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艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国化妆品消费者行为调查数据
随着消费者对美的追求不断提升,化妆品行业进入快速发展阶段,品牌不断涌现,产品创新层出不穷,从功效型产品到天然有机产品,再到如今融合科技元素的智能化妆品,化妆品行业持续顺应时代潮流与消费者需求演变。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国化妆品消费者行为调查数据》数据显示,96.08% 的消费者日常使用化妆品,表明化妆品已深度融入国人生活,成为大众日常消费的重要组成部分,市场渗透率极高,这为化妆品行业的持续繁荣筑牢了坚实的用户基础。产品功效以50.51%的占比拔得头筹,清晰反映出消费者在选购化妆品时,更注重产品能为自身带来的实际改变,如护肤产品能否有效改善肤质、彩妆产品是否具备持久显色效果等。这对化妆品企业而言,是明确的发展导向,意味着企业必须将研发重心置于功效提升上,加大研发投入,运用先进技术与优质原料,打造出真正满足消费者需求的高效产品,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,收获消费者的青睐与信任。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着环保意识增强,消费者对绿色、可持续化妆品需求增加。企业将注重原料可持续采购、产品环保包装、生产过程节能减排,推出更多绿色环保化妆品。
With the continuous improvement of consumers' pursuit of beauty, the cosmetics industry has entered a stage of rapid development, brands continue to emerge, product innovations emerge in an endless stream, from efficacy products to natural and organic products, and now the integration of scientific and technological elements of smart cosmetics, cosmetics industry continues to adapt to the trend of The Times and the evolution of consumer demand. According to the latest " Data from China cosmetics consumer behavior survey in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 96.08% of consumers use cosmetics daily, indicating that cosmetics have been deeply integrated into the lives of Chinese people. It has become an important part of the daily consumption of the public, and the market penetration rate is extremely high, which has built a solid user base for the continued prosperity of the cosmetics industry. Product efficacy took the top spot with 50.51%, clearly reflecting that when consumers buy cosmetics, they pay more attention to the actual changes that products can bring to themselves, such as whether skin care products can effectively improve skin quality, and whether makeup products have lasting color effects. This is a clear development orientation for cosmetics companies, which means that companies must focus on research and development to improve efficiency, increase investment in research and development, use advanced technology and high-quality raw materials, and create efficient products that truly meet consumer needs in order to stand out in the fierce market competition and harvest consumers' favor and trust. Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that with the increase in environmental awareness, consumers' demand for green and sustainable cosmetics has increased. The company will focus on sustainable procurement of raw materials, environmentally friendly packaging of products, energy saving and emission reduction in the production process, and launch more green and environmentally friendly cosmetics.艾媒咨询 | 2024年全球及中国抗衰老市场环境分析与消费行为分析报告
随着中国消费者健康意识的觉醒以及“她经济”的崛起,消费者愈发重视抗衰老的相关产品。在消费结构升级、审美观念和悦己意识增强等多种因素的推动下,中国抗衰老市场消费持续增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年全球及中国抗衰老市场环境分析与消费行为分析报告》数据显示,2014至2023年,中国大健康产业营收从2.5万亿元稳步增长至8.6万亿元,年均增长率显著。这一上升趋势反映了健康产业的快速发展和市场潜力。
With the awakening of Chinese consumers' health awareness and the rise of "her economy", consumers are paying more attention to anti-aging related products. Driven by multiple factors such as the upgrading of consumption structure, the enhancement of aesthetic concept and self-pleasing consciousness, the consumption of China's anti-aging market continues to grow. According to the latest "2024 Global and China Anti-aging Market Environment Analysis and Consumer Behavior Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, from 2014 to 2023, the revenue of China's big health industry has grown steadily from 2.5 trillion yuan to 8.6 trillion yuan. The average annual growth rate is remarkable. This upward trend reflects the rapid development and market potential of the health industry.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that anti-aging has become a topic of general concern for most Chinese consumers, and the market has a large demand for anti-aging products and services.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国唇部彩妆行业研究及消费洞察报告
中国唇部彩妆产品市场规模呈上升趋势,2023年到达262.8亿元,预计2028年将达379.5亿元。随着消费者审美观念的不断升级和个性化需求的日益增长,唇部彩妆市场正逐步向多元化、精细化方向发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国唇部彩妆行业研究及消费洞察报告》数据显示,在品牌选择上,消费者对于本土彩妆品牌的认可度和信任度正在逐步提高,59.3%的消费者表示倾向于选择本土品牌。同时,本土品牌的价格优势是吸引消费者的重要因素之一,101-200元/支(41.4%)和51-100元/支(36.3%)的口红受到消费者欢迎。得益于国家政策的大力支持和“她时代”的到来,唇部彩妆行业迎来巨大的发展机遇,企业纷纷通过科技创新推出舒适、持久、健康环保的唇部彩妆产品,实现行业内部的品牌升级与差异化发展。
The market size of lip makeup products in China is on an upward trend, reaching 26.28 billion yuan in 2023 and is projected to hit 37.95 billion yuan by 2028. With the continuous upgrading of consumers' aesthetic concepts and the growing demand for personalization, the lip makeup market is gradually moving towards diversification and refinement. The latest "China Lip Makeup Industry Research and Consumption Insights Research Report from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economic industry, shows that consumers' recognition and trust in local makeup brands are gradually increasing in terms of brand selection, with 59.3% of consumers indicating a preference for local brands. Meanwhile, the price advantage of local brands is one of the crucial factors attracting consumers, as lipsticks priced between 101-200 yuan (41.4%) and 51-100 yuan (36.3%) per unit are favored by consumers. Benefiting from the strong support of national policies and the advent of the "her era," the lip makeup industry is embracing tremendous development opportunities. In response, enterprises have introduced comfortable, long-lasting, healthy, and eco-friendly lip makeup products through technological innovation, achieving brand upgrading and differentiated development within the industry.艾媒咨询|2021年9-10月中国化妆品行业运行数据监测双月报:“双十一” 战报
Data show that at the beginning of this year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased year-on-year due to the impact of last year's low base. Since March, the year-on-year growth rate of China's total retail sales of social consumer goods and the retail value of cosmetics has generally shown a downward trend. iiMedia Research analysts believe that due to the sporadic occurrence of the epidemic in China and the macroeconomic boom, the overall consumption willingness of residents is weakened. If the epidemic has not been solved in the future, it may affect the overall demand for cosmetics consumption to a certain extent. However, from the data, this year, the demand for online re purchase of beauty and skin care products is more than the demand for offline experience, and the requirement for timeliness is not high. Under the environment of declining overall e-commerce economic growth, the growth rate of online sales of beauty and skin care products can still maintain a high growth trend in the future.艾媒咨询|2021年7-8月中国化妆品行业运行数据监测双月报
数据显示,2021年8月阿里平台护肤及化妆品类GMV为199.1亿元,同比下降5.0%,其中护肤类GMV140.0 亿元,同比下降0.8%,彩妆类GMV59.2亿元,同比下降13.6%。双十一电商购物节成交额近五年平均增长率为32.5%,购物气氛活跃。2020年双十一电商购物节全网个护美妆品类销售额909亿元,同比增长43%。其中,护肤销售额达 755 亿元,同比增长 45%;美妆彩妆销售额为 154 亿元,同比增长 38%。2020年双十一电商购物节有超70%的个护美妆商品在预售阶段售出,商家可考虑在2021年双十一期间重点布局预售期。
According to data, in August 2021, the GMV of skin care and cosmetics on Ali's platform was 19.91 billion yuan, down 5.0% year-on-year, of which skin care GMV was 14 billion yuan, down 0.8% year-on-year, and cosmetics GMV was 5.92 billion yuan, down 13.6% year-on-year . On the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival, the average growth rate in the past five years has been 32.5%, and the shopping atmosphere is active. On the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival in 2020, the total sales of personal care and beauty products in the whole network is 90.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43%. Among them, skin care sales reached 75.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 45%; beauty cosmetics sales were 15.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38%. In 2020 Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival, more than 70% of personal care and beauty products are sold in the pre-sale stage. Merchants may consider focusing on the pre-sale period during the 2021 Double Eleven period.艾媒咨询|2021年5-6月中国化妆品行业运行数据监测双月报
According to the data, from January to may 2021, the import amount of cosmetics and toiletries in China was 64.98 billion yuan and the export amount was 10.72 billion yuan; In 2021, the transaction volume of 618 Shopping Festival reached a new high, of which the total online transaction volume of beauty category was 578.48 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.5%. With the rapid development of digital technology and other high technologies, artificial intelligence, AR, big data and other technologies began to be gradually applied to the cosmetics industry. The cosmetics industry began to enter the intelligent era. Cosmetics and technology should be better combined and innovated to bring personalized and intelligent services to users from the needs of consumers.艾媒咨询|2021年中国化妆品用户调研与发展预判研究报告
2021年5月31日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询) 发布《2021年中国化妆品用户调研与发展预判研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国化妆品产业进行了全面分析,并分别对护肤品和美妆进行了超过2000名的用户调研,并提出了趋势预判。
On May 31, 2021, iiMedia Research, a world-renowned third-party data mining and analysis organization for the new economy industry, released the "2021 China Cosmetics User Survey and Development Pre-judgment Research Report." Based on the basic data of iiMedia Data Center, iiMedia Consulting Business Intelligence Database, and iiMedia Business Opinion and Public Opinion Data Monitoring System, the report conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese cosmetics industry, and conducted a survey of more than 2,000 users of skincare and beauty products. Propose trend prediction.艾媒咨询|2021年3-4月中国化妆品行业运行数据监测双月报
Data show that the import and export volume of cosmetics and toiletries in China has increased significantly, and has not been seriously affected by COVID-19 in 2020. From January to April in 2021, China's imports of cosmetics and toiletries were 146000 tons and exports were 292000 tons; From January to April 2021, China's imports of cosmetics and toiletries amounted to 51.58 billion yuan, and its exports amounted to 8.44 billion yuan. With the comprehensive recovery of domestic economy, the export volume of China's cosmetics has an obvious increasing trend. According to this trend, it is expected that the import and export amount of China's cosmetics and toiletries will reach a new peak in 2021.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国贵妇膏市场品牌分析及用户调研报告
Data show that during 2015-2020, the market scale of Chinese lady cream will continue to expand. In 2016, lady cream opened its market awareness with the help of new media platform. Driven by the consumption upgrading and beauty economy, the market demand of guifugao products has expanded. Especially after guifugao's "going out of the circle" with TV advertising, the market scale has jumped to 6.71 billion yuan without the impact of the epidemic, and is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan in 2022. The concept of beauty economy promotes the development of skin care market to high-end. AI media consulting analysts believe that the current growth of residents' consumption power and the rapid development of the Internet have given contemporary consumers the characteristics of chasing personality trends and paying attention to beauty, which has promoted the rapid rise of cosmetics, which is the most direct representative of "beauty economy".
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