在全球经济加速发展与科技飞速进步的当下,低空经济作为新兴的经济形态,其辐射带动作用强、产业链较长等特点对经济社会发展具有较强的带动作用。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025-2029年中国低空经济产业链全景图及区域竞争状况研究报告》数据显示,2022-2024年中国低空经济市场规模数据呈现上升趋势,2025年中国低空经济市场规模预计达5615亿元,2029年低空经济市场规模将达13904亿元,2035年有望突破3.5万亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2024年是低空经济发展的元年,随着政策的落实和相关措施的不断落地,低空经济将在未来呈现爆发式增长。
At present, with the accelerated development of the global economy and the rapid progress of science and technology, the low-altitude economy, as an emerging economic form, has a strong radiation driving effect and a long industrial chain, which has a strong driving effect on economic and social development. iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, recently released the "Research report on China's low-altitude economic industrial chain panorama and regional competition status from 2025 to 2029", which shows that the market size data of China's low-altitude economy in 2022-2024 shows an upward trend. The market size of China's low-altitude economy is expected to reach 561.5 billion yuan in 2025, 1390.4 billion yuan in 2029, and 3.5 trillion yuan in 2035. Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that 2024 is the first year of low-altitude economic development, and with the implementation of policies and relevant measures, low-altitude economy will show explosive growth in the future.艾媒咨询|2023-2024年粤港澳大湾区餐饮消费洞察报告
The Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area has a rich culinary culture and occupies an important position in national cuisine. With the continuous advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, the catering industry in the Bay Area has gained technological dividends. Major catering enterprises are accelerating their digital transformation through supply chain digitization, SaaS, member management, digital marketing, service robots, and other aspects. Research data shows that nearly 50% of consumers in the Greater Bay Area emphasize healthy eating, while over 90% of consumers are accustomed to viewing evaluations and customer reviews from catering software and platforms. Restaurant popularity has gradually become an important basis for consumer dining decisions.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that the competition in the catering industry market is relatively fierce, and catering enterprises with unique brand positioning and characteristics are more likely to stand out in the market.艾媒咨询| 2021年中国银行业数字化转型赋能组织成长趋势研究报告
党中央、国务院高度重视数字经济发展,作出一系列重大决策部署。数字经济是全球未来的发展方向,要大力发展数字经济,加快推进数字产业化、产业数字化,推动数字经济和实体经济深度融合。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2022年上半年个人移动手机银行渗透率预计达75%,2024年上半年中国移动互联网用户规模预计达11.2亿人。此外,以大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链以及移动互联为引领的新的工业革命与科技革命,将导致金融业的边界、研究范式不断被打破和被重构。以银行业为代表的金融业数字化组织变革中,企业学习数字化转型将是重点工作之一。
The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the development of digital economy and made a series of major decisions and arrangements. Digital economy is the future development direction of the world. We should vigorously develop digital economy, accelerate digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. According to iiMedia Research, the penetration rate of personal mobile phone banking is expected to reach 75% in the first half of 2022, and the number of mobile Internet users in China is expected to reach 1.12 billion in the first half of 2024. In addition, the new industrial revolution and technological revolution led by big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and mobile Internet will lead to the continuous breaking and reconstruction of the boundaries and research paradigms of the financial industry. In the digital organizational transformation of the financial industry represented by the banking industry, enterprise learning digital transformation will be one of the key tasks.艾媒咨询|2021年中国月饼市场与消费趋势调查报告
According to data, the sales scale of China's mooncake market in 2020 has exceeded 20 billion yuan. With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and the masses' emphasis on traditional festivals, the demand for visiting relatives and friends will continue to recover. It is estimated that the sales scale of mooncakes in China will reach 20 billion yuan in 2021. 21.8 billion yuan. With the rapid development of the industry, market consumption has also shown new characteristics. In 2021, the demand for self-catering mooncakes in my country will increase, and the demand for gifts will relatively decrease. Ensuring the taste and quality of mooncakes will become the basis for the sustainable development of mooncake brands. From the perspective of moon cake manufacturers, there are three main types of companies: catering companies that deploy food production business, bakery companies that launch seasonal products, and cross-border brands that focus on the market. In general, driven by factors such as intensified market competition and changes in moon cake consumer demand, the Chinese moon cake market will develop in the direction of standardization, continuous innovation in taste, and localization of packaging styles.艾媒咨询|2020年中国月饼市场与消费者行为研究报告
近年来民众对于传统节日的重视程度逐渐加深,对月饼的消费需求持续增加,推动月饼市场规模不断扩大。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国月饼销售额规模超过200亿元,继续稳定增长。但目前出于个人喜好而购买月饼的消费群体正在变小,应节和送礼已成为中秋月饼消费主要驱动因素。超过半数消费者购买月饼的原因为亲友送礼,22.4%的消费者为商务送礼,45.4%的消费者购买月饼作为应节食品。而面对消费者市场需求逐渐转变,各月饼品牌也积极寻求创新。目前品牌方主要通过月饼产品结构和营销方式创新来适应市场转变。产品结构方面,月饼品牌产品注重口味和食材创新,特别注重健康化和口味新颖化来满足不同的消费群体;营销方式方面企业则主要采用跨界营销吸引消费者,同时更加注重通过互联网传达品牌文化和历史。
In recent years, more and more attention are paid to traditional festivals, and the consumption demand for mooncakes continues to increase, which promotes the continuous expansion of the market scale of mooncakes. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, sales volume of mooncakes in China will exceed 20 billion yuan in 2020, continuing the steady growth. However, the amount of consumers who buy mooncakes for personal preference is becoming smaller and smaller. Festival celebration and gift presenting have become the main driving factors of mooncake consumption. More than half of the interviewed consumers buy mooncakes for giving gifts to relatives and friends, and 22.4% for business partners. And 45.4% of the interviewees buying mooncakes for festival celebrating. In the face of the gradual change of consumer market demand, the mooncake enterprises are also actively seeking innovation. At present, the mooncake brands mainly adapts to the market change of through innovation of mooncake product structure and marketing mode. In terms of product structure, mooncake brand products focus on taste and food material innovation, especially on health and taste novelty to meet different consumer groups. In terms of marketing methods, enterprises mainly adopt cross-border marketing to attracting consumers, and pay more attention to convey brand culture and history through online channels.艾媒报告|2019中国移动支付市场研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国移动支付交易规模在2019年第三季度已经达到252.2万亿元,用户规模在年底预计超过7.3亿人,覆盖更多层级的用户,全国普及程度持续提高。中国移动支付行业正在往标准化和规范化发展,市场竞争加剧。随着人脸技术的成熟,刷脸支付加快普及,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2019年刷脸支付用户规模将会达到1.18亿人。未来移动支付行业会更加规范化,市场逐渐下沉,细分化的支付场景和多元盈利模式将会成为移动支付行业新的发展入口。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China's mobile payment transactions has reached 252.2 trillion yuan in the third quarter of 2019, and the number of users is expected to exceed 730 million by the end of the year. The popularity of mobile payment in China is increasing and covering more levels of users. China's mobile payment industry is becoming more standardized, and market competition is intensifying. With the development of face perception technology, the popularity of face payment has increased, according to iiMedia Research by 2019, the number of face brush payment users will reach 118 million. In the future, the mobile payment industry will become more standardized and go towards to the market sinking. Segmented payment scenarios and diversified profit models will become the new development opporunity of the mobile payment industry.
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