当前移动互联网用户规模保持小幅度增长,逐渐趋向饱和,中国移动广告市场已进入平稳发展期,营销服务商面临新的挑战和机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国品牌营销与千禧青年消费趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国移动广告市场规模为4646.6亿元,同比增长2.7%,2025年有望突破4800亿元。近年来,营销服务商紧跟技术趋势,将AI等技术应用于文案撰写、图像处理、视频创意生成等领域,为品牌方提供更高效、个性化的营销方案。另一方面,消费者对产品的需求愈加多元和个性化,对产品的实用和设计提出了更多的要求。越来越多消费者开始为个人兴趣买单,追求个性化的消费观念,品牌方、营销服务商面临新的挑战。
At present, the scale of mobile Internet users has maintained a slight growth and is gradually becoming saturated, China's mobile advertising market has entered a period of steady development, and marketing service providers are facing new challenges and opportunities. According to the latest "Research Report on Brand Marketing and Millennial Youth Consumption Trends in China, 2024-2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, China's mobile advertising market will be 464.66 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%, and is expected to exceed 480 billion yuan in 2025. In recent years, marketing service providers have kept up with technology trends and applied AI and other technologies to copywriting, image processing, video idea generation and other fields to provide brands with more efficient and personalized marketing solutions. On the other hand, consumers' demand for products is becoming more diverse and personalized, and they care about the practicality of products, and put forward requirements for product design. More and more consumers are beginning to pay for their personal interests and pursue personalized consumption concepts, and brands and marketing service providers are facing new challenges.艾媒咨询|2021上半年中国移动社交行业研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国移动社交用户规模已然达到9.24亿人,预计2022年中国移动社交用户整体突破10亿人。随着5G时代的来临,在原有用户基础上,中国移动社交平台产品的创新将进一步释放社交价值。其次,随着政策推动和大众对社交效率的要求越趋提升,真人社交需求得到激发。真人社交能帮助用户解除移动社交身份顾虑,同时助推婚恋等社交需求效率。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,66.6%的受访者表示会优先选择有完备实名制认证流程的平台。艾媒咨询分析师认为,真人社交能让用户拥有更良好的移动社交安全感,所以更受用户青睐。此外,在满足用户当下、实时社交需求的同时,移动社交平台将加入更多差异化、个性化功能到产品中,提高用户留存度、形成产品核心竞争功能和优势。移动社交平台将从“发现新关系的工具”转变为用户选择在其载体上进行深入交流的社交平台。
As to the data of iiMedia Research, the number of China's mobile social users has reached 924 million in 2020, and it is estimated that the total number of China's mobile social users will exceed 1 billion in 2022. With the advent of 5g era, the innovation of China mobile social platform products will further release social value based on the original users. Secondly, with the promotion of policy and the increasing demand of the public for social efficiency, the demand for real social interaction has been stimulated. Real person social networking can help users relieve their concerns about mobile social identity, and boost the efficiency of social needs such as marriage and love. As to the data of iiMedia Research, 66.6% of the respondents said that they would give priority to the platform with complete real name certification process. The consulting analyst of iiMedia Research believes that real social can make users have a better sense of mobile social security, so it is more popular with users. In addition, while meeting the current and real-time social needs of users, mobile social platform will add more differentiated and personalized functions to the products, improve the retention of users, and form the core competitive function and advantages of products. Mobile social platform will change from "tools for discovering new relationships" to social platforms where users choose to communicate deeply on their carriers.艾媒咨询|2020-2021中国第三方手机输入法行业年度研究报告
2020年中国第三方手机输入法用户规模达到7.55亿人,同比增长3.6%,且用户规模有望进一步扩大。首先是中国手机网民规模的持续增长。随着移动互联网的不断发展,中国移动互联网用户规模已达9.89亿人,为第三方手机输入法提供了有利的社会发展环境。随着疫情防控的常态化,在线办公和在线教育成为增长最迅速的场景,AI键盘输入功能使用渗透率也持续攀升,有望转型成为社会的新刚需。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,AI语音输入功能已成为用户高效输入的重要方式,超六成用户偏好使用。与此同时,用户对文字识别、智能纠错功能的熟练使用占比均超过三成。随着在线办公和在线教育的发展,用户对智能预测、智能翻译等功能的认知度和需求将继续得到激发。在手机的迭代升级过程中,输入法一直扮演着必备应用的角色。作为市场刚需,未来将在5G、AI技术的发展下持续应用深化。
In 2020, the number of third-party mobile input method users in China will reach 755 million, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%, and the user scale is expected to further expand. The first is the continuous increase in the size of Chinese mobile phone netizens. With the continuous development of mobile Internet, the number of mobile Internet users in China has reached 989 million, which provides a favorable social development environment for third-party mobile phone input methods. With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, online office and online education have become the fastest-growing scenarios. The penetration rate of the use of AI keyboard input functions continues to rise, and it is expected to transform into a new rigid demand in society. According to data from iiMedia Research, the AI voice input function has become an important way for users to input efficiently, and over 60% of users prefer to use it. At the same time, more than 30% of users are proficient in text recognition and intelligent error correction. With the development of online office and online education, users' awareness and demand for functions such as intelligent prediction and intelligent translation will continue to be stimulated. In the iterative upgrade process of mobile phones, the input method has always played the role of an indispensable application. As a rigid demand in the market, the application will continue to deepen in the future under the development of 5G and AI technology.艾媒报告|2020中国“新冠疫期”消费者行为大数据监测报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,新冠疫情对中国网民消费产生了较大的负面影响。仅在春节期间,中国零售与餐饮就预计将损失超10000亿元,旅游收入损失将超5000亿元,电影票房损失将超70亿元。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,67.4%的受访者认为疫情对个人消费行为、观念、偏好等有所影响。适度消费、理性消费是疫情期间主流消费观念,七成网民增强对医疗卫生用品消费偏好。由于海外疫情影响,五成以上中国网民消费者表示出对国货品牌的消费偏好,疫情为国货品牌抢占市场提供了契机。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the novel coronavirus epidemic has a greater negative impact on the consumption of Chinese netizens.During the Spring Festival, China ’s retail and catering are predicted to lose more than RMB 1 trillion, tourism losses will exceed RMB 500 billion, and movie industry losses will exceed RMB 7 billion. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 67.4% of Chinese netizens believe that the epidemic has an impact on their personal consumption behaviors, perceptions, and preferences. Moderate and rational consumption became the mainstream consumption concepts during the epidemic, 70% of netizens have increased their preference for medical and health products. Due to the impact of the overseas epidemic, more than 50% of Chinese netizens have expressed their preference for domestic product brands. The epidemic provides an opportunity for domestic product brands to seize the market.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国移动社交行业年度研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:玩吧APP,Soul APP,积目APP;其他提及企业/品牌:微信,QQ,飞聊,微博,珍爱网,百度贴吧,豆瓣,知乎,小红书,陌陌,boss直聘,脉脉,钉钉,抖音,keep,绿洲,探探,糖豆,派派,多闪,我是谜
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019上半年中国即时通信应用使用率达到96.9%, 即时通信所代表的移动社交已成网民生活常态,随着国内移动社交生态的发展,预计到2020年用户规模将突破9亿。庞大的移动社交用户规模也意味着更多的市场可能性,而以95后、00后为主的年轻新世代逐渐成为中国移动社交市场的主力军。这部分年轻用户更青睐于轻松、趣味社交形式, 偏好新潮、有趣、多元的社交场景。当前5G、人工智能、VR等技术的发展与变迁驱动音频、视频、直播等新型社交载体加速落地。在技术升级和用户需求提升的背景下,传统移动社交厂商和新入局者纷纷瞄准泛娱乐类社交、校园社交等移动社交细分领域。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在技术变迁、需求细化、厂商积极布局等因素驱动下,中国移动社交行业将迎来新一轮的变革契机。
iiMedia Research data shows that in the first half of 2019, the usage rate of instant messaging apps in China reached 96.9%, and the mobile social network represented by instant messaging has become the normal life of netizens. With the development of mobile social ecology in China, the user scale is expected to exceed 900 million by 2020. The large scale of mobile social users also means more market possibilities, and the younger generation, mainly the post-1995 and post-2000 generations, is gradually becoming the main force in China's mobile social market. This group of young users are more interested in relaxing and interesting social forms, and prefer trendy, interesting and diverse social scenes. The development and changes of 5G, artificial intelligence, VR and other technologies are accelerating the landing of new social carriers such as audio, video and live broadcast. Under the background of technology upgrading and user demand improvement, traditional mobile social network manufacturers and new entrants have targeted the mobile social segments such as pan-entertainment social network and campus social network. iimedia consulting analysts believe that Chinese mobile social networking industry will usher in a new round of opportunities for change driven by technological changes, demand refinement, active layout of manufacturers and other factors.艾媒报告|2020年中国知识付费行业运行发展及用户行为调研分析报告
This report mainly summarizes and analyzes the current status of the development model of the knowledge payment industry in China. It monitors the background of the industry development, industry core data, and important links in the knowledge payment industry chain. Research on paid user behavior (sample size 1750), and focus on different types of knowledge payment platforms such as acquisition, fluency in English, Zhihu, Himalayan, etc. as a typical business situation analysis, interpret the overall development trend of the industry and study its business operations Model, predicting the development trend and operating model of China's knowledge payment industry in 2021.艾媒报告|2020年1-2月中国母婴行业运行状况及企业商情动态月度报告
During the epidemic, the top three most downloaded APP types among mother groups were news, maternal and child vertical, and social. In January 2020, the mother-and-baby app with the largest monthly active population was conceived by Maoma.com, with a total of 17,514,400 people, an increase of 2.47% from the previous month.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国团餐产业细分市场运营及典型案例分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:鸿骏膳食,深圳中快,千喜鹤,华鼎团膳,雄伟科技,禧云国际,荷特宝,嘉兴海胜商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙),杭州海邦新湖人才创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙),蚂蚁金服 ,口碑网,鼎晖投资,安持资本,企源科技,安持资本,中国智能,华商欣谷,吃几顿,满客宝,怪蜀黍,哇鹰网络,有得食,平安云厨,正勤资本,天使湾(领投) ,杭州多牛资本 ,汇光资本,佳沃集团
2019年,中国团餐产业发展势头依旧,占据超过30%的餐饮行业市场份额,学校、企业和机关食堂是团餐市场的重点领域。(iiMedia Research)艾媒咨询预测,预计2020年中国团餐市场份额和市场规模都将再创新高,市场规模接近1.7万亿元。
目前中国团餐企业集中分布在东南沿海经济发达省市,以及高校分布较多的区域(如四川、河南、陕西、湖北等),其中,广东、江苏与上海位列前三。而西北、东北与西南区域受商业经济发达程度、人口密集程度与教育发展程度的影响分布较少。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,约半数食堂餐受访用户认为食堂距离近且出餐快,价格优势明显,但品相、口味和摆盘等需要改进;而企业用户中,有过员工团餐、企业自助餐、下午茶茶歇、活动餐等团餐经历的受访者超过25%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,团餐作为某种形式的员工福利,未来的市场需求会逐渐扩大,团餐市场将持续发展壮大。
At present, Chinese group meal enterprises are concentrated in the economically developed provinces and cities along the southeast coast, as well as in regions with more universities (such as Sichuan, Henan, Shaanxi, Hubei, etc.), of which Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shanghai rank in the top three. However, the northwest, northeast and southwest regions are less affected by the degree of commercial economic development, population density and educational development. IiMedia Research shows that about half of the users interviewed for canteen meals believe that the canteen is close to each other and has fast food delivery and obvious price advantage, but the quality, taste and plate setting need to be improved. Among enterprise users, more than 25% of the interviewees had experienced group meals such as staff group meals, enterprise buffet meals, afternoon tea breaks and activity meals.
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