本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:梦想加,氪空间,ATLAS 寰图
2022年中国联合办公市场规模预计将达到2273.5亿元,未来联合办公的市场规模有望进一步扩大。首先是全球联合办公空间数量仍呈现持续增长趋势。随着中国办公模式的消费升级,行业市场规模将继续扩张。在此基础上,中国联合办公行业将进一步整合,市场资源向少数头部企业聚集,精细化的运营管理竞争将变得激烈。尽管行业发展潜力巨大,中国联合办公行业企业普遍存在盈利模式的单一问题。如何通过企业增值服务拓展盈利渠道,寻求多元化盈利模式转变,将是行业内接下来的发展重点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,51.6%的用户期望联合办公企业能够增加税务、法律、知识产权等企业代理或咨询服务,超七成用户表示会继续使用联合办公行业空间服务,且使用意愿不会下降。随着智能应用进程的快速发展与运营管理等增值服务的不断拓展,联合办公行业精细化的服务品质将得到发展,对目标客群的吸引力也将得到提高。
The size of China's co-working office market is expected to reach 227.35 billion yuan in 2022, and the market size of co-working offices is expected to further expand in the future. First, the number of global co-working spaces is still showing a continuous growth trend. With the consumption upgrade of China's office model, the industry market scale will continue to expand. On this basis, China's co-working industry will be further integrated, market resources will be concentrated in a few leading companies, and competition for refined operation management will become fierce. Despite the huge potential for industry development, companies in the co-working industry in China generally have a single problem with their profit model. How to expand profit channels through enterprise value-added services and seek diversified profit model changes will be the next development focus in the industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, 51.6% of users expect co-working companies to increase tax, legal, intellectual property and other corporate agency or consulting services, and over 70% of users said they will continue to use co-working space services and are willing to use it. Will not fall. With the rapid development of intelligent application process and the continuous expansion of value-added services such as operation management, the refined service quality of the joint office industry will be developed, and the attractiveness of the target customer group will also be improved. -
快销食品行业是推动国内外经济双循环的重要环节。当前,快销食品也积极追求健康化、品质化、高端化的发展趋势,并且积极利用直播、短视频等模式催化线上经济的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为2019年中国休闲食品行业市场规模达到10556亿元,同比增长6.10%,预计2020年将超过11000亿元。
The fast-moving food industry is an important link in promoting the double cycle of domestic and foreign economies. At present, fast-moving foods are also actively pursuing the development trend of health, quality and high-end, and actively use live broadcast, short video and other modes to catalyze the development of the online economy. According to iiMedia Research's analysis, the market size of China's snack food industry reached 1,055.6 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 6.10% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 1,100 billion yuan in 2020. -
新冠疫情的爆发激发了母婴行业对转型升级紧迫性、重要性的认知,成为了线上线下加速融合的助推器。目前连锁母婴品牌的线下发展已经呈现出一定的分化,少数品牌凭借轻资产扩张模式取得了亮眼表现。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在母婴消费品质升级的长期趋势下,线下实体母婴门店在逐步品牌化、连锁化的同时也将延伸线上业务,通过线上服务增强顾客粘性。而对于布局线上的母婴企业,疫情期间以直播为代表的线上营销方式起势正猛,有望走向常态化。艾媒咨询分析师认为,供需侧的变化加速了母婴产业线上线下融合, 母婴新零售体系日趋完善。在母婴新零售业态不断发展的过程中,持续升级产品服务,才是母婴新零售企业长续经营的关键。
The outbreak of coVID19 has aroused the awareness of the urgency and importance of transformation and upgrading in the maternal and infant industry, which has become a booster for accelerating the integration of online and offline industries. At present, the offline development of chain maternal and infant brands has presented a trend of differentiation, and a few brands have made a bright performance by virtue of the assetlight expansion mode. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that under the long-term trend of upgrading the consumption quality, offline brick-and-mortar stores for mothers and infants will gradually become branded and chain-store. Meanwhile they would extend their online business and using online services to enhance customer stickiness. For online maternal and child enterprises, the online marketing represented by live broadcast during the epidemic is gaining momentum and is expected to be normalized. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that the changes on the supply and demand side have accelerated the online and offline integration of the maternal and infant industry. The new maternal and infant retail system is becoming more and more complete. In the process of the development of maternal and infant new retail business, the continuous upgrading of products and services is the key. -
在消费者健康意识不断增强和新型烟草行业逐渐发展的背景下,中国电子烟行业的市场规模呈逐年扩大的趋势。2019年中国电子烟市场规模为78.6亿元,同比2018年增长了26.6%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,四成的受访用户没有形成电子烟的使用习惯,接近三成的电子烟用户仅是处于尝试的心态购买价位较低的电子烟,说明目前中国电子烟市场普及率仍然较低,尚未形成稳定的消费群体,行业存在一定的发展空间。然而,随着国家线上监管禁令的出台,电子烟的线上销售渠道受阻,商家为拓展市场纷纷转向线下布局,并形成了多样化的线下布局模式。由于国家相关政策走势并不清晰,同时面临着来自国营企业的竞争压力,未来中国电子烟行业前景并不明朗,但未来通过产品出口开辟国际市场对于企业而言有望成为良好的发展机遇。
Under the background of consumers’ increasing health awareness and the development of harm reducing tobacco industry, the scale of China's e-cigarette users is expanding year by year. In 2019, the market size was 78.6 billion yuan, an increase of 26.6% compared with 2018. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 40% of the respondents did not form the habit of using e-cigarettes, and nearly 30% of the e-cigarette users were only in an attitude of trying to buy e-cigarettes at a low price, indicating that the penetration rate of China's e-cigarette market is still low and a stable consumer group has not been formed yet . Therefore, there is a certain development space in the industry. However, with the online regulatory ban, the online sales channels of e-cigarettes have been blocked. In order to expand the market, businesses have to turn to offline layout. Due to the unclear trend of relevant national policies and the competitive pressure from state-owned enterprises, the prospect of China's e-cigarette industry is not clear in the future, but it is expected to become a good development opportunity for enterprises to open up the international market through product export in the future. -
2020年4月28日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年全球消毒杀毒产品市场分析及发展趋势报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对全球消毒杀毒产品进行全面分析,并且通过对三友化工、威莱集团(威尔士)、新华医疗和老肯医疗的典型企业案例分析,特别结合新冠疫情影响下消毒杀毒用品的用户调研,判断2020-2021年全球消毒杀毒行业发展趋势。随着经济环境和人民生活水平不断改善,国家对于医疗卫生更加重视,卫生投入不断增加,医疗机构数量显著增长,居民的卫生健康意识也持续提高,从需求端拉动消毒产品行业发展。特别在新冠疫情影响下,消毒杀毒产品的需求量骤升,其中小包装的消杀产品需求量特别大,短期消杀用品存在供需结构矛盾。
In 2020, the national medical institutions and other public places need large-scale, long-term, high-frequency disinfection, in addition, the public awareness of home disinfection has also given birth to a huge demand for disinfection products. According to iiMedia Research, the new crown outbreak in 2020 has had an impact on the purchase of disinfection products by 84% of consumers, with the market value of disinfection products expected to reach 38.26 billion yuan for the full year. -
2020年3月17日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国后“疫”时代生鲜电商运行大数据及发展前景研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国生鲜电商行业及其上下游产业链进行分析。并且,本研究通过对生鲜电商的八大运营模式以及各种模式的代表企业,例如美菜网、叮咚买菜、谊品生鲜、盒马鲜生、兴盛优选、中粮我买网、顺丰优选等平台进行典型案例分析,以此对生鲜电商行业的发展进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国生鲜电商行业经历了多年的高速发展,原本已进入发展的平台期,2019年还遭遇生鲜电商的发展“寒冬”,但2020年初,受疫情影响,线上买菜刺激生鲜电商的发展,居民消费习惯逐步养成现阶段,生鲜市场的新一轮混战已然开始。
The size of China's fresh e-commerce market will maintain a stable growth of 29.2% in 2019 and is expected to reach 263.84 billion yuan by 2020. iiMedia Research believe that as the Internet giants continue to enter the fresh e-commerce, the fresh e-commerce industry has entered a bottleneck period of development due to fierce competition. The epidemic has become a recurring opportunity for fresh e-commerce providers, absorbing and cultivating a number of new users. However, it should also be noted that as the impact of the epidemic gradually subsides, fresh e-commerce providers may also face the dilemma of a sudden drop in users. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:氪空间,优客工场,梦想加,Bee+,纳什空间,ATLAS 寰图,wework中国,WE+酷窝,SOHO 3Q,滴滴出行,字节跳动,快手,新氧美容,五粮液,中粮集团,顺丰速递,中民投,IDG资本,普思资本,前海梧桐,鸥翎,愉悦资本,M31 Management,山东国惠,丝路华创,高瓴资本,泛大西洋,景荣控股,路劲产业,全明星投资,易凯资本,龙熙房地产,IDG资本,歌斐资本,逸星资本,Ocean Link ,珠海大横琴集团
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,联合办公行业市场规模约为1267.2亿元,预计到2022年有望突破4000亿元。2019年中国联合办公行业经历深度洗牌,行业由大规模扩张转向精细化运营阶段,品牌之间呈现分化趋势,拥有精细化运营管理能力的品牌更具发展潜力。在综合竞争力方面,梦想加、优客工场、wework中国位列前三。在租户使用联合办公产品的联合调查中,66.7%的受访租户表示提升效率是主要原因;40.2%的租户因灵活便利而选择联合办公产品;30.4%的租户透露节约成本是其使用联合办公产品的主要原因。艾媒咨询分析认为,未来随着产品服务质量提高,市场接受度趋于上升,在智能技术的加持下,办公环境将走向高效智能化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, the market size of the Joint Office Industry is about 126.72 billion yuan, and it will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2022. In 2019, the Joint Office Industry in China has undergone in-depth reshuffle. The industry has shifted from a large-scale expansion to a refined operation stage. Brands are showing a trend of differentiation. The stronger the refined operation management capabilities, the greater the brand's development potential. In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, Mydreamplus, Ucommune, and Wework China are among the top three. In the survey of the reasons for tenants using co-working products, 66.7% of the interviewed tenants stated that high efficiency was the main reason; 40.2% of the tenants chose co-working products for its flexibility and convenience; 30.4% of the tenants revealed that cost savings are the main reason for using co-working products. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in the future, with the improvement of product and service quality, the acceptance of co-working market tends to rise. With the blessing of intelligent technology, the office environment will move towards efficient and intelligent. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年共27家大众消费企业首次公开募股,其中44.4%为食品饮料行业企业。这些企业中有13家沪深股上市,14家境外上市。中国大众消费企业中沪深股上市的占比达56%,退市情况相较境外市场保持稳定。市值排名top10的中国大众消费企业中8家来自食品饮料行业,而2018-2019市值涨幅top10的中国大众消费企业7家来自服装行业。艾媒咨询师认为,大众消费企业中食品饮料领域的巨头公司仍保持竞争优势,服装行业较其他行业具有更多的上市空间。2019年大众消费企业在沪深股和港股退市数目增加,部分大众消费企业面临着库存、门店、获客等多方面的问题, 大众消费企业需要对产品和服务及时进行创新和升级,才能更好地应对新产品、新零售的挑战。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, there are 27 IPOs of mass-marketed companies in 2019, of which 44.4% are food and beverage companies. 13 of them are listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks market, and 14 are listed overseas. Among the mass-marketed companies in China, the listing of Shanghai and Shenzhen shares accounted for 56%, and the delisting situation remained stable compared to the overseas market. 8 of the Top 10 Chinese consumer companies by market capitalization are from the food and beverage industry, and 7 of the Top 10 Chinese mass-marketed companies by market capitalization of 2018-2019 are from the apparel industry. Analyst from iiMedia Research believes that, the giant companies in the food and beverage sector of mass-marketed companies still maintain competitive advantages, and the apparel industry has more listing space than other industries. In 2019, the number of delisting enterprises from Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks and Hong Kong stocks will increase. Some mass-marketed companies face problems such as inventory, stores, and customer acquisition. Mass-marketed companies need to innovate and upgrade their products and services in time to meet the challenges of new products and new retail. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:Mavidon,Titan Medical,Aspire Capital Fund,CentriMag,汇桥资本集团,联影医疗技术集团,医达极星,大博医疗,安捷伦,润扬医疗器械,迈瑞医疗,乐普医疗,威高医用,华大基因,安图生物,健帆生物,鱼跃医疗,京东方科技,美亚光电,东软集团,祥生医疗,硕世生物,佰仁医疗,爱博诺德,伟思医疗,安必平,林华医疗,拱东医疗,天智航,三友医疗,赛科希德等。
截至 2020 年 1 月 31 日 24:00,国家卫生健康委员会公布全国确诊病例 11791 例,重症病例 1795 例。短期来看,预计疫情将继续持续一段时间。肺炎疫情期间,病毒检测带动试剂盒需求增加;病毒治疗带动医用设备及医用耗材需求增加。部分医疗器械企业有望构成业绩增厚。
As of 24:00 on January 31, 2020, the National Health Commission announced 11791 confirmed cases and 1795 severe cases. In the short term, the outbreak is expected to continue for some time. During the pneumonia epidemic, virus detection drives demand for kits; virus treatment drives demand for medical equipment and supplies. Some medical device companies are expected to increase their performance.
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