随着经济的不断发展以及中西方饮食文化的交融,消费者对调味食品的需求越来越多元化。此外,健康饮食观念的普及使得消费者更加注重调味食品的营养成分和健康属性,为中国调味食品行业的发展提供了巨大机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国调味食品行业市场研究报告》数据显示,2024年中国调味食品消费者选购产品时主要关注的因素是口感口味和质量安全,分别占比47.4%、43.9%。当前,调味食品的主要销售渠道是线下商超和综合电商平台,其他销售渠道正在被逐渐渗透。随着健康理念在消费者选购产品时逐渐占据重要地位,调味食品行业正迎来以低钠低糖为核心理念的新消费需求。此外,拓宽销售渠道和推广渠道也将成为企业强化市场地位的新机遇。
With the continuous development of economy and the integration of Chinese and western food culture, consumers' demand for flavored food is becoming more and more diversified. In addition, the popularity of the concept of healthy eating makes consumers pay more attention to the nutritional composition and health attributes of flavored foods, which provides great opportunities for the development of China's flavored food industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China seasoning food industry market research report in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, It is expected that in 2024, the scale of China's condiment market will reach 687.1 billion yuan. In 2024, the main factors that Chinese consumers pay attention to when purchasing products are taste, taste and quality and safety, accounting for 47.4% and 43.9% respectively. At present, the main sales channels of flavored food are offline supermarkets and integrated e-commerce platforms, and other sales channels are gradually being penetrated. As the health concept gradually occupies an important position in the purchase of products by consumers, the flavored food industry is ushering in new consumer demand with low sodium and low sugar as the core concept. In addition, broadening sales channels and promotion channels will also become a new opportunity for enterprises to strengthen their market position.艾媒咨询|2024年中国蒜蓉酱行业创新及消费洞察研究报告
乡村大蒜产业的发展、食品工业化进程的加快、预制菜产业的迅猛发展与B端餐饮市场的不断壮大,进一步推动了调味品的需求增长,为蒜蓉酱细分市场的需求增长注入强劲动力。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)的调研指出,消费者购买蒜蓉酱的主要动机是为了增加食物风味(72.4%),有60.0%的消费者表示倾向于选择有益健康的蒜蓉酱产品;在口味偏好上,辣味蒜蓉酱(41.0%)和原味蒜蓉酱(36.3%)受到消费者的欢迎。随着消费者对蒜蓉酱产品品质、健康属性及便捷性要求的不断提升,企业可通过科技创新,推出低盐、无添加、富含天然成分的健康型蒜蓉酱,同时利用智能化生产与绿色包装技术,响应市场对便捷与可持续性的新需求,实现行业内部的精细分化与高质量发展。
The development of the rural garlic industry, the acceleration of the food industrialization process, the rapid development of the prefabricated food industry and the continuous growth of the B-end catering market, the demand for condiments has been further promoted, and the demand growth of the garlic sauce market segment has injected strong momentum. According to iiMedia Research, the main motivation of consumers to buy garlic sauce is to increase the flavor of food (72.4%), and 60.0% of consumers said they prefer to choose healthy garlic sauce products. In terms of taste preferences, spicy garlic sauce (41.0%) and plain garlic sauce (36.3%) were popular among consumers. With the continuous improvement of consumers' requirements for the quality, health attributes and convenience of garlic sauce products, enterprises can launch healthy garlic sauce with low salt, no additives and rich natural ingredients through scientific and technological innovation, and at the same time use intelligent production and green packaging technology to respond to the new market demand for convenience and sustainability, and achieve fine differentiation and high-quality development within the industry.中国食品科学技术学会×艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告
2023年9月4-6日,由中国食品科学技术学会主办的第二十三届中国方便食品大会暨方便食品展在北京召开。大会围绕“变局中的拓展与延伸”,探讨在内需不足的压力下,如何驱动行业向上提升。历经20余年的精心培育,方便食品大会已成为涵盖方便面(米粉、粉丝)、挂面、冷冻食品、调味面制品、自加热食品及方便休闲食品、咸味香精调味料、加工设备、冷链装备、产品包装等上下游全产业链的行业年度盛会,为中国方便食品产业的创新发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。会上,中国食品科学技术学会与iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)联合发布了《2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告》。
As the per capita income of residents has increased, consumers' living standards and consumption habits have also changed. At present, the number of lazy houses in my country has exceeded 800 million, which has further increased the range of users of quick-frozen food that focuses on the lazy economy. Data shows that since 2011, the scale of my country's quick-frozen food market has continued to expand. By 2020, the size of China's quick-frozen food market has reached 139.3 billion yuan. It is estimated that China's quick-frozen food market will reach 198.6 billion yuan in 2024. In recent years, the series of self-heating pan products have developed rapidly, and the market scale is about to exceed 10 billion yuan. Self-heating rice and self-heating hot pot are more convenient to eat than quick-frozen food. In the future, they will become a powerful competitor to occupy the market share of quick-frozen food.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国调味品行业研究报告
2020年中国调味品行业市场规模达到3950亿元,同比增长15.3%,预计2021年市场规模将突破4000亿元。首先是中国人口结构和家庭结构的变化,推动者调味品市场由单味调味品这片红海转向复合调味品这片蓝海,进而推动着调味品行业的发展。其次,线上商城以及新零售行业的兴起也为调味品市场带来革新。疫情对于中国的调味品市场冲击不大。随着人们生活水平的提高,对于新口味的追求将推动调味品行业的规模进一步扩大,行业在资本市场的投融资热度也将有所上升。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超六成用户表示在购买调味品时关注价格与品牌知名度因素,半数以上消费者积极关注健康程度。但中国复合调味品行业相比国外仍有较大差距,市场发展潜力巨大。伴随着中国消费者家庭结构逐步转向以核心家庭为主,对于做饭成本的调控以及对于健康的考量,中国的调味品行业必定是一片新的蓝海。
In 2020, the market size of China's condiment industry will reach 395 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 15.3%. It is expected that the market size will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2021. First of all, the change of population structure and family structure in China promotes the transformation of the condiment market from the red sea of single flavoring to the blue sea of compound flavoring, and further promotes the development of the condiment industry. Secondly, the rise of online shopping malls and new retail industry has also brought innovation to the condiment market. The epidemic has little impact on China's condiment market. With the improvement of people's living standards, the pursuit of new flavors will promote the further expansion of the condiment industry, and the investment and financing heat of the industry in the capital market will also rise. According to iiMedia Research, more than 60 percent of consumers pay attention to price and brand awareness when buying condiments, while more than half of consumers actively care about health. However, there is still a big gap between China's compound condiment industry and foreign countries, and the market development potential is huge. With the gradual shift of the family structure of Chinese consumers to nuclear families, the regulation of cooking costs and the consideration of health, the condiment industry in China is bound to be a new blue ocean.
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