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艾媒报告 | 2019中国携号转网新规用户心态与行动预判调研报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、AT&T、France Telecom、OFTA、SoftBank
中国携号转网部署工作逐步推进,将会给三大运营商带来巨大的挑战。目前,用户对中国电信和中国移动的资费问题最为不满,对中国联通的网络信号及通话质量最不满意。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查显示,有50.8%的用户有强烈的意愿办理携号转网,其中学生和白领两类人群对携号转网认知程度和体验意愿较高,或将成为最主要的携号转网潜在用户群体。艾媒咨询分析师认为,携号转网政策的落地实施将对三大运营商造成局部洗牌,运营商应在自身优势的基础上优化用户服务。
The gradual promotion of China's Mobile Number Portability will bring huge challenges to the three major telecommunications carriers. At present, users are most dissatisfied with China Telecom and China Mobile's tariff issues, and are most dissatisfied with China Unicom's network signal and call quality. According to the iiMedia Research survey, 50.8% of users have a strong willingness to carry out the transfer of the number. Among them, students and white-collar workers have higher awareness and willingness to experience the number of users, whose will be the potential user groups during mobile number portability. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the implementation of the Mobile Number Portability policy will cause partial reshuffle of the three major telecommunications carriers, and they should optimize user services based on their own advantages.艾媒报告|2019中国骚扰电话市场状况与用户感知调查报告
骚扰电话问题常年困扰着大众日常生活。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国骚扰电话拨打量已超过了500亿次,两成网民接到的电话中超过一半是骚扰电话,而且每周都能接到骚扰电话的网民达到了85.4%。骚扰电话问题肆虐下,对于它的治理却几乎看不到成效。超过九成的网民表示对骚扰电话的治理情况感到不满意,甚至有43.1%的网民表示最近一年接到的骚扰电话比以往要更多。其实骚扰电话的拨打都需要接入到电信运营商,要对其进行治理是有办法的。但骚扰电话有牵涉到巨大利益链条,由销售电话和骚扰电话支撑起来的中国呼叫中心市场规模2018年就达到了190.2亿元。巨大利益关系下,超四成网民认为骚扰电话问题主要归责于电信运营商。
Telephone harassment has plagued people’s daily life for years. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the number of harassment calls in China exceeded 50 billion in 2018. One fifth of netizens implied that more than half of the calls they received are harassment calls. While 85.4% of them received harassment calls every week. The problem of harassment calls is rampant, but the solution to the problem is almost ineffective. More than 90% of the netizens express dissatisfaction with the management of harassment calls, and 43.1% even implied that they had received more harassment calls in the past years than before. In fact, the harassment calls need access to telecom operators, and as the result there are ways to deal with it. But harassment calls business involves a huge chain of interests. The scale of China call center market, supported by the sales calls and harassment calls, reached 19.02 billion yuan in 2018. Under the enormous interest relationship, more than 40% of netizens believe that the problem of harassment calls is mainly attributed to the telecom operators.艾媒报告|2018-2019 中国5G产业全景图谱及发展趋势分析
政策支持和技术进步推动中国5G产业快速发展,预计2025年中国5G连接数将达4.28亿个,带动直接经济产出达3.3万亿元,产业市场前景广阔。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,2018年中国5G产业链各个环节相关企业营收均超亿元,发展态势良好。而资本市场也积极关注5G产业生态圈,智慧出行、智慧医疗下游应用成投资热点。
According to the data of iiMedia Research,73.0%of netizens are optimistic about the future development of 5G technology.Intelligent manufacturing,vehicle network and wireless medical care are hot spots for netizens.As 5G integrates into multiple technologies,the innovative application of 5G in the traditional industry will become an important economic growth point.