艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国黑松露食品市场发展趋势研究
随着国民消费水平提升,消费者对黑松露的价值认知持续加深,对健康和高品质食材需求的增长,黑松露食品市场消费规模持续扩张,未来发展可期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2024年黑松露概念食品市场营收为655.7亿元,预计到2029年将进一步增长至1056.4亿元。锦华食品集团于2019年首创“黑松露流心奶黄月饼”率先打破了黑松露与高档餐厅的传统绑定。这一创新不仅为月饼增添了丰富的口感层次,还引领烘焙行业中黑松露的添加潮流,让黑松露的应用范围从餐桌上的精致佳肴扩展至包装食品领域。
With the improvement of national consumption level, consumers' awareness of the value of black truffle continues to deepen, and the demand for healthy and high-quality ingredients increases, the consumption scale of black truffle food market continues to expand, and the future development is promising. iiMedia Research data show that the black truffle concept food market revenue in 2024 was 65.57 billion yuan, and it is expected to further grow to 105.64 billion yuan by 2029. In 2019, KAMWAH FINE CAKE Group pioneered the " Melanosporum Flowing Heart Milk Yellow MoonCake ", which took the lead in breaking the traditional bond between black truffles and high-end restaurants. This innovation not only adds a rich texture layer to the mooncake, but also leads the trend of adding black truffles in the baking industry, extending the application of black truffles from delicate dishes on the table to packaged foods.艾媒报告|2020Q1中国跨境电商行业趋势研究报告
伴随着国民经济的高速发展,中国消费者的消费需求不断升级,同时在国家大力支持跨境贸易,改善跨境电商整体配套设施,优化市场发展环境下,中国跨境电商行业市场规模不断扩大,2020年中国跨境电商的市场交易规模预计达到10.3万亿元。但在2020年第一季度期间,受到全球疫情影响,中国跨境电商受到一定程度的冲击,消费红利较2019年同期明显下降。为了解决疫情带来的负面影响,中国各大跨境电商平台积极布局,抢占市场、留存用户,了解用户需求与喜好成为各大跨境电商平台的关注焦点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,有72.7%的受访用户认为 “正品保障”是他们选择平台时所考虑的主要因素。同时,在疫情期间有超8成受访用户关注平台疫情期间的公益活动,并且超九成的受访用户购买意愿会因为疫情期间平台的公益行为而提高。
Along with the high-speed development of national economy, China's consumer demand grows, at the same time in the country's strong support for cross-border trade, improve the cross-border electricity integral supporting facilities, optimize the environment of market development, cross-border electricity industry in China has been expanding its market, in 2020 China's cross-border electricity market scale is expected to reach 10.3 trillion yuan. However, in the period of the first quarter of 2020, due to the impact of the global epidemic, China's cross-border e-commerce was impacted to a certain extent, and the consumption dividend decreased significantly compared with the same period in 2019.In order to solve the negative impact brought by the epidemic, China's major cross-border e-commerce platforms have actively deployed to seize the market, retain users, and become the focus of attention of major cross-border e-commerce platforms to understand user needs and preferences. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 72.7% of the surveyed users believe that "quality assurance" is the main factor they consider when choosing a platform. At the same time, more than 80 percent of the surveyed users paid attention to the public welfare activities of the platform during the epidemic, and more than 90 percent of the surveyed users would increase their purchase intention due to the public welfare activities of the platform during the epidemic.艾媒咨询|2020H1全球及中国跨境电商运营数据及典型企业分析研究报告
2020年5月29日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1全球及中国跨境电商运营数据及典型企业分析研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对跨境电商的行业发展和运营进行深度分析,通过对中国B2B、B2C两大类跨境电商的运营数据和企业案例分析,以及用户的跨境电商购物行为调研,剖析中国跨境电商行业的当前状况,并且本报告还关注到东南亚、拉美等跨境电商发展较快的地区,通过对全球总体态势的总结,预判2020-2021年中国跨境电商的发展趋势。艾媒咨询分析师认为,疫情对跨境电商有一定的影响,但总体而言跨境电商仍将保持增长态势。目前跨境电商市场的竞争非常激烈,并且已经开始从中国向东南亚、拉美等地区扩张,加上用户的消费态度变化,跨境电商企业重点从过去的山寨、无品牌的产品转变为品牌竞逐。
The epidemic has a huge impact on the global economy and trade, and cross-border e-commerce companies are also generally faced with many problems such as cancellation or extension of on-hand orders, difficulties in signing new orders, and poor logistics and transportation. iiMedia Research believe that cross-border e-commerce has received policy support and has also cultivated a large number of user markets. Although cross-border e-commerce will be subject to some objective impact in the short term, cross-border e-commerce will remain in the long run Increase vitality.艾媒报告|2019中国跨境电商发展趋势专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国海淘用户规模将突破2亿人。随着跨境电商市场的逐渐扩大,跨境电商行业内竞争日趋激烈,针对获客成本高、用户体验不足等问题,双线融合发展、直播带货、传播社交化逐渐成为跨境电商行业发展的新趋势。
在消费升级背景下,用户对于消费体验的追求日益增加,新消费群体更加依赖意见领袖(KOL)的引导,线下门店、海淘直播、社交化传播拉近了用户与商品间的距离,从不同角度弥补传统海淘的不足,全面升级用户消费体验。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,56.6%的消费者认为比起线上渠道,线下海淘门店能够提供更舒适的购物体验。双线融合发展能够起到增强用户信任感、双线引流的作用,已经成为目前跨境电商行业发展的必然趋势。此外,近六成海淘用户会在海淘观看直播后购买相关产品,海淘直播带货更直观、生动,现阶段对于用户消费的转化效果较好,预计在将来会成为跨境电商的主要营销手段之一。
In the context of consumption upgrading, users are increasingly pursuing consumption experience, and new consumer groups are more dependent on the guidance of key opinion leaders (KOL). Offline stores, overseas online shopping live broadcasting and social communication narrow the distance between users and products, make up for the shortcomings of traditional overseas online shopping from different perspectives, and comprehensively upgrade user consumption experience. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 56.6 percent of consumers believe that online stores can provide a more comfortable shopping experience than online channels. Dual-channel integrated development can enhance users' trust and double channels drainage, which has become an inevitable trend in the development of cross-border e-commerce industry. In addition, nearly 60% of overseas online shopping users will buy relevant products after watching live broadcast on overseas online shopping. Overseas online shopping live delivery is more intuitive and vivid, and has a good conversion effect on user consumption at the present stage, which is expected to become one of the major marketing methods of cross-border e-commerce in the future.
Data show that the retail scale of China's social consumer goods has steadily increased, reaching 41.2 trillion yuan in 2019. The proportion of online retail sales has also continued to rise. In 2019, online retail sales reached 10.6 trillion yuan, accounting for 25.7% of total retail sales of consumer goods. Driven by consumption upgrades and emerging technologies, the new retail industry is booming, and the trillion-dollar market is accelerating. At present, the new retail industry is accelerating the integration of online and offline, new marketing is emerging endlessly, and the overall characteristics of omnichannel, digitalization, and community are presented. The new retail ecosystem consisting of data, supply chain, logistics, payment, and finance has been continuously improved, prompting the rapid development of a variety of new retail formats for segments, categories, and markets, and a number of more new retail benchmarking company with development potential. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that new retail challenges and opportunities coexist. In the short term, the dividends of the growth of the Internet population are exhausting, and competition in the industry is becoming increasingly fierce. It places higher requirements on upstream and downstream players in the new retail industry chain to test marketing capabilities and refined operation capabilities. In the long term, it will use emerging information technologies such as 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence Means, new and old retail companies will be given more capabilities, the overall efficiency of the industry is expected to increase significantly, and the market size will also accelerate.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国跨境电商市场年度盘点及标杆企业运行监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:考拉海购,苏宁国际,奥买家,天猫国际,京东国际,洋码头,拼多多,AliExpress Plaza,家乐福,乐天,沃尔玛,莎莎,花王,MAC,兰蔻,小红书,波罗蜜,豌豆公主,蜜芽,聚美优品,55海购,申通快递,百世快递,韵达快递,中通快递,顺丰速运,中国邮政,支付宝,微信支付等
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国中国跨境电商交易规模预计达12.7万亿元。2019年随着《电商法》的正式实施、海淘消费者对品牌和品质的重视程度日益提升,主流跨境电商积极建设品牌口碑,不断铺开线下布局,加强正品保障,用户的海淘体验得到进一步的提高。
2019年跨境电商行业整体发展向好,跨境电商规模持续扩大,行业内竞争持续激烈,拼多多等竞争者先后入局跨境电商、阿里收购考拉,释放了巨大的市场需求。在此背景下,口碑和用户信任度成为跨境电商平台竞争的关键因素。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,总样本量为1757的针对跨境电商用户调研中,74.1%的消费者表示在选购海外商品时,最看重的是商品是否为正品,58.8%的用户表示品牌知名度十分重要。随着居民收入的增长、生活水平的提高,海淘用户越来越看重品牌的价值,开始追求更高品质感的购物体验。用户要求提升、市场监管趋严,促使各大电商平台纷纷采取各项正品保障措施,技术赋能供应链,加强从采购到供应的全流程控制,同时积极维护和建设品牌口碑。
In 2019, the overall development of cross-border e-commerce industry has been on a positive trend. The scale of cross-border e-commerce continues to expand, and competition within the industry continues to be fierce. Pinduoduo and other competitors have successively entered cross-border e-commerce and Alibaba has acquired Kaola, which has unleashed huge market demand. In this context, word of mouth and user trust have become key factors in the competition of cross-border e-commerce platforms. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in the user survey with a total sample size of 1757, 74.1% of consumers said that when buying overseas goods, the most important thing is whether the goods are genuine, while 58.8% said brand awareness is very important. With the increase of residents’ income and the improvement of their living standards, overseas online shopping users pay more and more attention to the value of the brand and start to pursue higher quality shopping experience. Users’ requirements are improved and market supervision is tightened, prompting major e-commerce platforms to take various quality assurance measures, empower the supply chain with technology, strengthen the control of the whole process from procurement to supply, and actively maintain and build brand reputation.
(以下为节选页,完整版共52页)艾媒报告 |2019中国进口食品电商热销品类剖析及行业发展报告
利好政策、消费升级驱动下,中国进口食品电商产业快速发展,2017年进口食品占进口商品比例升至6.8%,中国跨境电商零售进口渗透率从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%,跨境电商进口消费者人数在2015-2017年之间增长10倍,进口食品品牌及种类不断丰富,其中休闲食品最受欢迎。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,通过电商平台购买进口食品的人占据全部消费者的74.2%,53.5%消费者认为品质为选购进口食品时考虑的第一要素。艾媒咨询分析师认为未来进口食品市场会下沉至三四线城市,电商平台将成为进口食品选购的主要渠道。
Driven by favorable policies and consumption upgrading, China's imported food e-commerce industry has developed rapidly, with the proportion of imported food rising to 6.8% in 2017. China's cross-border e-commerce retail import penetration rate has risen rapidly from 1.6% in 2014 to 10.2% in 2017. The number of cross-border e-commerce import consumers has increased 10 times between 2015 and 2017, and the brand and category of imported food are constantly enriched, including leisure. Food is the most popular. According to iiMedia Research, 74.2% of all consumers buy imported food through commercial platforms, and 53.5% of consumers consider quality as the first factor to be considered when choosing imported food. Ai Media Consulting Analysts believe that the future imported food market will sink to the third and fourth tier cities, e-commerce platform will become the main channel for imported food purchase.艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国跨境电商市场监测报告
政策春风推动跨境电商行业快速发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国海淘用户已突破1亿人,预计2019年交易规模突破10万亿元。资本继续加码跨境电商领域,2019年第一季度中国跨境电商领域投融资超20亿元。跨境电商头部平台维持竞争优势。跨境电商线下门店更易达成高客单价交易,用户更偏好在线下门店购买钟表首饰、数码家电、汽车用品商品,在线下门店平均单次消费金额在1000元以上的用户占比超五成。其线下门店对线上平台导流作用明显。75%的受访线下门店顾客愿意尝试或更多使用相应的跨境电商线上平台。跨境电商行业发展最大痛点在于商品正品保障,因此各类跨境电商平台都在加强线下门店的布局。海淘消费者在线下的良好体验也有利于其后期转化为线上平台用户。未来跨境电商线上线下之间的融合将不断加深,线下门店也将更注重商品池的打通和利用科技助力体验。
The spring breeze of the policy promotes the rapid development of the cross-border e-commerce industry. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, China's users who buy imported goods online have exceeded 100 million in 2018. It is expected that the transaction volume in 2019 will exceed 10 trillion yuan. Capital continued to increase the cross-border e-commerce sector. In the first quarter of 2019, China's cross-border e-commerce sector invested more than 2 billion yuan. The cross-border e-commerce head platform maintains a competitive advantage. Cross-border e-commerce offline stores are more likely to achieve high-price per customer transaction, users prefer to buy watches and clocks, digital home appliances, auto supplies in offline stores. The users who consume more than 1,000 yuan average single-time in the offline stores accounted for more than 50% . Its offline stores have an obvious effect on the diversion to the online platform . 75% of the offline store customers who are interviewed are willing to try or use the corresponding cross-border e-commerce online platform more. The biggest pain point in the development of cross-border e-commerce industry lies in the authentic security. Therefore, all kinds of cross-border e-commerce platforms are strengthening the layout of offline stores. The good experience of offline consumer is also beneficial to the later conversion to online platform users. In the future, the integration between online channel and offline channel of cross-border e-commerce will continue to deepen, and offline stores will pay more attention to the opening of commodity pools and the use of technology to help impoving experience.艾媒报告|2019年3月中国跨境电商市场动态与用户舆情月报
With the publishment and implementation of a number of related policies, Chinese cross-border e-commerce and its industrial chain will be further standardized. In March 2019, the government published a series of favorable policies such as fee reduction and tax reduction to help cross-border e-commerce development. China and the United States have actively negotiated that trade wars have little impact on cross-border e-commerce. The capital market is optimistic about cross-border e-commerce development. In March, the cross-border e-commerce industry received a total of four financings, amounting to 1.5 billion yuan. The head companies released the strategy of 2019, and the restructuring of the Red was further transformed with structural adjustment. AliExpress brought domestic Beauty brands to overseas market, and Tmall International upgraded its direct business to create a new model of overseas warehouse and content marketing. The industrial chain has been further developed, cross-border logistics warfare has been upgraded, and industry standardization has spawned new business model such as service providers, and Youzan has published a cross-border e-commerce solution product. Cross-border e-commerce recently had more negative grievances, and NetEase koala and Red all had negative events, causing concern. At present, cross-border e-commerce users are relatively young and mainly women, and the potential consumer market is relatively broad.艾媒报告 | 2018-2019中国跨境电商市场研究报告
2018年以来,跨境电商行业迎来利好,进博会及相关政策出台促进行业发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国跨境电商交易规模达到9.1万亿元,用户规模超1亿。随着中国消费者购买力提升,消费升级的情况下,个性化、高品质的消费需求突显,海外留学、海外旅游、海外文化输入等都为新一代海淘创造了文化环境。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年,30.7%海淘用户因海外商品质量好而选择海淘,比2018上半年增长了7.8%,超五成用户每月购物一次。艾媒咨询分析师认为,质量越来越受到海淘用户重视,用户对高品质的跨境电商需求逐渐增加,同时高频次海淘购物为跨境电商企业带来更多发展机遇。
Since 2018, the Cross-Border E-Commerce industry has witnessed good results. China International Import Expo and related policies have been introduced to promote the development of the industry. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of Cross-Border E-Commerce industry transactions in China reached 9.1 trillion yuan in 2018, and the scale of users exceeded 100 million. With the increasing purchasing power of Chinese consumers, huge domestic demand occurs in Cross-Border E-Commerce market. As the data of iiMedia Research data showed, more than 50% of the interviewed users shop once a month, and high-frequency shopping in overseas more development opportunities for Cross-Border Commerce enterprises.
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