艾媒咨询 | 2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告
在众多休闲食品中,辣条口味浓郁,具有独特的咬劲,为消费者带来愉悦和满足感,拥有一定的市场增量空间。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告》数据显示,2022年中国辣条食品市场规模达517亿元,2026年有望达927亿元。对健康美味的休闲食品追求,使得中国辣条消费者在购买辣条时更注重挑选。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,54.6%的辣条消费者偏好香辣口味的辣条;喜欢吃有嚼劲口感的辣条消费者占比达50.1%。
艾媒报告| 2020年中国妈妈群体行为洞察报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国新生婴儿规模达到1465万,预计2020年分娩的妈妈群体达到1530万。这部分妈妈群体中,90后人群已成妈妈群体主力。在家庭育儿方面, 妈妈群体是家庭育儿的主力, 而父亲在家庭孕育中的角色担当也在逐步提升。而这对亲子社交、孕育知识获取、母婴产品购买等有着巨大需求的年轻妈妈群体,更依赖于互联网渠道。伴随着需求细分,单一的运营模式开始转向多元服务发展,艾媒咨询分析师认为,移动母婴平台,尤其是母婴综合社区,拥有海量专业孕育知识,并为妈妈群体提供交流互动平台,更易受到妈妈群体的青睐。
According to iiMedia Research, 14.65 million babies were born in China in 2019, and 15.3 million mothers are expected to give birth in 2020. In this part of the mother group, the post-90s crowd has become the main force of the mother group. In terms of family child-rearing, the mother group is the main force of family child-rearing, and the father's role in family pregnancy is also gradually improving. This group of young mothers, who have a huge demand for parent-child social contact, acquisition of pregnancy knowledge and purchase of maternal and infant products, are more dependent on Internet channels. With the demand segmentation, the single operation mode starts to change to the development of multiple services. According to the analysts of iiMedia consulting, the mobile mother and baby platform, especially the comprehensive community of mother and baby, has a large amount of professional gestation knowledge and provides an interactive platform for the mother group, which is more favored by the mother group.艾媒报告|2020年1-2月中国母婴行业运行状况及企业商情动态月度报告
During the epidemic, the top three most downloaded APP types among mother groups were news, maternal and child vertical, and social. In January 2020, the mother-and-baby app with the largest monthly active population was conceived by Maoma.com, with a total of 17,514,400 people, an increase of 2.47% from the previous month.艾媒研报 |2019H1海底捞运行状况与行业趋势研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 2018年中国餐饮收入市场规模首次超过4万亿元,其中火锅市场占比不足15%,预计2020年火锅市场规模有望突破7000亿元。与中国中式餐饮市场类似,火锅餐厅市场亦属高度分散。海底捞作为中国火锅行业龙头企业,2018年营收总额为169.7亿元,市占率仍然偏低。为提升市场份额,海底捞加速在全球范围内扩张,2018年公司新增200家餐厅,门店总数达466家,较2017年增加了70.7%,中国内陆以外地区门店数量较2017年增长89.5%。公司表示仍要加大力度进行扩张,也会努力研发新品拓展收入来源。未来,海底捞的品牌力借助快速的扩张以及优秀的营销能力将进一步提升,但其面临的产品品质管理、成本控制以及跨区域经营的挑战也会加剧。
According to iiMedia Research, the market size of China's catering revenue exceeded 4 trillion yuan in 2018, of which the hot pot market accounted for less than 15%. It is expected that the size of the hot pot market will exceed 700 billion yuan in 2020. Similar to the Chinese food and beverage market, the hot pot restaurant market is also highly fragmented. As the leading enterprise in China's hot pot industry, Haidilao has a total revenue of 16.97 billion yuan in 2018, and its market share is still low. In order to increase market share, Haidilao accelerated its expansion in the world. In 2018, the company added 200 restaurants, with a total of 466 stores, an increase of 70.7% compared with 2017. The number of stores outside China's inland areas increased by 89.5% compared with 2017. The company said that it still needs to increase its efforts to expand, and will also strive to develop new products to expand its income sources. In the future, Haidilao's brand strength will be further enhanced by rapid expansion and excellent marketing capabilities, but its product quality management, cost control and cross-regional management challenges will also intensify.