艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统显示,企业的降薪行为得到了广泛的关注,关键词“降薪”的热度在3月9日当天极速飙升,网络热度指数峰值达到812,“减薪”等话题也拥有较高的网络热度。在企业陆续复工过程中,降薪行为不断出现。据不完全统计,自2月3日至3月15日,已有30家知名企业涉及降薪等薪资调整行为或政策。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在受访职场人群中,薪资下降者分布较多的行业分别为制造业、互联网产业、餐饮零售、房地产业和物流服务。艾媒咨询分析师认为,疫情导致复工难,2月份供给端产能急剧下降,同时出行受限抑制消费。供给和需求双萎缩让各行业经营受重创,降低人力成本,让员工与企业共克时艰成为主流之选。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近八成职场人士对企业2月份薪资下降予以理解。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着政策助力复工复产与国家新基建计划的实施,国内经济有望逐步回暖。
As the data of iiMedia Public Opinion Monitoring system showed, that companies' salary reduction have received widespread attention. The keyword " Salary Reduction" has soared on the 9th of March, and the peak Internet popularity index reached 812. " Salary Reduction" and other topics Also has a high degree of network popularity. In the process of enterprises returning to work one after another, the behavior of salary reduction continues to appear. According to incomplete statistics, from February 3 to March 15, there have been 30 well-known enterprises involved in salary adjustment and other salary adjustment behaviors or policies. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, among the workplaces surveyed, the industries with the largest number of wage dropers are
manufacturing, the Internet industry, catering and retail, real estate, and logistics services. iiMedia Research consulting analysts believe that the epidemic has caused difficulty in resuming work. In February, supply-side production capacity dropped sharply, and travel was restricted to restrain consumption. The double shrinkage of supply and demand has severely damaged the operation of various industries, reduce human resourceslabor costs, and made it the mainstream choice for employees and enterprises to overcome difficulties together. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, nearly 80% of professionals understand the company's salary decline in February. iiMedia Research consulting analysts believe that the market is expected to recover further as policies help resume production and the implementation of the national new infrastructure plan.艾媒报告|2018-2019中国共享经济行业全景研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:滴滴,摩拜,神州,易到,自如、爱彼迎、途家,Wework、ATLAS 寰图,街电,闲鱼、转转,瓜子二手车,人人车,爱回收,美团跑腿,知乎,果壳,丁香、微医,青桔单车,哈啰出行,摩拜单车,ofo,首汽约车,滴滴出行,嘀嗒出行,曹操出行,神州专车,驾呗,联动云租车,GoGun出行
随着中国经济的转型升级,共享经济凭借互联网技术的优势及政策红利成为社会经济发展新动能。2018年中国共享经济参与人数超过7.6亿人,其中作为服务提供者的约7500万。共享经济涉及领域广泛,从出行、住宿等生活服务领域向工业制造、农业等生产领域持续扩展,共享单车、共享充电宝、共享住宿等等共享方式都是共享经济的产物。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019中国网民对共享经济产品使用的满意度普遍较高,非常满意以及满意的用户占比合计超过五成,共享经济经过较长时间的发展,获得了大部分用户的认可。未来随着共享经济模式逐渐成熟,围绕企业B端服务以及5G技术的应用将成为新的发展方向。
With economic transformation and upgrading in China, the sharing economy has become a new driving force for social and economic development with the advantages of Internet technology and policy bonus.In 2018, more than 760 million people in China participated in the sharing economy, of which about 75 million were service providers.The sharing economy covers a wide range of fields, from the life service such as travel and accommodation to industrial production, agriculture and other production.The shared bicycles, shared charging treasures, and shared accommodation are all products of the sharing economy. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, Chinese netizens generally have higher satisfaction with the use of shared economic products in 2019. The proportion of users who are very satisfied and satisfied is more than 50%.The sharing economy has developed over a long time,which is recognized by most users.In the future, with the gradual maturity of the sharing economy model, the enterprise service and the application of 5G technology will become a new development direction.自如长租公寓再现“隔断房”事件舆情监测报告
In the past year and a half after the “partition house“ renovation operation, some reporters through investigation and secret interviews found that the freely long-rented apartment platform is still “guerrilla“ and “lucky“, a large number of partition houses “return to earth“, and even said that freely housekeepers can continue to live without being reported, and can be interrupted if the investigation is not rigorous.艾媒报告|2019中国长租公寓市场现状调查与消费者行为监测报告
城市化发展令城市聚集了相对较多的流动人口,公寓租赁成为这一群体的必要需求;特别是白领阶层中,有43.0%的白领人士表示可以接受一直租房而不买房的生活方式。特别是一线城市的长租公寓市场已基本普及,北京、上海、广州和深圳的长租公寓入住率分别达到93.0%、89.0%、95.0%和96.0%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)研究发现,长租公寓受到资本青睐,地产开发商、地产服务中介、互联网资本和酒店服务集团纷纷进驻长租公寓行业,形成泊寓、自如、YOU+国际青年等品牌,但彼此竞争激烈。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前长租公寓行业仍处于多种运营模式并存的探索阶段,各大品牌暂时没有形成相对固定的市场格局,性价比是长租公寓下半场争夺的重点,服务和科技会成为长租公寓未来的重要发展方向。
Urbanization has caused the city to gather a relatively large number of floating populations. Apartment leasing has become a necessary demand for this group; especially among the white-collar workers, 43.0% of white-collar workers have expressed the possibility of accepting the lifestyle of renting a house without buying a house. In particular, the long-rental apartment market in first-tier cities has been basically popularized. The occupancy rates of long-term rental apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have reached 93.0%, 89.0%, 95.0% and 96.0% respectively. iiMedia Research found that long-term rental apartments are favored by capital. Real estate developers, real estate service agencies, Internet capital and hotel service groups have entered the long-term rental apartment industry, forming a brand of parking, free, YOU+ international youth. But they are highly competitive. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the long-term rental apartment industry is still in the exploration stage of multiple operating modes. The major brands have not formed a relatively fixed market structure for the time being. The price/performance ratio is the focus of the long-term rental apartment in the second half. Service and technology will become the important development direction of long-term rental apartments in the future.艾媒报告|2018-2019中国在线租房行业专题报告
随着置业成本增高和政府政策支持,在线租房行业发展进入高速发展新时期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国在线短租用户规模达到1.47亿人,较2017年增长83.0%,2020年用户规模有望突破3亿人。但高速发展的租房市场因涉及多方利益,容易产生纠纷,仍存在大量问题。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of online short-term rental users has reached 147 million people, showing an increase of 83.0% over 2017, and the scale is expected to exceed 300 million in 2020. However, the rapid development of the house-rental market is prone to disputes as it involves multiple interests, and there are still a lot of problems. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, more than a half of the interviewed users had experienced long-term apartment rental disputes.