艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国在线考试SaaS消费者行为调查数据
在线考试 SaaS 平台,是基于软件即服务(SaaS)这一云计算服务模式搭建的平台。通过互联网,以浏览器为载体,将在线考试相关应用程序交付给终端用户。近年来,人工智能、大数据等前沿技术的融入,进一步推动平台在智能监考、精准学情分析等方面取得突破,应用场景不断拓展至职业资格认证、大规模招生考试等严肃场景。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国在线考试SaaS用户行为调查数据》数据显示,32.06% 的用户高频使用在线考试功能,凸显其作为平台核心功能的地位,反映出用户对在线考试这一基础且关键功能的强烈依赖,也意味着企业要持续优化该功能,确保考试流程顺畅、体验良好。而产品功能与需求匹配度以 26.84% 占比居首,直接表明用户挑选产品时,实用价值远超其他因素。这警示企业在产品研发与迭代时,需深度调研不同用户群体需求,无论是教育机构、企业还是政府部门,都要做到功能精准对接,避免功能冗余或缺失,通过精准匹配需求来提升产品竞争力与用户忠诚度。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国市场凭借庞大教育与企业用户基数、政策支持、技术进步等优势,增长潜力巨大。尽管面临技术瓶颈、安全隐患、市场竞争等挑战,但随着智能化、个性化、跨行业融合、国际化等趋势推进,行业有望在规范中持续创新发展。
Online exam SaaS platform, is based on the software as a service (SaaS) this cloud computing service model built platform. Through the Internet, with the browser as the carrier, the online exam related applications are delivered to the end user. In recent years, the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data has further promoted the platform to make breakthroughs in intelligent invigilation and accurate learning analysis, and the application scenarios have been continuously expanded to serious scenarios such as professional qualification certification and large-scale enrollment exams. According to the latest "Data from the China online exam SaaS user behavior survey in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 32.06% of users frequently use online exam function, highlighting its status as a core function of the platform. Reflecting users' strong reliance on this fundamental and critical function of online testing, it also means that enterprises must continue to optimize this function to ensure a smooth test process and a good experience. The matching degree of product function and demand takes the first place with 26.84%, which directly indicates that when users choose products, the practical value far exceeds other factors. This warns enterprises that in product development and iteration, it is necessary to deeply investigate the needs of different user groups, whether it is educational institutions, enterprises or government departments, to achieve accurate functional docking, avoid functional redundancy or loss, and enhance product competitiveness and user loyalty by accurately matching needs. Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that the Chinese market has huge growth potential with its huge education and enterprise user base, policy support, technological progress and other advantages. Despite the challenges such as technical bottlenecks, security risks, and market competition, the industry is expected to continue to innovate and develop in the norms with the advancement of intelligent, personalized, cross-industry, integration, and internationalization.艾媒咨询|2021-2022中国音乐教育市场趋势研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国2021年中国音乐教育市场规模达1133.8亿元,其中2021年学期儿童市场规模528.7亿,同比增长20.0%。K12市场规模411.0亿,增长率18.0%。预计未来政策红利的释放会使教育市场规模逐步扩大,预计2025年将达1616.7亿元。经调研发现,华东地区位居全国音乐教育消费者地区第一,弦乐器在全国音乐教育中学习比例最高。艾媒咨询分析师认为,华东地区等经济较富裕地区是音乐教育的主战场,企业应进一步加强在华东地区等经济较富裕地区的布局。此外,还应推出弦乐器、键盘乐器和木管乐器的课程,以便吸引更多的消费者。未来,在新一代信息技术的推动下中国的音乐教育机构正全力打造线上线下双渠道的经营模式,致力于通过自身独有的优势,为客户提供具有价值的音乐教育服务。
According to data from iiMedia Research, the size of China's music education market in 2021 reached 113.38 billion yuan, of which the children's market size in the 2021 semester was 52.87 billion, an increase of 20.0% year-on-year. The K12 market size is 41.10 billion, with a growth rate of 18.0%. It is expected that the release of policy dividends in the future will gradually expand the scale of the education market, which is expected to reach 161.67 billion yuan in 2025. According to the survey, East China ranks first in the national music education consumer region, and stringed musical instruments have the highest proportion of learning in national music education. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that economically richer areas such as East China are the main battlefield of music education, and enterprises should further strengthen the layout in economically richer areas such as East China. Courses on stringed, keyboard and woodwind instruments should also be introduced in order to attract more consumers. In the future, driven by a new generation of information technology, China's music education institutions are making every effort to build an online and offline dual-channel business model, and are committed to providing customers with valuable music education services through their own unique advantages.艾媒咨询|2021中国婴幼早教市场现状与投资趋势价值分析报告
2020年中国早教行业市场规模达3038亿元,同比增长13.6%,预计2021年市场规模将达到3276亿元。首先是中国早教行业宏观环境的利好,政府在相关政策法规中多次提及发展早教教育。同时,社会对优质人才的需求以及国民早教意识的提高,使得国民在教育上的投资占比逐年提高,进而推动着早教行业的发展。其次,人工智能等技术的融合应用也为早教行业带来革新。随着疫情后中国经济的复苏,市场需求将推动早教行业的规模进一步扩大,行业在资本市场的投融资热度也将有所上升。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近半数早教内容集中于对儿童兴趣方面的培养,主要包括音乐、书法与艺术等。其中,64.1%的家长注重课程内容的丰富性与专业性,55.7%的家长表示重视早教机构的师资力量和品牌。中国早教行业相比国外仍有较大差距,市场发展潜力巨大。伴随着新一代父母对子女教育重视程度的提升,早教市场规模将大幅度上升。
The market size of China's early childhood education industry in 2020 will reach 303.8 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6% year-on-year. It is expected that the market size will reach 327.6 billion yuan in 2021. The first is the favorable macro environment of China's early childhood education industry. The government has repeatedly mentioned the development of early childhood education in relevant policies and regulations. At the same time, the society's demand for high-quality talents and the increasing awareness of national early education have caused the proportion of national investment in education to increase year by year, which in turn promotes the development of the early education industry. Secondly, the integrated application of artificial intelligence and other technologies has also brought innovation to the early education industry. With the recovery of China's economy after the epidemic, market demand will promote the further expansion of the early education industry, and the industry's investment and financing enthusiasm in the capital market will also increase. According to data from iiMedia Research, nearly half of early education content focuses on the cultivation of children's interest, mainly including music, calligraphy and art. Among them, 64.1% of the parents paid attention to the richness and professionalism of the course content, and 55.7% of the parents stated that they valued the strength and brand of early education institutions. Compared with foreign countries, China's early education industry still has a big gap, and the market has great potential for development. As the new generation of parents pay more attention to their children's education, the scale of the early education market will increase substantially.艾媒咨询|2020中国K12在线教育行业研究报告
K12教育作为在线教育的主要赛道,疫情危机下带来K12在线教育新机遇。在“停课不停学”的政策扶持下,在线教育市场规模增速回暖,市场规模将达4858亿元,增速上升至20.2%。2019年中国K12群体规模超过2亿人,中国在线教育用户规模逐年递增,2020年用户规模将达到3766万人。受疫情影响,K12在线教育渗透率在2020年上升至23.2%,增长率远超历年数据。中国K12教育群体数量庞大,且覆盖范围广,对在线教育相关产品及服务存在较高的消费需求,为未来市场发展奠定了坚实的用户基础,行业迎来关键期。iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访K12在线教育用户中续报率约八成,用户满意程度较高,约六成用户预算在1000-7000元内。作业帮目前全球领先用户规模,获客效率行业第一。以技术支撑教学,以数据服务教研,通过打造优质教研成果,有效解决学员需求。
As the main track of online education, K12 education has brought new opportunities for K12 online education under the epidemic crisis. With the support of the policy of "suspending classes and not stopping schools", the growth rate of the online education market is picking up. The market size will reach 485.8 billion yuan, and the growth rate will rise to 20.2%. In 2019, the scale of China's K12 group exceeded 200 million, and the scale of online education users in China is increasing year by year, and the scale of users will reach 37.66 million in 2020. Affected by the epidemic, the penetration rate of K12 online education will rise to 23.2% in 2020, and the growth rate far exceeds previous data. The K12 education group in China is large in number and covers a wide range. There is a high consumer demand for online education related products and services, which has laid a solid user base for future market development. The industry has ushered in a critical period. As the data of iiMedia Research showed,the renewal rate of interviewed K12 online education users is about 80%, and the user satisfaction is relatively high. About 60% of users have a budget of 1,000-7,000 yuan. Zuoyebang company is currently the world's leading user scale, ranking first in customer efficiency in the industry. Support teaching with technology, serve teaching and research with data, and effectively solve the needs of students by creating high-quality teaching and research results.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国在线一对一少儿英语行业师资储备专题研究报告
随着经济全球化发展,英语成为了重要沟通工具与竞争优势。中国在线教育市场处于高速发展阶段,未来该行业有望进一步加速扩张。首先是居民收入水平的提高,使得教育类相关费用支出保持较高水平。伴随着互联网的普及和网络技术工具的升级,使得在线少儿英语行业 1对1授课形式的大范围应用在技术上得到支持。2020年中国市场规模达4858亿元。同时,中国在线教育用户规模一直保持高速增长的状态,目前用户规模已达3766万人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超八成用户对目前在线1对1少儿英语师资水平表示满意,近七成用户建议严格把关教师教学水平。超五成用户非常看好在线1对1少儿英语行业发展,三成用户比较看好但认为平台水平有待提升。随着市场上出先更多同类型的在线1对1少儿英语平台,未来寻找优质的获客渠道,提高获客精准度是平台形成差异化竞争的关键。同时,外教规模和质量将是在线教育平台的发展关键。
With the development of economic globalization, English has become an important communication tool and competitive advantage. China's online education market moves to the stage of rapid development, and the industry is expected to further accelerate its expansion in the future. The first is the increase in the income level of residents, which keeps expenditures related to education at a relatively high level. With the popularization of the Internet and the upgrading of network technology tools, the large-scale application of one-to-one teaching in the online children's English industry has been technically supported. In 2020, the Chinese market will reach 485.8 billion yuan. At the same time, the number of online education users in China has been maintaining rapid growth, and the number of users has now reached 37.66 million. According to data from iiMedia Research, more than 80% of users are satisfied with the current online 1-to-1 children's English teacher level, and nearly 70% of users suggest that they strictly control the teaching level of teachers. Over 50% of users are very optimistic about the development of the online education industry, while 30% of users are more optimistic, although they believe that the level of the platform needs to be improved. With the emergence of more similar online 1-to-1 children's English platforms in the market, looking for high-quality customer acquisition channels in the future and improving customer acquisition accuracy are the keys to platform differentiation. At the same time, the scale and quality of foreign teachers will be the key to the development of online education platforms.艾媒咨询|2020中国STEAM教育专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国K12课后辅导市场规模达5300亿元,预计2021年将达到5710亿元。行业快速发展的情况下,资本市场对于校外培训教育以及STEAM教育产品研发技术一直保持较高的热度。但是在认知度方面,STEAM教育还需普及,凭借完整性更强的综合解决方案获得学生、家长以及学校的认可,提升市场受认可度。未来STEAM教育行业将在技术方面持续创新和优化,利用人工智能、物联网等新技术促进教学环境和学习方式的改变。
According to data from iiMedia Research, China's K12 after-school tutoring market will reach 530 billion yuan in 2020 and is expected to reach 571 billion yuan in 2021. With the rapid development of the industry, the capital market has always maintained a high degree of enthusiasm for off-campus training and education and STEAM education product development technology. However, in terms of awareness, STEAM education still needs to be popularized. With a more complete integrated solution, it will be recognized by students, parents and schools to increase market acceptance. In the future, the STEAM education industry will continue to innovate and optimize technology, and use new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to promote changes in the teaching environment and learning methods.艾媒咨询|2020中国在线教育行业创新趋势研究报告
Under the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, China has introduced a policy of "suspending classes and not stopping schools", which has accelerated the penetration rate of the online education industry. With the increase in national disposable income, the development of Internet penetration has brought a new round of growth in the online education industry. In 2020, the number of online education users is expected to reach 351 million, and the online education market is expected to exceed 480 billion RMB. Under the new growth, the online education industry has new innovative directions in the fields of teaching models, access channels, and technological empowerment. In terms of teaching mode, double-teacher live broadcast of large classes is the main course form of major online education institutions. On the basis of ensuring the scale of courses, efficient use of teacher resources has formed a good business profit model. Secondly, offline education institutions affected by the epidemic have also turned to online development and innovated the OMO model. With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology, the online education industry effectively uses AI technology to empower teaching, which not only improves teaching quality and experience, but also effectively reduces its customer acquisition cost through self-developed intelligent teaching hardware and intelligent answering services in order to acquire a nice operational efficiency.艾媒咨询|2020年中国未来音乐业态专题研究报告
2020年在新冠疫情影响下,中国音乐行业线下业务受到影响,但云Live、同屏K歌、IOT家庭音乐等新业态形式得到发展机会,行业加快与前沿技术的融合。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国数字音乐市场规模将超过290亿元,2021年更有望达到317.6亿元。随着5G、AI、区块链等前沿技术成熟度加强,其在音乐领域的落地应用也不断加速,而在线音乐用户也看好该类融合,68.6%的受访用户对前沿技术在音乐行业的落地应用表示乐观态度。
In 2020, under the influence of Covid-19, offline business of China music industry are affected. But Cloud Live, same screen karaoke, IOT family music and other new formats get development opportunities, and the industry accelerates the integration with the advanced technology. As the data of iiMedia showed, market scale of China digital music industry will exceed 29 billion yuan in 2020 and reach 31.76 billion yuan in 2021. With the maturity of 5G, AI, blockchain and other advanced technologies, their application in the music industry are also accelerating. Online music users are optimistic about such integration, and 68.6% of the interviewed users are optimistic about the application of advanced technologies and music industry.艾媒咨询|2020年中国在线小班课行业发展专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在“新冠疫情”影响下,教育线上化进程加速,2020年中国在线教育市场规模将达到4858亿元,用户规模也有望增至3.51亿人。行业快速发展的情况下,小班课模式优势更为凸显,学科辅导、数理思维、兴趣教育等各领域均有知名企业布局。尤其针对少儿逻辑能力锻炼的数理思维赛道近年发展加速,市场受认可度也在提升,2021年市场规模有望突破100亿元。未来在线教育行业将在技术方面持续创新和优化,利用AI、5G等新技术为学生提供更个性化、更精准的服务。
Under the influence of Covid-19, the online education process accelerates. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, market scale of China online education market will reach 485.8 billion yuan in 2020, and the user scale is expected to increase to 351 million people. With the rapid development of the industry, the advantages of the small class mode are more prominent. There are well-known enterprises in various fields such as academic tutoring education, mathematical thinking, interest education, etc. In particular, the development of mathematical thinking track for children’s logical ability training has accelerated in recent years. The market scale is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan in 2021. In the future, online education industry will continue to innovate and optimize for technology, and provide more personalized and accurate services for students by using new technologies such as AI and 5G.
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