得益于内容的创新和多元化的应用场景,在线音频行业的市场需求被进一步释放。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国在线音频用户规模保持连续增长态势,2022年在线音频用户规模将达到6.90亿人。随着在线音频用户渗透率的持续提升,用户的付费习惯也在逐渐养成,在线音频平台借助消费节日的模式,向用户推送大量优质内容及优惠措施,不仅对内容生产形成了刺激作用,也使得知识付费行业更加契合目前新生代群体消费习惯,促进行业发展。
Benefit from the innovation of content and diversified application scenarios, the market demand of the online audio industry has been further released. According to iimedia research, the number of online audio users in China has maintained a continuous growth trend, and the number of online audio users will reach 690 million in 2022. With the continuous improvement of online audio user penetration, users' payment habits are gradually formed. With the help of the consumption Festival mode, the online audio platform pushes a large number of high-quality content and preferential measures to users, which not only stimulates the content production, but also makes the knowledge payment industry more in line with the current consumption habits of the new generation of groups and promote the development of the industry.艾媒咨询|2021年中国在线音频行业发展及用户行为研究报告
得益于内容的创新和多元化的应用场景,在线音频市场规模近年均呈现快速上升态势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2021年中国在线音频市场规模将达到220.0亿元,同比增长67.9%。随着“在线音频+同好社交”模式的兴起,用户越来越重视双向互动,未来在线音频行业将会朝更多元化领域方向发展,社交属性功能逐步加强。
Thanks to the innovation of content and diversified application scenarios, the scale of online audio market has increased rapidly in recent years. According to iimedia research, China's online audio market will reach 22 billion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 67.9%. With the rise of the "online audio + social networking" model, users pay more and more attention to two-way interaction. In the future, the online audio industry will develop in a more diversified field, and the social attribute function will be gradually strengthened.艾媒咨询|2021H1中国在线音频产业运行监测调研报告
随着线上娱乐发展以及音频技术的创新,以及线上音频社交的逐渐兴起,在线音频行业受到广大用户的关注。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国在线音频用户规模达5.7亿人,预计2022年整体用户规模达到6.9亿人。目前,在线音频行业正向全生态发展,内容布局也不断拓展广泛,未来在线音频行业将逐渐精细化,头部平台将更有机会提供优质资源,在未来竞争中获得先机。
With the development of online entertainment, the innovation of audio technology and the gradual rise of online audio social networking, the online audio industry has attracted the attention of the majority of users. According to iimedia research, the number of online audio users in China will reach 570 million in 2020, and the overall number of users is expected to reach 690 million in 2022. At present, the online audio industry is developing towards the whole ecology, and the content layout is also expanding widely. In the future, the online audio industry will be gradually refined, and the head platform will have more opportunities to provide high-quality resources and take the lead in the future competition.
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