随着社会经济不断发展、三孩生育政策实施以及人口老龄化程度加快,家政服务业市场需求日益增长,行业服务细分凸显,新技术新模式的结合日益紧密。《促进家政服务业提质扩容2024年工作要点》政策的颁布,引发了社会各界高度关注和广泛热议,成为事关“调结构、稳增长、促就业、优民生”的新业态。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国家政服务行业发展及行业投资机遇分析报告》显示,中国家政服务行业市场规模近年来始终保持稳定的增长态势,2023年市场规模为11641亿元,预计2026年有望突破13000亿元。随着行业发展逐渐规范化,未来家政服务将向着服务需求多样化、服务质量标准化、需求即时化的方向发展。
With the continuous development of social economy, the implementation of the three-child policy and the acceleration of population aging, the market demand for domestic service industry is growing day by day, the industry service segmentation is highlighted, and the combination of new technologies and new models is becoming closer. The promulgation of the policy of "Promoting the Key Points of Improving the Quality and Expansion of the Domestic Service Industry in 2024" has aroused high attention and heated discussion from all sectors of society, and has become a new business form related to "structural adjustment, stabilizing growth, promoting employment and improving people's livelihood". The latest "2024-2025 China Domestic Service Industry Development and Industry Investment Opportunity Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that China's domestic service industry market size has maintained a steady growth trend in recent years, in 2023 market size is 1.164.1 billion yuan, is expected to exceed 1.30 billion yuan in 2026. With the gradual standardization of the industry, the domestic service will develop towards the direction of diversified service demand, standardization of service quality and instant demand in the future.艾媒咨询|2023年中国专业干眼护理行业消费洞察报告
近年来,随着老龄化进程的加速、电子产品的过度使用以及不良的用眼习惯,中国干眼发病率持续攀升,干眼护理治疗需求不断增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国专业干眼护理市场规模为66.8亿元,预估2026年中国专业干眼护理市场规模将突破百亿元。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,95.9%的受访者会选择医生开具的专业干眼护理产品。一些非专业的护理产品可能含有刺激性成分,或是配方不合理,使用后可能会加重干眼症状,甚至引发其他眼部问题。患者在选择护理产品时,会倾向于选择那些经过专业医学研究和认证的产品,以确保产品的安全性和有效性。
In recent years, with the acceleration of the aging process, the excessive use of electronic products and bad eye habits, the incidence rate of dry eye in China continues to rise, and the demand for dry eye care and treatment continues to grow. According to data from iiMedia Research, the market size of professional dry eye care in China was 6.68 billion yuan in 2023, and it is estimated that the market size of professional dry eye care in China will exceed 10 billion yuan in 2026. According to research data from iiMedia Research, 95.9% of respondents would choose professional dry eye care products prescribed by doctors. Some non professional care products may contain irritating ingredients or have an unreasonable formula, which may worsen dry eye symptoms and even cause other eye problems after use. Patients tend to choose nursing products that have undergone professional medical research and certification to ensure their safety and effectiveness.艾媒咨询|2021年7-8月中国化妆品行业运行数据监测双月报
数据显示,2021年8月阿里平台护肤及化妆品类GMV为199.1亿元,同比下降5.0%,其中护肤类GMV140.0 亿元,同比下降0.8%,彩妆类GMV59.2亿元,同比下降13.6%。双十一电商购物节成交额近五年平均增长率为32.5%,购物气氛活跃。2020年双十一电商购物节全网个护美妆品类销售额909亿元,同比增长43%。其中,护肤销售额达 755 亿元,同比增长 45%;美妆彩妆销售额为 154 亿元,同比增长 38%。2020年双十一电商购物节有超70%的个护美妆商品在预售阶段售出,商家可考虑在2021年双十一期间重点布局预售期。
According to data, in August 2021, the GMV of skin care and cosmetics on Ali's platform was 19.91 billion yuan, down 5.0% year-on-year, of which skin care GMV was 14 billion yuan, down 0.8% year-on-year, and cosmetics GMV was 5.92 billion yuan, down 13.6% year-on-year . On the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival, the average growth rate in the past five years has been 32.5%, and the shopping atmosphere is active. On the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival in 2020, the total sales of personal care and beauty products in the whole network is 90.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43%. Among them, skin care sales reached 75.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 45%; beauty cosmetics sales were 15.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38%. In 2020 Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival, more than 70% of personal care and beauty products are sold in the pre-sale stage. Merchants may consider focusing on the pre-sale period during the 2021 Double Eleven period.艾媒咨询|2020年中国临期食品行业市场分析及消费者研究报告
从供给侧来看,2020 年中国零食行业总产值规模超过3万亿元,即使按1%的库存沉淀计算,临期食品行业市场规模也会突破300亿元,临期食品市场潜力巨大。从消费端来看,中国相当一部分人群对商品价格仍然具有很高的敏感性,以“低价、去品牌化、物美价廉、基本功能”为特征的消费降级已成为不可忽视的现象,所以2020年中国消费者购买临期食品的主要驱动力是低价购买到需要的商品,性价比较高。
From the perspective of supply side, the total output value of China's snack industry will exceed 3 trillion yuan in 2020. Even if calculated by 1% of inventory precipitation, the market scale of temporary food industry will exceed 30 billion yuan, and the potential of temporary food market is huge. From the consumer side, a considerable number of Chinese people are still highly sensitive to commodity prices. The consumption degradation characterized by "low price, de branding, high quality and low price, and basic functions" has become a phenomenon that can not be ignored. Therefore, the main driving force for Chinese consumers to buy on-the-spot food in 2020 is to buy the needed goods at low price, with high cost performance.艾媒咨询|2020年中国螺蛳粉行业发展现状及消费者分析报告
螺蛳粉的不断普及,不仅成就了好欢螺、嘻螺会等螺蛳粉品牌,还吸引了网红品牌(如李子柒)、零食品牌(如三只松鼠)及餐饮品牌(如肯德基)入局,行业竞争愈发激烈。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年,中国螺蛳粉消费者购买产品的渠道分布中,网上商城以51.54%的比例居于首位。艾媒咨询分析师认为,淘宝、天猫等网络购物平台上的螺蛳粉产品种类丰富、口味多样,消费者的可选择性更大。
Data show that in the first half of 2020, the output value of bagged snail flour in Liuzhou reached 4.98 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 9 billion yuan in 2020. Under the new model of live broadcast and delivery, snail noodles became a new online celebrity food, and sales increased significantly during the epidemic. Driven by the snail powder, the industrial chain has also begun to develop, providing new impetus for the industrial development of Liuzhou.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国快销食品行业发展现状及消费者行为洞察报告
快销食品行业是推动国内外经济双循环的重要环节。当前,快销食品也积极追求健康化、品质化、高端化的发展趋势,并且积极利用直播、短视频等模式催化线上经济的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为2019年中国休闲食品行业市场规模达到10556亿元,同比增长6.10%,预计2020年将超过11000亿元。
The fast-moving food industry is an important link in promoting the double cycle of domestic and foreign economies. At present, fast-moving foods are also actively pursuing the development trend of health, quality and high-end, and actively use live broadcast, short video and other modes to catalyze the development of the online economy. According to iiMedia Research's analysis, the market size of China's snack food industry reached 1,055.6 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 6.10% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 1,100 billion yuan in 2020.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国K12在线教育行业研究报告
升学压力大和教育重视程度提升的推动下,K12在线教育需求激增。2020上半年中国K12在线教育用户规模将达3765.6万人,同比增长达23.2%。K12在线教育优势愈加凸显,少儿编程类等素质类教育兴起;行业下沉式发展趋势明显,三四线城市成新角逐场。疫情下,线下教培活动受限,资本抢占K12在线教育赛道,少儿编程获得资本青睐。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,60.8%的受访者需要各类学科辅导类教学,兴趣类以及编程类教育需求仍在逐步提升。教师资源是用户选择平台的首要影响因素。而行业内优胜劣汰,中小机构持续亏损,老牌教育机构蓄力K12在线教育,K12业务成为新东方营收增长的主引擎。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析师预测K12在线教育的未来竞争将是围绕产品与用户的竞争,以标准化、体系化产品着力于用户痛点,以个性化服务、创新性教学模式实现差异化内容供给能够释放品牌口碑价值。
Driven by the pressure of further education and the increasing importance of education, the demand for K12 online education has surged. In the first half of 2020, the scale of China's K12 online education users will reach 37.656 million, a year-on-year increase of 23.2%. The advantages of K12 online education have become more prominent, and quality education such as children's programming has emerged; the industry's sinking development trend is obvious, and third and fourth tier cities have become new protagonist. Under the epidemic, offline education and training activities were limited, capital seized the K12 online education track, and children's programming gained capital favor. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 60.8% of the interviewees required various types of subject tutoring, while interest and programming education are still in increasing demand. Teacher resources are the primary influencing factors for users to choose a platform. The survival of the fittest in the industry, small and medium sized institutions continue to lose money, old education institutions accumulate K12 online education, K12 business has become the main engine of revenue growth of New Oriental. Analysts at iiMedia Research predict that the future competition of K12 online education will focus on the competition between products and users, focus on user pain points with standardized and systematic products, and achieve differentiated content supply with personalized services and innovative teaching models. It can release the brand reputation value.艾媒咨询|2020年中国网络综艺行业热点及平台发展分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年下半年,主流平台网络综艺题材方面,观察体验类综艺节目热度不减,音乐、选秀竞技类节目战火延续,电商、时尚的兴起,潮流综艺迎来小高潮,直播带货格外火热,直播带货节目也同步落地开花。
iiMedia Research data show that in the second half of 2020, the mainstream platform network variety variety theme, observation experience class variety show heat, music, talent show competitive programs continue to fight, the rise of e-commerce, fashion, the trend of variety shows a small climax, live with goods extra hot, live delivery programs also synchronized flowering.
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