At present, the total number of marriageable people aged 20-40 in China is about 447 million. A large number of marriageable people have added potential customers to China's wedding market. The data show that the market scale of the wedding industry decreased slightly in 2020, but with the gradual control of the domestic epidemic, the wedding market will return to the growth trend. It is expected that the market scale of China's narrow wedding industry will exceed 4 trillion yuan and the broad market scale will exceed 2.4 trillion yuan in 2022. Nowadays, "fast food" wedding preparation has become the just need of young couples. In addition, contemporary young people are more in line with their preferences. One stop and personalized theme wedding may be welcomed by young couples. -
艾媒报告 |2019中国饰品产业发展状况与消费者行为变化监测调查报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:卡地亚、蒂凡尼、宝格丽、梵克雅宝、海瑞·温斯顿、宝诗龙、御木本、施华洛世奇、布契拉提、百达翡丽、爱彼、宝珀、江诗丹顿、宝玑、伯爵、积家、劳力士、Noonoo Fingers、JUEM、J.estina、冠城钟表珠宝、时间由你、英皇钟表珠宝、飞亚达、时计宝、东方表行、宝光实业、冠亚商行、先施表行、周大福、老凤祥、谢瑞麟、周生生、六福珠宝、周大生、明牌首饰、潘朵拉、蒂凡尼、至尊宝物、玉龙云集、囤宝科技、涅尔瓦纳珠宝、翡标奢品、隐奢、柚子黄金、超级金店、中国珠宝云、衣表堂堂、Fantor、聚鱼网络、有表、EoneTimepieces、坚力创建、表友贸易、手表之家、美时美刻、鸿时钟表、TIME100、齐表网、GQWATCH睿士表、表团网、 德瑞亨、万表网、美格尔、福康寿表
In 2018, the total population of China's accessory demand is 1 billion, up by 3.1% year on year. China's accessory market has huge potential for development. In terms of the wristwatch market, China's high-end wristwatch market is still occupied by imported brands. In 2018, China's wristwatch import volume increased by 22.7% to more than 30 million, and the potential customers of which are young and middle-aged people in second-tier cities. In terms of jewelry market, jewelry consumption is younger,more popular and more personal, and gold jewelry is still the mainstream of jewelry consumption. In 2018, China's gold consumption accounted for 736.3 tons of gold jewelry, with a year-on-year growth of 5.7%.