随着国家对畜牧产业的持续投入和养殖科技的进步,中国肉类产量稳步增长,品种产品结构不断优化,消费者对肉类产品的品质和安全性要求也在不断提高。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国肉类市场现状及消费需求数据分析报告》数据显示,2024年中国消费者购买的畜肉类产品以79.72%的占比位居榜首,显示出消费者对猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等畜肉类的强烈需求。
With the continuous investment of the country in the livestock industry and the progress of breeding science and technology, China's meat production has steadily increased, the structure of varieties and products has been optimized, and consumers' requirements for the quality and safety of meat products have also been continuously improved. According to the latest data Analysis Report on the Status Quo of China's Meat Market and Consumer Demand in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the number of animal meat products purchased by Chinese consumers in 2024 ranked first with 79.72%. It shows that consumers have a strong demand for pork, beef, lamb and other animal meats.
Analysts from IMedia Consulting believe that livestock and poultry meat occupy a dominant position in China's meat consumption market, and consumers' requirements for the quality and safety of meat products are also increasing.艾媒咨询|2024年中国即食肉类代餐食品消费市场洞察报告
全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国即食肉类代餐食品消费市场洞察报告》数据显示,2017-2023年中国代餐市场规模持续增长,2023年已达1750.0亿元,预计2027年将达3534.9亿元。在消费者对健康食品认知度提高、健康需求逐渐细化情况下,将不断推动即食肉类代餐食品的创新迭代。中国即食肉类市场还处于品牌多而散的阶段,产业集中度较低。未来,即食肉类市场有望形成寡头企业,品牌将愈发分散,新兴企业需加强品牌创新,从而提高消费者对于品牌的信任度。口感、工艺、营养、原料等是即食肉类行业的竞争点,能同时保证这些关键点或者某方面有所长的即食肉类品牌将有着巨大的成长空间。
According to the latest "China's Ready-to-eat Meat Meal Replacement Food Consumption Market Insight Report 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's meal replacement market continues to grow from 2017 to 2023, reaching 175.0.0 billion yuan in 2023. It is expected to reach 353.49 billion yuan in 2027. In the case of increasing consumer awareness of health food and gradually refining health needs, the innovation iteration of ready-to-eat meat meal replacement food will be continuously promoted. China's ready-to-eat meat market is still in the stage of more brands but scattered, and the industrial concentration is low. In the future, the ready-to-eat meat market is expected to form an oligopoly, brands will become more dispersed, and emerging companies need to strengthen brand innovation, so as to improve consumers' trust in the brand. Taste, process, nutrition, raw materials, etc. are the competition points of the ready-to-eat meat industry, which can ensure that these key points or some aspects of the ready-to-eat meat brand will have a huge room for growth.艾媒咨询|2024年中国低温午餐肉消费洞察研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,随着消费者结构变化及消费场景多元化,国民愈发注重饮食健康,低温成为行业驱动新引擎,肉制品低温化趋势表现得尤为明显,午餐肉行业市场规模的扩大,将带动低温午餐肉市场高速增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国低温午餐肉消费洞察研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国午餐肉行业市场规模为347.3亿元,2026年中国午餐肉行业市场规模有望达513.1亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,消费者购买低温午餐肉的主要原因是其方便快捷的同时添加剂少,更加安全、健康、有营养。随着消费者对食品多样化的需求,低温午餐肉企业将持续根据消费者反馈,研发、采用先进的保鲜技术,优化产品配方,减少添加剂的应用,推动行业标准进一步完善。
Data from iiMedia Research shows that with the change of consumer structure and the diversification of consumption scenes, the nation pays more and more attention to diet and health. The trend of low-temperature meat products is particularly obvious, and the expansion of the market size of the luncheon meat industry will drive the low-temperature processed luncheon meat market to grow at a high rate. Data show that in 2023, China's luncheon meat industry market size of 34.73 billion yuan, in 2026 China's lunch meat industry market size is expected to reach 51.31 billion yuan. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that the main reason for consumers to buy low-temperature processed luncheon meat is safer, healthier and more nutritious, and its convenience and fewer additives at the same time. With consumers' demand for food diversification, low-temperature processed luncheon meat companies will continue to develop and adopt advanced preservation technologies, optimise product formulations and reduce the application of additives based on consumer feedback. These initiatives will promote the further improvement of industry standards.艾媒报告|2020年中国后“疫”时代生鲜电商运行大数据及发展前景研究报告
2020年3月17日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国后“疫”时代生鲜电商运行大数据及发展前景研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国生鲜电商行业及其上下游产业链进行分析。并且,本研究通过对生鲜电商的八大运营模式以及各种模式的代表企业,例如美菜网、叮咚买菜、谊品生鲜、盒马鲜生、兴盛优选、中粮我买网、顺丰优选等平台进行典型案例分析,以此对生鲜电商行业的发展进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国生鲜电商行业经历了多年的高速发展,原本已进入发展的平台期,2019年还遭遇生鲜电商的发展“寒冬”,但2020年初,受疫情影响,线上买菜刺激生鲜电商的发展,居民消费习惯逐步养成现阶段,生鲜市场的新一轮混战已然开始。
The size of China's fresh e-commerce market will maintain a stable growth of 29.2% in 2019 and is expected to reach 263.84 billion yuan by 2020. iiMedia Research believe that as the Internet giants continue to enter the fresh e-commerce, the fresh e-commerce industry has entered a bottleneck period of development due to fierce competition. The epidemic has become a recurring opportunity for fresh e-commerce providers, absorbing and cultivating a number of new users. However, it should also be noted that as the impact of the epidemic gradually subsides, fresh e-commerce providers may also face the dilemma of a sudden drop in users.艾媒报告|2019-2021年中国家禽消费市场大数据及饲养行业趋势研究报告
In 2018, China's poultry consumption was 1.928 million tons, making it the world's largest poultry consumer, with Shandong being the largest poultry producer in China. iiMedia Research analyse that from the per capita consumption of poultry meat, China's poultry consumption level is still lower than the level of developed countries still have room for development. And affected by the pork market and feed prices, since January 2019, the wholesale price of chicken in China has been rising, Huaying Agriculture, Teabo shares, San Nong Development, Lihua shares and other poultry-related benchmark enterprises have benefited from rapid growth.艾媒报告|2019年中国社区生鲜行业市场运行监测报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国生鲜市场交易规模突破两万亿元,社区生鲜门店拥有中国生鲜市场约1/3的消费者群体。作为产业转型升级的必然结果,社区生鲜具有消费便捷、产品新鲜与惠民程度高的竞争优势,由此赢得了商业资本的密集进驻,同时也倒逼着传统生鲜企业和部分生鲜电商品牌加快创新的脚步。中国人口基数庞大,未来国内生鲜市场还有巨大的伸展空间,多路市场力量的蜂拥集结将会造就出社区生鲜十分鲜明的商业走势,如需求端线下消费热度不减,连锁品牌呈区域割据之势;降低成本成为经营重心;加码冷链物流和生鲜供应链投资,要素配置向供应链上游移动;从依赖流量思维转向客户运营思维,场景体验与精准定制大行其道等。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the transaction scale of fresh food market in China exceeded 2 trillion yuan in 2019, and community fresh food stores accounted for about one third of the consumers in the fresh food market in China. As the inevitable result of industrial transformation and upgrading, community fresh food stores have the competitive advantages of convenient consumption, fresh products and high degree of benefit to the people, thus winning the intensive entry of commercial capital, but also forcing traditional fresh food enterprises and some fresh electric commodity brands to accelerate the pace of innovation. China's population base is huge, which leads to the huge space to expand in the domestic fresh food market in the future, the multichannel market forces will create a very bright community fresh business trend, for example, consumers' enthusiasm for offline purchase continues to increase, and chain brands show a trend of regional fragmentation; cost reduction becomes the focus of business; increase cold-chain logistics and fresh supply chain investment, factor allocation to the upstream of the supply chain; from thinking of relying on traffic to thinking of customer operation, scene experience and precise customization are popular and so on.艾媒报告 |2019中国人造肉产业研究与消费者行为调查报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:Beyond Meat,Impossible Foods,杜邦,Ripple Foods,Bolthouse Farms,Roquette,Field Roast,Gardein,Mosa Meat,Modern Meadow,Finless Foods,烟台双塔食品,深圳齐善食品,宁波素莲素食,江苏鸿旭食品,万达财富,来伊份,登海种业,大北农,新开疆,京粮控股,四环生物,九芝堂,ST天宝,友好集团,爱普股份,丰乐种业,北大荒,天士力,中源协和,大康农业,东宝生物,融捷健康,华宝股份,戴维医疗,千红制药,金健米业,圣济堂,济民制药,哈高科,国际医学,维维股份,海欣食品,复星医药,苏常柴A,瑞茂通
人造肉主要包括植物肉、培育肉和混合肉三类。随着全球肉类短缺危机、健康与环保的消费风潮、食品创新推动等因素带动人造肉产业发展,资本市场开始关注人造肉产业,例如,Beyond Meat上市股市表现良好,Impossible Foods已完成超过6.875亿美元的多轮融资。中国的人造肉市场也开始发展,艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统显示,广东网民最关注人造肉议题。在资本和舆论的带动下,A股市场人造肉版块的活跃,同时,各类人造肉的上游产业链如大豆、豌豆蛋白、胎牛血清等开始共同发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询),36%的中国消费者并不了解人造肉,同时低于四成消费者愿意尝试人造肉。艾媒咨询分析师认为,人造肉要真正市场化普及仍需克服成本、技术、消费者心理因素等多重障碍。
Artificial meat mainly includes three types of plant meat, cultivated meat and mixed meat. With the global meat shortage crisis, the consumption trend of health and environmental protection, and the promotion of food innovation, the capital market has begun to focus on the artificial meat industry. For example, Beyond Meat listed stocks performed well, and Impossible Foods has completed more than 687.5 million. Multiple rounds of financing for the dollar. China's artificial meat market has also begun to develop, and the iiMedia Research business data analysis system shows that Guangdong netizens are most concerned about artificial meat issues. Driven by capital and public opinion, the artificial meat section of the A-share market is active. At the same time, the upstream industrial chains of various types of artificial meat, such as soybean, pea protein and fetal bovine serum, have begun to develop together. iiMedia Research, 36% of Chinese consumers do not know about artificial meat, and less than 40% of consumers are willing to try artificial meat. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the real marketization of artificial meat still needs to overcome multiple obstacles such as cost, technology and consumer psychological factors.艾媒报告 |2019年中国休闲食品电商行业研究与发展报告
2018年中国休闲食品电商市场销售额为621.3亿元,增速达到23.4%。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)预测,未来中国休闲食品电商市场规模将进一步扩大,到2020年中国休闲食品电商市场销售额将达到964.0亿元。目前中国休闲食品电商市场头部企业相对稳定,三只松鼠、百草味、良品铺子连续三年成为TOP3企业。但市场集中度相对分散,2018年市场份额前五名企业的市占率总和不到5%。受健康、原生态、养生等概念驱动,2018年坚果销售增长率达16.3%,阿里平台坚果类产品销量约占零食类产品的25.0%。“科学配比”、“干湿分离”、小包装化的坚果产品销量大涨,2018年的每日坚果销量占整体坚果销量近四分之一,成为新的市场增长点。
In 2018, China's leisure food e-commerce market saw sales of 62.13 billion yuan, up 23.4 percent. iiMedia Research predicts that the size of China's leisure food e-commerce market will be further expanded in the future, and the sales volume of China's leisure food e-commerce market will reach 96.40 billion yuan by 2020. At present, the top enterprises in China's leisure food e-commerce market are relatively stable, with three squirrels, Baicao and Liangpin shops becoming TOP3 enterprises for three consecutive years. But market concentration is relatively fragmented, with the top five companies accounting for less than 5% of the total market share in 2018. Driven by the concepts of health, original ecology and health preservation, the sales growth rate of nuts reached 16.3% in 2018, and the sales volume of nuts products on ali platform accounted for about 25.0% of that of snacks. Sales of “scientific mix“, “separation of dry and wet“ and small package nuts have soared. In 2018, the daily sales of nuts account for nearly a quarter of the total sales of nuts, becoming a new market growth point.