艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年全球及中国信息流广告市场发展状况与消费行为数据分析报告
信息流广告一种依据社交属性,对用户喜好和特点进行智能推广的广告形式。随着目前短视频等快餐式娱乐软件的流行,信息流广告市场得到了一定的发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年全球及中国信息流广告市场发展状况与消费行为数据分析报告》数据显示,2018至2023年间,中国网络广告支出从1001.3亿美元稳步上升至2023年的1543.0亿美元。
Information flow advertising is a form of advertising that intelligently promotes user preferences and characteristics based on social attributes. With the popularity of fast food entertainment software such as short video, the information flow advertising market has been developed to a certain extent. The latest "2023-2024 Global and China Information Flow Advertising Market Development and Consumer Behavior Data Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that from 2018 to 2023, China's online AD spending has risen steadily from $1001.3 billion to $154.30 billion in 2023.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the development of Internet technology, China's information flow advertising market will usher in a broader market.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国餐饮服务商行业白皮书
随着全国各地促销费政策的持续发力,餐饮消费市场需求不断被激发,加速拓店和深入下沉市场成为各地餐饮品牌的重中之重,各餐企对餐饮服务商的需求进一步增加。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国餐饮服务商行业白皮书》数据显示,2023年中国餐饮收入达52890亿元,餐饮行业进入平稳发展期,预计2025年中国餐饮收入有望达56712亿元。餐饮服务商通过为餐企提供多元化解决方案、数智化全方位服务等助力餐饮企业降本增效,完成数字化转型。2018-2023年中国餐饮连锁率持续提升,各中大型餐企纷纷计划出海甚至已经出海,含小微型企业在内的餐饮企业对餐饮服务商的需求进一步扩大,69.0%的餐饮企业有数字化意向或计划。2024年,信息管理系统割裂(38.7%)与营销推广及运营能力较弱(36.1%)问题成为餐饮企业实施数字化布局的主要难题;餐饮企业倾向选择行业通用的数智化产品服务商与注重产品服务便携性和成本控制的服务商。随着数字化进程不断加快,餐饮服务商正加速布局一体化服务,行业已涌现多家头部企业。此外,国内餐饮市场逐渐饱和倒逼餐企和餐饮服务商寻求第二增长曲线,“出海”成为新发展机遇。
With the continuous force of the promotion fee policy across the country, the demand for food and beverage consumption market has been continuously stimulated, accelerating the expansion of stores and deepening the sinking market has become the top priority of catering brands around the country, and the demand for catering service providers has further increased. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China's catering service Provider Industry White Paper from 2024 to 2025 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,289 billion yuan in 2023, and the catering industry will enter a period of stable development. It is expected that the income of China's catering industry will reach 5,671.2 billion yuan in 2025. Catering service providers help catering enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency by providing diversified solutions and all-round services of digital intelligence for catering enterprises, and complete digital transformation. From 2018 to 2023, China's restaurant chain rate continues to increase, and medium-sized and large restaurant enterprises have planned to go to sea or even have gone to sea, and catering enterprises including small and micro enterprises have further expanded their demand for catering service providers, and 69.0% of catering enterprises have digital intentions or plans. In 2024, the fragmentation of the information management system (38.7%) and the weak marketing promotion and operation ability (36.1%) have become the main problems in the implementation of digital layout of catering enterprises; Catering enterprises tend to choose the service providers of digital intelligent products that are common in the industry and those that pay attention to the portability of products and services and cost control. As the digitization process continues to accelerate, catering service providers are accelerating the layout of integrated services, and a number of leading enterprises have emerged in the industry. In addition, the gradual saturation of the domestic catering market has forced catering companies and catering service providers to seek a second growth curve, and "going to sea" has become a new development opportunity.艾媒咨询|2021年中国电商领域企业服务行业专题研究报告
在电商市场蓬勃发展、消费者更信赖品牌的背景下,品牌方渴望不断提高品牌知名度以占领更大的市场份额,但在品牌运营方面仍存在诸多难题,例如产品推广渠道狭窄,无法及时监测市场数据等,而品牌电商企业服务可以很好地解决品牌运营上的痛点,助力品牌方实现品牌升级,因此市场对于品牌电商企业服务的需求不断增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国品牌电商服务商行业市场规模达2950.9亿元,预计2022年将超过3600亿元。随着行业规模的不断扩大,品牌电商服务也不断向精细化、垂直化方向发展。
Under the background of the booming e-commerce market and consumers' greater trust in the brand, the brand side is eager to continuously improve the brand awareness to occupy a greater market share, but there are still many problems in brand operation, such as narrow product promotion channels and unable to monitor market data in time, and brand e-commerce enterprise services can well solve the pain points in brand operation, Help the brand to achieve brand upgrading, so the market demand for brand e-commerce enterprise services is growing. According to iimedia research, the market scale of China's brand e-commerce service providers reached 295.09 billion yuan in 2021 and is expected to exceed 360 billion yuan in 2022. With the continuous expansion of the industry scale, brand e-commerce services are also developing in the direction of refinement and verticality.艾媒咨询|2021年中国春节网络红包专题研究报告
2021年春节期间,各大互联网平台发放红包金额超180亿元,春节网络红包活动“含金量” 再创新高。网络红包活动成为春节重要节目之一,多家平台相继与央视春晚合作,进行品牌推广效应和新户获取。2021年春节,在政策、经济、社会等环境因素的影响下,各大互联网平台爆发网络红包分发混战,抖音率先公布分发20亿网络现金红包,快手、拼多多随后加码红包分发金额。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年春节期间收到或发送红包的数量有所提升的用户,以及收到或发送红包的金额有所提升的用户均约为五成。参与平台网络红包后,近八成用户选择绑定银行卡;绑定银行卡后,超五成用户没有解绑银行卡的打算。春节网络红包的活动已经成为了各大平台支付业务布局的重要一环。依托于春节网络红包的超高流量以及与支付场景紧密的关联性,平台旨在实现支付业务的有效拉新。
During the Spring Festival of 2021, the number of red envelopes issued by major Internet platforms exceeded 18 billion yuan, and the "gold content" of the online red envelope activities during the Spring Festival hit a new high. Online red envelope activities have become one of the important programs of the Spring Festival. Many platforms have cooperated with CCTV Spring Festival Gala to carry out brand promotion effects and new account acquisition. In the Spring Festival of 2021, under the influence of policy, economic, social and other environmental factors, major Internet platforms erupted in online red envelope distribution. Douyin was the first to announce the distribution of 2 billion online cash red envelopes. Kuaishou and Pinduoduo subsequently increased the amount of red envelope distribution. According to data from iiMedia Research, about 50% of the users who received or sent red envelopes during the Spring Festival in 2021, and the number of users who received or sent red envelopes increased. After participating in the platform network red envelopes, nearly 80% of users chose to bind their bank cards; after binding their bank cards, over 50% of users did not intend to unbind their bank cards. The Spring Festival network red envelope activities have become an important part of the payment business layout of major platforms. Relying on the ultra-high traffic of the Spring Festival network red envelopes and the close relevance to the payment scenario, the platform aims to achieve effective innovation of payment services.艾媒咨询|2020年中国5G手机网民体验及态度调查报告
5G手机在2020年开始迅速扩大在市场的话语权。2020年截至7月,中国5G手机出货量累计达到7750.8万部,占智能手机总出货量的44.2%;上市5G新机型累计119款,占总上市机型的46.5%。而2019年全年5G手机出货量及上市新机型分别仅为1376.9万部及35款。5G手机在市场渗透率的上升最主要因素还是在于各大厂商跟进新款产品的时候转向5G赛道,导致消费者在购买新机时被动接受5G手机产品。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户购买5G手机最主要原因在于正常更替手机,占比41.6%。而非5G手机用户中,73.3%认为现阶段大众没有购买5G手机的必要。5G手机目前未体现出明显优于其他主流智能手机的特性,相反,5G通信套餐价格昂贵、商用城市较少,均使置换5G手机的性价比较低,阻碍其市场普及。未来只有从需求端出发激发消费者刚需,将5G在通信传输方面的优势在智能手机体现,同时挖掘能够依靠5G手机搭载的杀手级应用产品,才能加速5G手机普及。
5G smartphone rapidly expand its discourse power in the market in 2020. YTD 5G smartphone shipments were 77.508 million units, represented 44.2% of the total shipment. The total number of new models were 119, accounting for 46.5% of the total new models. Comparatively, total 5G smartphone shipments and new models released in 2019 were 13.769 million and 35. The main reason for the increase of 5G mobile smartphone market penetration is that the major manufacturers turn to compete in the 5G market when they released the new products, which led to consumers’ passively acceptance 5G smartphone. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 41.6% of the interviewees purchased 5G smartphone because of the normal replacement of the mobile phones. However, 73.3% of non-5G smartphone users think that it is not necessary for the public to buy 5G smartphone at this stage. At present, 5G mobile smartphone do not show obvious advantages over other mainstream smartphones. On the contrary, the high traffic pricing of 5G smartphone and the lack of commercial cities make the replacement of 5G smartphone with low cost performance, and thus hinder its market popularization. In the future, only by standing from the demand side, reflecting the advantages of 5G in communication transmission in smartphones, and developing killer application that can only rely on 5G smartphones, can we accelerate its popularization.艾媒报告|2019中国骚扰电话市场状况与用户感知调查报告
骚扰电话问题常年困扰着大众日常生活。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国骚扰电话拨打量已超过了500亿次,两成网民接到的电话中超过一半是骚扰电话,而且每周都能接到骚扰电话的网民达到了85.4%。骚扰电话问题肆虐下,对于它的治理却几乎看不到成效。超过九成的网民表示对骚扰电话的治理情况感到不满意,甚至有43.1%的网民表示最近一年接到的骚扰电话比以往要更多。其实骚扰电话的拨打都需要接入到电信运营商,要对其进行治理是有办法的。但骚扰电话有牵涉到巨大利益链条,由销售电话和骚扰电话支撑起来的中国呼叫中心市场规模2018年就达到了190.2亿元。巨大利益关系下,超四成网民认为骚扰电话问题主要归责于电信运营商。
Telephone harassment has plagued people’s daily life for years. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the number of harassment calls in China exceeded 50 billion in 2018. One fifth of netizens implied that more than half of the calls they received are harassment calls. While 85.4% of them received harassment calls every week. The problem of harassment calls is rampant, but the solution to the problem is almost ineffective. More than 90% of the netizens express dissatisfaction with the management of harassment calls, and 43.1% even implied that they had received more harassment calls in the past years than before. In fact, the harassment calls need access to telecom operators, and as the result there are ways to deal with it. But harassment calls business involves a huge chain of interests. The scale of China call center market, supported by the sales calls and harassment calls, reached 19.02 billion yuan in 2018. Under the enormous interest relationship, more than 40% of netizens believe that the problem of harassment calls is mainly attributed to the telecom operators.艾媒报告|2019中国网络游戏企业社会责任感专题研究报告
iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国手机游戏市场规模接近1500亿元,较2017年增长26.4%,而对于游戏行业整体而言,2018年增速仅为5.3%。近年游戏行业发展繁荣主要由手机游戏高速增长所致,目前行业头部企业如腾讯游戏、网易游戏均在手游领域投入巨大。2018年收入前50手游新品中,腾讯、网易研发的游戏合计收入占比达到44.4%。近年来,中国游戏企业重视企业形象和社会责任,iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,社会责任感TOP50网络游戏企业中,三分之二来自于北上广深一线城市。在企业上市情况方面,A股上市企业占比高达56.0%,经济效益对于企业发挥社会责任感起到关键作用。腾讯游戏、多益网络社会责任感得分分别为上市企业和非上市企业之首,头部企业更需发挥行业领头作用,树立良好业内形象。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China mobile game market in 2018 is close to 150 billion yuan, with an increase of 26.4% over 2017. While for the whole game industry, the growth rate in 2018 is only 5.3%. In recent years, the development and prosperity of the game industry is mainly caused by the rapid growth of mobile games market. At present, leading enterprises in the industry, such as Tencent games and Netease games, have invested tremendous amounts in the field of mobile games. Tencent and Netease accounted for 44.4% of the total revenue of the top 50 mobile games in 2018. In recent years, Chinese game companies attach great importance to corporate image and social responsibility. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, two-thirds of TOP50 online game companies with most social responsibility come from first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. As for the listing situation of enterprises, the proportion of A-share listed enterprises is as high as 56.0%. Economic benefits play a key role in the social responsibility of enterprises. Tencent Game and Duoyi Network have the highest scores of social responsibility for listed and non-listed enterprises respectively. Head enterprises need to play a leading role in the industry and establish a good image in the industry.