷你仓行业发展的成熟度、整体规模、智能化与市场渗透率等方面都实现了质的提升。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国迷你仓行业发展现状及标杆企业案例分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国迷你仓行业市场规模为19.0亿元,同比增长15%,呈逐年递增趋势。未来,随着迷你仓行业需求和观念上两大难点的逐步解决,中国迷你仓行业的红利将逐步释放,预计2028年市场规模有望增至34.0亿元。
At present, the concept of mini warehouse has been gradually accepted by the people, driven by the needs of users in multiple scenarios, the maturity, overall scale, intelligence and market penetration of the mini warehouse industry have achieved qualitative improvement.According to the latest "2023-2024 China Mini Warehouse Industry Development Status and Benchmarking Enterprise Case Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's mini warehouse industry in 2023 is 1.90 billion yuan, an increase of 15% year-on-year. It shows an increasing trend year by year. In the future, with the gradual solution of the two major difficulties in the demand and concept of the mini warehouse industry, the dividend of China's mini warehouse industry will be gradually released, and the market size is expected to increase to 3.40 billion yuan in 2028.艾媒咨询|2021年中国睡眠经济行业研究报告
According to the data of China Sleep Research Association, more than 300 million people had sleep disorders in 2021, and the incidence of insomnia in adults was as high as 38.2%. AI media consulting analysts believe that with the reduction of Chinese national sleep quality, the increase of sleep aid product supply categories and the improvement of scientific and technological level, the development potential of sleep economy is full of potential, and the market scale will continue to maintain the growth trend. It is expected that the market scale of China's sleep economy will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2021. At present, most sleeping food and drinks, sleeping services and sleeping apps on the market mostly focus on adjusting users' emotions and pressures. The product quality and sleeping effect are mixed. Promoting the reform of sleep product technology application, allowing technology to continue to support the role of sleep products on sleep, and improving product quality and experience is an important help for the mature development of sleep economy market and products.艾媒咨询|2020年9-10月中国直播电商行业运行数据监测双月报告
From the middle of October, with the approach of online Shopping Festival "double 11" , major platforms are competing to open a variety of warm-up activities, live e-commerce network fever gradually pick up. In October 2020,24.909 billion views were viewed by direct-broadcast merchants, up 1.48 percent year-on-year. Of the 114,400 anchorpersons on-air, store anchorpersons still accounted for the largest share, the number of "the voice" hosts dropped from 6,900 in August to 4,900 in October, accounting for 33 percent of the total. Ai Media consulting analysts believe that with the direct broadcast e-commerce is no longer just extensive low-price promotions, but gradually move to the vertical and refined, the direct broadcast e-commerce industry will gradually move to the direction of standardization.艾媒咨询|2020第三季度中国在线直播行业专题研究报告
随着中国在线直播用户规模趋于稳定,直播行业开始进入下半场,细分领域的精细化发展成为各大直播平台重点考虑的内容。直播活动的泛娱乐特征、内容的精细化品质化发展,加上电商直播技术发展的不断完善,将会为消费者带来更佳的购物体验。直播平台与OTA平台合作打造“旅游+直播”新业态,推动旅游业回暖,结合直播与私域流量推广,完善旅游行业产业链。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近七成用户观看过旅游直播,80、90后年轻男性是观看旅游直播的主力军,在直播间消费的用户中,有28.9%的消费金额为1501至2000元。目前,旅游类APP直播活动丰富,用户观看时最关注旅游产品内容质量,主播驱动旅游决策作用明显。因此,“旅游+直播”能够契合用户需求,实现精准营销,而“主播+内容+技术”是提升旅游直播带货能力的关键。
With the scale of China's online live broadcasting users tending to stabilize, the live broadcasting industry began to enter the second half, and the refined development of subdivision fields has become the focus of major live broadcast platforms. The pan entertainment features of live broadcast activities, the refinement and quality development of content, and the continuous improvement of e-commerce live broadcasting technology will bring consumers a better shopping experience. The live broadcast platform and OTA platform cooperate to create a new format of "tourism + live broadcast", promote the recovery of tourism industry, and improve the tourism industry chain by combining live broadcasting and private traffic promotion. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, nearly 70% of users have watched the live tourism. Young men born in the 1980s and 1990s are the main force to watch the live tourism broadcast. Among the users who spend money in the live broadcast room, 28.9% of them spend between 1501 and 2000 yuan. At present, there are rich live broadcast activities of tourism app, users pay most attention to the content quality of tourism products when watching, and the anchor plays an obvious role in driving tourism decision-making. Therefore, "tourism + Live Broadcasting" can meet the needs of users and realize precise marketing, and "anchor + content + technology" is the key to improve the carrying capacity of tourism live broadcast.艾媒咨询|2020年中国双十一电商行业发展大数据监测报告
2020年全球经济因“新冠疫情”影响呈现萎靡状态,因此后疫情时期第一个双十一在拉动消费增长方面的作用备受期待。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,87.6%的受访网民表示愿意参与双十一大促活动,而在双十一前已经做好准备的受访网民占比更达到52.6%。今年双十一各电商平台的活动措施也纷纷回归简单优惠本质,但仍有29.5%的受访电商用户对于平台创新玩法的优惠力度表示质疑。而对于市场迅速增长的直播电商模式,在双十一期间也得到商家和平台广泛青睐,然而目前缺乏权威的第三方机构对直播电商带货数据进行监测,68.6%的受访直播电商用户认为其数据不实,因此商家仍要谨慎看待直播电商模式,避免造成市场虚假繁荣。
Due to COVID-19 in 2020, global economy is going through a downturn. Therefore, the role of the first 11.11 promotion in post COVID-19 era in stimulating consumption growth is expected. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 87.6% of the interviewed netizens is going to participate in the 11.11 promotion, while 52.6% of the interviewees were ready before it. However, 29.5% of the interviewed e-commerce users questioned the preferential margins of the innovative activities by platforms, even though e-commerce enterprises are expressing returning to the nature of preferential. Even though the live-streaming e-commerce market is developing rapidly and be favored by platforms and merchants this year. The lack of authoritative third-party organizations to monitor the data of live-streaming e-commerce causes 68.6% of the interviewed users believe the relative data is false. Therefore, merchants should be cautious about live-streaming e-commerce mode to avoid false prosperity.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国移动搜索行业研究报告
在移动互联网的高速发展下,2019年中国移动搜索用户规模突破7亿人,2020年在新冠疫情推动下,移动互联网加速渗透,预计规模将达到7.54亿人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,搜索引擎、社交平台、电商平台是受访网民获取信息的前三大渠道,占比分别为69.6%、49.0%、35.3%。78.4%的受访者表示搜索信息时第一时间会想到移动搜索引擎,对移动搜索有很强的依赖度。对于移动搜索的方式,受访用户最常使用的移动搜索方式是文字搜索,占比达72.6%;而随着AI技术的成熟以及用户使用习惯的深化,使用语音搜索、图片搜索的受访用户分别占44.4%、20.8%。未来移动搜索行业需求将呈现多元化、专业化发展,AI技术的应用成为市场主要发力点,移动搜索市场竞争持续升级,头部市场将在中长期内保持一超多强的市场格局。
With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the scale of China's mobile search users exceeded 700 million in 2019. Driven by the COVID-19 in 2020, mobile Internet penetration will accelerate, and the scale is expected to reach 754 million. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, search engines, social platforms, and e-commerce platforms are the top three channels for interviewed netizens to obtain information, accounting for 69.6%, 49.0%, and 35.3%, respectively. 78.4% of the interviewed netizens said that they would think of mobile search engines as soon as they searched for information so they have a strong dependence on mobile search. For mobile search modes, the most common mobile search mode used by interviewed users is text search, accounting for 72.6%. With the maturity of AI technology and the deepening of usage habits, the interviewed users who use voice search and image search accounted for 44.4% and 20.8% respectively. In the future, the demand for mobile search will show diversified and professional development, and the application of AI technology will become the main force of the market. The competition of mobile search market will continue to escalate, and the head market will maintain a market structure of “one super strong, many stronger” in the medium and long term.
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