艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国数字中台市场研究报告
随着云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能等技术的创新发展,传统产业数字化转型不断加快,数据安全和隐私问题成为用户和企业的关切点,企业对灵活、高效解决方案的需求持续增加,生态合作将成为行业发展趋势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国数字中台市场研究报告》数据显示,2022年中国数字经济总体规模达50.2万亿元,同比增长10.3%。随着传统产业数字化转型不断加快,数字经济基础设施实现跨越式进步,预计2025年达70.8万亿元。中国零售企业在物料管理、销售管理中使用到信息系统较多;零售企业使用的数字化工具主要有数字系统(75.9%)和数字营销(57.6%);有75.4%的零售企业在接受数字中台服务商服务后经营效率提升6%-25%。数字中台市场集中度较高,大厂技术设施健全,优势明显。当前中台的行业格局由竞争转向竞合,以协同生态为核心,集众所长,企业中台趋向云化、智能化、生态化、全渠道化。
With the innovative development of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the digital transformation of traditional industries is accelerating, data security and privacy issues have become the concern of users and enterprises, and enterprises' demand for flexible and efficient solutions continues to increase, and ecological cooperation will become the development trend of the industry. According to the latest China digital market research report in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the overall scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan in 2022, with a year-on-year growth of 10.3%. As the digital transformation of traditional industries continues to accelerate, the digital economy infrastructure has achieved leapfrog progress, and it is expected to reach 70.8 trillion yuan by 2025. Chinese retail enterprises utilize a wide range of information systems in material management and sales management. The primary digital tools employed by retail enterprises include digital systems (75.9%) and digital marketing (57.6%). After receiving services from digital middle-platform service providers, 75.4% of retail enterprises have witnessed a 6% to 25% increase in operational efficiency. The digital middle-platform market exhibits a high degree of concentration, with large companies boasting comprehensive technical facilities and notable advantages. Currently, the middle-platform industry landscape is shifting from competition to cooperation, centered on collaborative ecosystems. It integrates the strengths of various parties, driving enterprise middle-platforms towards cloudification, intelligence, ecologization, and omni-channel development.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告
随着网约车平台的普及和低门槛的就业因素,网约车越来越成为获取灵活就业收入的重要途径。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告》数据显示,中国共享经济市场规模经历了显著的增长,至2023年达到113123亿元。这一增长趋势反映了共享经济在中国的快速发展和市场潜力的释放。随着网约车等创新模式的涌现和市场环境的优化,共享经济将继续为中国经济贡献新的增长点。
With the popularity of online car-hailing platforms and the low threshold of employment factors, online car-hailing has increasingly become an important way to obtain flexible employment income. According to the latest "China Ride-hailing Industry Operation Status and User Consumption Behavior Survey Report 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market scale of China's sharing economy has experienced significant growth, reaching 1,1312.3 billion yuan in 2023. This growth trend reflects the rapid development of the sharing economy in China and the release of market potential. With the emergence of innovative models such as ride-hailing and the optimization of the market environment, the sharing economy will continue to contribute new growth points to the Chinese economy.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the rapid popularization of online car hailing services in the Chinese market and the improvement of user acceptance, the scale of China's online car hailing market is expected to continue to grow.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国无人驾驶汽车市场行业研究报告
随着汽车智能化与电动化的不断升级,无人驾驶汽车成为汽车行业发展的新趋势。在政策和社会需求等多维度因素的推动下,自动驾驶的服务需求持续增长。数据显示,2023年无人驾驶汽车市场规模达118.5亿元,预计2025年前后将迎来规模性产业化契机。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国无人驾驶汽车市场行业研究报告》数据显示,2024年中国有49.3%的受访消费者知道且非常了解无人驾驶汽车;超过四成用户通过短视频平台获取无人驾驶汽车的相关资讯。超六成的受访消费者认为无人驾驶汽车的主要优势是减少驾驶疲惫感和减少交通事故的发生,无人驾驶汽车采用先进的传感技术和智能系统,可以实时感知周围环境,显著降低道路交通事故的发生率。
With the continuous upgrading of automotive intelligence and electrification, driverless vehicles have become a new trend in the development of the automotive industry. Driven by multi-dimensional factors such as policy and social demand, the demand for autonomous driving services continues to grow. According to the data, the market size of driverless cars reached 11.85 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected to usher in large-scale industrialization opportunities around 2025. According to the latest "China Pilotless automobile market Industry Research Report from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, Chinese consumers will buy cosmetics in 2024. The most concerned factors were product composition (58.8%) and product efficacy (41.4%). More than 30% of consumers believe that the main problems with cosmetics are vague product descriptions and the short duration of cosmetic efficacy. With the rise of short video platforms, the size of the cosmetics market continues to expand, and consumer demand is constantly changing. In the future, China's cosmetics industry market still has huge potential for development.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国上门按摩服务平台市场研究报告
居民可支配收入的提高、数字经济的蓬勃发展、以及上门按摩需求的增长都为上门按摩服务平台的发展提供了为消费升级提供了有力支撑,也为平台的市场扩容注入了强劲动力。上门按摩服务平台的市场空间迅速增长,带来了便利和创新的服务模式,也同时也催生了一系列行业乱象,如平台多次陷入“涉黄”争议,以及与旗下技师劳动关系复杂等,这些乱象急需各方面力量的共同努力来解决和规范。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国上门按摩服务平台市场研究报告》数据显示,61.4%的上门按摩服务平台用户为男性,家中环境舒适与干净为消费者选择上门按摩的主要原因。64.2%受访者认为上门按摩服务存在欺诈风险,服务质量宣传过高为服务中主要存在的问题。上门按摩行业正进入提质扩容的阶段,按摩服务选择也逐渐细化丰富。但目前服务平台技师的专业水平和服务质量仍参差不齐,且发展过程中的法律纠纷、涉黄交易与安全隐患也为平台带来了一系列的大众质疑。相关平台应尽快建立标准化服务流程,并努力打破舆论质疑,构建完善监管体系与重塑消费者信任。
The improvement of residents' disposable income, the booming development of the digital economy, and the growing demand for in-home massage services have provided strong support for the upgrading of consumption and injected strong momentum into the expansion of the market for in-home massage service platforms. The market space for in-home massage service platforms has grown rapidly, bringing convenient and innovative service models, but also giving rise to a series of industry malpractices, such as the platform repeatedly being embroiled in "involving prostitution" controversies, as well as complex labor relations with its technicians. These malpractices urgently need the joint efforts of various forces to resolve and standardize.According to the latest Research Report 2024-2025 China In-Home Massage Service Platforms Market Research Report released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, 61.4% of users of in-home massage service platforms are male, and the comfortable and clean home environment is the main reason why consumers choose in-home massage services. 64.2% of respondents believe that in-home massage services have fraud risks, and excessive promotion of service quality is the main problem in the service. The in-home massage industry is entering a stage of quality improvement and expansion. The choice of massage services is gradually becoming more diverse and refined. However, the professional level and service quality of technicians on service platforms are still uneven, and the legal disputes, prostitution transactions, and safety risks during the development process have brought a series of public doubts to the platform. Relevant platforms should establish standardized service processes as soon as possible and strive to break through the public's doubts to build a comprehensive regulatory system and restore consumer trust.艾媒咨询| 2021年中国网络安全产业发展报告
近年来,网络安全建设受到国家层面高度重视,陆续推出了《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》等多项法律法规,为中国网络安全产业的发展注入了有力的政策支持。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年,中国网络信息安全市场规模达到926.8亿元。随着政策刺激的持续兑现与技术的进步,未来中国网络信息安全市场规模增幅将进一步扩大,预计2023年市场规模将突破1400亿元。
In recent years, the construction of network security has been highly valued at the national level. A number of laws and regulations such as the network security law, the data security law and the personal information protection law have been successively introduced, which has injected strong policy support into the development of China's network security industry. According to iiMedia Research, the scale of China's network information security market reached 92.68 billion yuan in 2021. With the continuous implementation of policy incentives and technological progress, the scale growth of China's network information security market will further expand in the future. It is expected that the market scale will exceed 140 billion yuan in 2023.艾媒咨询|2021年中国睡眠经济行业研究报告
According to the data of China Sleep Research Association, more than 300 million people had sleep disorders in 2021, and the incidence of insomnia in adults was as high as 38.2%. AI media consulting analysts believe that with the reduction of Chinese national sleep quality, the increase of sleep aid product supply categories and the improvement of scientific and technological level, the development potential of sleep economy is full of potential, and the market scale will continue to maintain the growth trend. It is expected that the market scale of China's sleep economy will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2021. At present, most sleeping food and drinks, sleeping services and sleeping apps on the market mostly focus on adjusting users' emotions and pressures. The product quality and sleeping effect are mixed. Promoting the reform of sleep product technology application, allowing technology to continue to support the role of sleep products on sleep, and improving product quality and experience is an important help for the mature development of sleep economy market and products.艾媒咨询|2020中国移动应用市场生态洞察报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:移动认证,华为应用市场,App Store,应用宝。
随着通信技术水平的迅速发展及电信业务的普及,中国移动应用产业链逐渐完善,行业发展速度加快。产业上游方面,2020年截至7月,中国在架移动应用达到357万款,厂商更加注重对用户便捷、安全体验的满足。中游方面,移动应用分发渠道发展产生了重要变化。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国小程序用户规模预计达到8.3亿人,新兴渠道对传统应用商店分发模式形成冲击。另一方面,在中美关系紧张的情况下,华为推进的HMS生态系统建设有望对标iOS及安卓,未来该系统有机会成为开发厂商竞争新赛道。下游方面,移动应用在应用场景方面也往更加垂直化的方向发展,如电商、文娱等领域催生出更加细分的场景,也从更多维度满足用户需求,在总体移动应用用户规模增速放缓的情况下,挖掘新的发展机会。
With the rapid development of communication technology and the popularization of telecom business, China Mobile APP industry chain is gradually improved, and the growth of market is accelerated. As for the upstream, by July 2020, the amount of in-store APP in China has reached 3.57 million, and the enterprises are paying more attention to the satisfaction of user convenience as well as security experience. In the midstream, the development of APP distribution channels has undergone important changes. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, user scale of mini-program in China is expected to 830 million in 2020. And the emerging channels will have an impact on the distribution mode of traditional APP stores. On the other hand, under the tense relationship between China and United States, Huawei’s HMS ecosystem construction is expected to be benchmarked with iOS and GMS. In the future, the system has the opportunity to become a new race track for developers to compete. On the downstream side, the industry is developing in a more vertical direction in terms of application scenarios. Fields like e-commerce, entertainment, etc. give birth to more subdivided scenarios, and meet users’ needs from more dimensions. In the case of slowing down of the overall growth rate of APP users, new development opportunities are explored.艾媒报告|2020年中国手机APP隐私权限测评报告
APP违规索权仍比较普遍,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,97.0%的APP默认调用相机权限,35.0%的APP默认调用读取联系人权限。其中,移动社交类和短视频类APP调用联系人读取权限情况较为突出、移动理财读类APP调用拨打电话权限用情况较为严重。
The illegal claims of app are still common. According to the data of iiMedia Research, 97.0% of APP calls camera permission by default, and 35.0% of APP calls read contact permission by default. Among them, the access of mobile social and short video app to call contacts is more prominent, and the access of mobile financial reading app to call calls is more serious.Although the awareness of privacy protection of mobile Internet users in China has been improved,more than half of the mobile Internet users take the initiative to identify app permission calls, they are relatively passive in terms of APP privacy terms. iiMedia Research analysts believe that, while speeding up the implementation of the regulations, users need to pay attention to the management of mobile phone privacy rights and interests, timely maintain personal privacy rights and interests, and operators also need to pay attention to data security and user privacy management.
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