艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国白酒行业发展状况及消费行为调研分析报告
中国白酒行业近年来经历了显著的变革与调整,不仅承载着深厚的文化内涵,也逐渐现代化和全球化。随着全球化进程的推进,白酒这一极具中国特色的酒类产品正逐步走向世界。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国白酒行业发展状况及消费行为调研分析报告》数据显示,在消费者了解白酒相关信息渠道调查中,电商平台(淘宝、京东等)占比最高,达到54.22%,艾媒咨询分析师认为,电商平台作为白酒销售和信息传播的重要渠道影响力日益增强,对白酒的推广和市场营销具有重要作用。中国白酒行业在传承中发展,在挑战中寻求机遇,展现出前所未有的生机与活力。Chinese liquor industry has undergone significant changes and adjustments in recent years, which not only carries profound cultural connotations, but also gradually modernizes and globalizes. With the advancement of globalization, liquor, a very Chinese characteristic wine product, is gradually going to the world. According to the latest "2024 China baijiu industry development status and consumer behavior research and analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, e-commerce platforms (Taobao, Jingdong, etc.) account for the highest proportion of consumers in the survey of baijiu related information channels. It reached 54.22%. Analysts of IIMedia Consulting believe that the influence of e-commerce platforms as an important channel for liquor sales and information dissemination is increasing, which plays an important role in the promotion and marketing of liquor.
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国2021年中国白酒市场规模将达6434亿元,同比增长10.2%。数字化技术赋能白酒行业,助力企业降本增效,中国酒类新零售市场规模2021年达1363.1亿元。预计未来中国白酒行业发展稳定,营收和利润仍有较大空间,2025年将达9500亿元。经调研发现,中国白酒消费者中七成为男性,超六成为中高收入群体,消费者最喜好的前三白酒品牌分别是五粮液、泸州老窖、剑南春。艾媒咨询分析师认为,近年来中国酒类市场迎来新的变革,低度酒品类迎来了新的增长,消费群体以年轻人为主。2021年天猫双十一周低度购买人数增长超50%,年轻人占到60%。在“她”经济的驱动下,适合年轻女性饮用的低度酒同比增长46%,年轻女性成为酒类市场新的增长点。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, China's liquor market will reach 643.4 billion yuan in 2021, up 10.2% year on year. Digital technology can empower the liquor industry and help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency. The scale of China's new liquor retail market will reach 136.31 billion yuan in 2021. It is expected that China's liquor industry will develop stably in the future, and its revenue and profit will still have a large space, which will reach 950 billion yuan in 2025. According to the survey, seven of Chinese liquor consumers are male, and more than six are middle and high income groups. The top three liquor brands most favored by consumers are Wuliangye, Luzhoulaojiao and Jiannanchun. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in recent years, China's wine market has ushered in a new revolution, low-alcohol wine category ushered in a new growth, the consumer group is mainly young people. In 2021, the number of low-priced shoppers on Tmall will increase by more than 50%, with young people accounting for 60%. Driven by the "she" economy, low-alcohol drinks suitable for young women increased by 46% year-on-year, making young women a new growth point in the alcohol market.艾媒咨询| 2020年中国酒类新零售市场研究报告
随着新零售概念普及,酒类新零售平台与传统酒类市场将趋于结合,该趋势也推动着中国酒类新零售市场规模和用户规模不断扩大。酒类新零售市场在2020年的规模约为1167.5亿元,预计2021年市场规模将增长16.8%至1363.1亿元。同时,酒类新零售平台通过发挥专业化仓储物流的技术优势,并加速线上线下渠道推广引流,进而优化用户购酒体验、强化用户线上购物习惯,因此行业用户规模有着一定的基础,2020年用户规模达到了4.63亿人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,46.4%的受访网民倾向于线上购买酒类商品,同时, 分别有51.7%和56.8%的受访网民认为价格优惠和正品保障是吸引他们到线上购买酒类商品的原因。酒类新零售平台融合线上、线下、物流的新零售模式成为激活零售市场的关键步骤,通过连接传统酒企和消费者,并发挥其渠道互通、数字化、场景化等优势特点,为消费者带来种类多、价格低、有保障的购酒体验,推动中国酒水行业步入新阶段。
With the popularization of the New Retai, the liquor-based new retail platform will combine with the traditional liquor market. This trend also promotes the continuous expansion of the market and user scale of China liquor-based new retail market. The scale of the liquor-based new retail market in 2020 is about 116.75 billion yuan, and it is expected that the market scale will increase by 16.8% to 136.31 billion yuan in 2021. At the same time, the liquor-based new retail platform optimizes users’ liquor purchasing experience and strengthens their online shopping habits by giving scope to the technical advantages of specialized warehousing and logistics and accelerating the promotion of online and offline channels. Hence, the user scale of the industry will reach 463 million in 2020. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 46.4% of the netizens surveyed tend to buy liquor products online. Meanwhile, 51.7% and 56.8% of the netizens surveyed think that preferential price and authentic products guarantee are the reasons to attract them to buy liquor products online. The liquor-based new retail platform integrates the New Retailing model of online, offline and logistics, which has become a key step to activate the retail market. By connecting traditional liquor enterprises and consumers, and giving full play to the advantages of channel intercommunication, digitization and scene, the platform can bring consumers a multiple, low price and guaranteed liquor purchasing experience, and promote China's liquor industry into a new stage.艾媒报告|2020-2021年中国酒类行业发展状况与竞争态势分析报告
2020年1月15日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国酒类行业发展状况与竞争态势分析报告》。报告根据艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、北极星互联网产品分析系统、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,将青岛啤酒、重庆啤酒、通葡股份、张裕集团、贵州茅台、五粮液、泸州老窖、洋河股份等酒类上市公司作为典型案例进行商情分析,深入研究中国三大酒类商业运作模式。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年1-11月规模以上企业白酒产量698.0万千升(折65度,商品量),同比增长0.5%;啤酒产量3524.7万千升,同比增长1.0%;葡萄酒产量37.2万千升,同比下降12.1%。葡萄酒产量出现显著下滑,与进口葡萄酒的竞争和挤压有关。
The report includes Tsingtao Beer, Chongqing Beer, Tongpu, Changyu Group, Guizhou Maotai, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Yanghe As a typical case, listed liquor companies such as stocks conduct business analysis, and in-depth study of China's three major liquor business operation models. According to data from iiMedia Research, from January to November 2019, the liquor production of enterprises above the designated size was 6.978 million kiloliters (65 degrees off, commodity volume), a year-on-year increase of 0.5%; beer production was 35.247 million kiloliters, a year-on-year increase of 1.0%. ; Wine output was 372,000 thousand liters, a year-on-year decrease of 12.1%. The significant decline in wine production is related to competition and squeeze from imported wines.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国白酒产业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the growth rate of liquor production in China tends to be stable in 2018. The net profit of Guizhou Maotai, Wuliangye and Yanghe Liquor Industry giant companies ranks in the top three, with a significant profit proportion and a significant head effect. In China, online liquor consumers are mainly between 25 and 40 years old, accounting for 78.4% of the total, of which 31-35 years old is the most. Famous liquors are facing fierce competition, and TV and Internet entertainment have become new marketing directions.艾媒咨询|2021年中国酒类新零售市场研究报告
The 2021 wine brand marketing Summit Forum, hosted by Guangdong Marketing Association, will be held in Shangri La Hotel, Guangzhou on the afternoon of July 28. The theme of this forum is: "cohesion, empowerment, leapfrog and sail". Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of aimedia Consulting Group, was invited to participate in the forum and will release the 2021 Research Report on new retail market of Chinese wine. The report analyzes the current situation, development scale, industrial chain and competition pattern of new wine retail market in China, and analyzes the consumption behavior and preferences of new retail users of liquor, and comprehensively interprets the development trend of new retail market of health wine in combination with the development of new retail market of health wine.