艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024中国饰品产业发展状况与消费者行为变化监测调查报告
随着居民消费水平的提高,消费整体呈现恢复向好态势,饰品行业供需两端双向回暖。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国饰品产业发展状况与消费者行为变化监测调查报告》数据显示,2023年中国社会消费品零售总额累计值为47.2万亿元,同比增长7.2%。其中金银珠宝类商品零售累计值增长至3310亿元,增长率为9.8%。 在宏观经济环境和消费需求的共同影响下,我国饰品行业消费市场将继续扩大。当前,居民消费正处于持续升级阶段,国内消费市场呈现出“品质消费需求旺盛”的特点,实用性、美观性、实惠性已成为消费者购买饰品时的主要考量因素。此外,饰品行业的消费群体愈发年轻,90后乃至千禧一代已逐渐成为黄金珠宝饰品的主力消费群体,这将推动饰品行业在产品设计和营销模式方面进行升级与革新。截至2023年,众多时尚珠宝品牌纷纷推出与热门动漫游戏联名的产品,以个性潮流的设计与年轻消费者实现情感共鸣。未来,将会有更多的珠宝品牌通过联名的方式为品牌赋予更多可能性。
With the improvement of residents' consumption level, consumption as a whole has shown a positive trend of recovery, and the supply and demand of the jewelry industry have picked up in both directions.According to the latest "2023-2024 China Jewelry Industry Development Status and Consumer Behavior Change Monitoring Survey Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, in 2023, the cumulative value of China's total retail sales of consumer goods will be 47.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%. Among them, the cumulative retail value of gold, silver and jewelry increased to 331 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 9.8%.Under the combined influence of the macroeconomic environment and consumer demand, the consumer market of China's jewelry industry will continue to expand. At present, residents' consumption is in the stage of continuous upgrading, the domestic consumer market presents the characteristics of "strong demand for quality consumption", practicality, aesthetics, and affordability have become the main considerations for consumers when buying jewelry. At the same time, the consumer group of the jewelry industry is getting younger and younger, and the post-90s generation and even millennials have gradually become the main consumer group of gold jewelry, which will promote the upgrading and innovation of the jewelry industry in terms of product design and marketing model. As of 2023, many fashion jewelry brands have launched co-branded products with popular anime and games, and achieved emotional resonance with young consumers with personalized and trendy designs. In the future, there will be more jewelry brands that will give more possibilities to the brand through co-branding.艾媒咨询|2023年中国专业干眼护理行业消费洞察报告
近年来,随着老龄化进程的加速、电子产品的过度使用以及不良的用眼习惯,中国干眼发病率持续攀升,干眼护理治疗需求不断增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国专业干眼护理市场规模为66.8亿元,预估2026年中国专业干眼护理市场规模将突破百亿元。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,95.9%的受访者会选择医生开具的专业干眼护理产品。一些非专业的护理产品可能含有刺激性成分,或是配方不合理,使用后可能会加重干眼症状,甚至引发其他眼部问题。患者在选择护理产品时,会倾向于选择那些经过专业医学研究和认证的产品,以确保产品的安全性和有效性。
In recent years, with the acceleration of the aging process, the excessive use of electronic products and bad eye habits, the incidence rate of dry eye in China continues to rise, and the demand for dry eye care and treatment continues to grow. According to data from iiMedia Research, the market size of professional dry eye care in China was 6.68 billion yuan in 2023, and it is estimated that the market size of professional dry eye care in China will exceed 10 billion yuan in 2026. According to research data from iiMedia Research, 95.9% of respondents would choose professional dry eye care products prescribed by doctors. Some non professional care products may contain irritating ingredients or have an unreasonable formula, which may worsen dry eye symptoms and even cause other eye problems after use. Patients tend to choose nursing products that have undergone professional medical research and certification to ensure their safety and effectiveness.艾媒咨询 | 2023年第三季度中国预制菜行业运行监测数据分析报告
在行业政策的支持、冷链基础设施的逐步完善等多个因素影响下,中国预制菜行业正处于快速发展期。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年第三季度中国预制菜行业运行监测数据分析报告》显示,预制菜行业已成为部分食品企业业绩增长的主要动力,2023年上半年,安井、千味央厨等多家企业实现了营收及净利的双增长。2023年9月,“预制菜进校园事件”引发广泛关注。这一事件反应了公众对校园食品安全问题的重视,同时也凸显出预制菜在个人消费者市场仍有待进一步发展。这对于推进预制菜行业走向标准化、规范化具有积极意义。
Under the influence of multiple factors such as industry policy support and gradual improvement of cold chain infrastructure, China's prefabricated dishes industry is in a period of rapid development. The latest "Analysis Report on Operational Monitoring Data of China's Prefabricated Dishes Industry in the Third Quarter of 2023" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, shows that the prefabricated dishes industry has become the main driving force for the performance growth of some food enterprises. In the first half of 2023, multiple enterprises such as Anjing and Qianwei Central Kitchen achieved dual growth in revenue and net profit. In September 2023, the "Prefabricated Dishes on Campus Incident" attracted widespread attention. This incident reflects the public's attention to campus food safety issues, and also highlights the need for further development of prefabricated dishes in the individual consumer market. This has positive significance for promoting the standardization and normalization of the prefabricated dishes industry.艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国方便食品行业发展研究报告
2023年9月4-6日,由中国食品科学技术学会主办的第二十三届中国方便食品大会暨方便食品展在北京召开。大会围绕“变局中的拓展与延伸”,探讨在内需不足的压力下,如何驱动行业向上提升。历经20余年的精心培育,方便食品大会已成为涵盖方便面(米粉、粉丝)、挂面、冷冻食品、调味面制品、自加热食品及方便休闲食品、咸味香精调味料、加工设备、冷链装备、产品包装等上下游全产业链的行业年度盛会,为中国方便食品产业的创新发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。会上,中国食品科学技术学会与iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)联合发布了《2023-2024年中国方便食品行业发展研究报告》。近年来方便食品购买场景不断扩宽,除了出差旅途、办公室、家庭等场景之外,外出露营、野餐等场景逐渐流行。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近年来中国方便食品市场规模不断扩大,2022年中国方便食品市场规模已达5961亿元。
Data show that the market size of China's watch industry in 2021 is 229.83 billion yuan, of which the second-hand watch market is 128.71 billion yuan, the new watch market is 89.64 billion yuan, and the maintenance market is 11.49 billion yuan. With the rapid growth of the market, iiMedia Consulting analysts predict that the market size of China's watch industry will reach 281.5 billion yuan in 2023. With the introduction of big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence technologies, China's watch e-commerce will promote the digital transformation of China's watch industry. The integration of AI and traditional industries will continue to deepen, and the magnitude and complexity of data will also increase significantly. In the subdivision of the field, China's timepieces will be able to form a sufficient development soil for the deep development of vertical business and the development of diversified businesses through the blessing of digital technology.
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