随着酸菜鱼、水煮鱼等热销单品市场渗透率的稳步攀升,以及预制菜市场的蓬勃发展,鱼片全产业链正迎来前所未有的发展新机遇。日前,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)发布了《2024年中国鱼片行业消费洞察研究报告》。报告数据显示,2023年中国鱼片加工市场规模已达122.4亿元,预计未来几年将以20%左右的速度持续增长,到2028年有望突破300亿元大关。中国鱼片加工行业企业数量众多,生产水平参差不齐,市场集中度偏低。随着行业的深入发展,鱼片加工行业将进入洗牌期,并朝着标准化、规模化、品牌化的方向不断迈进。具备出色的供应链能力和品牌优势的企业,未来竞争力将更加凸显。
全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国烤鱼行业研究发展报告》数据显示,2023年中国烤鱼行业市场规模达1396.6亿元,同比增长12.6%。随着烤鱼消费在中国各城市的逐步普及,市场渗透率持续提升,国民向享乐型、发展型消费转变,将进一步推动烤鱼行业增长,2029年中国烤鱼行业市场规模有望达2431.3亿元。中国烤鱼头部品牌店铺持续扩增,行业向品牌化方向发展,集中度进一步上升。截至2024年1月,头部品牌半天妖、探鱼、江边城外烤全鱼门店数量已分别达1447家、316家、131家,行业资源向头部倾斜。女性、新中产、青年是烤鱼市场消费主力军,该群体更注重消费体验,以重视消费体验为导向的新消费模式逐渐显现。品牌不断开拓出新消费体验,是烤鱼行业未来发展的新趋势。
According to the latest "Research report on the development of China's grilled fish industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research,in 2023, the market size of China's grilled fish industry reached 139.66 billion yuan, an increase of 12.6%. With the gradual popularization of grilled fish consumption in Chinese cities, the market penetration rate continues to increase, and the national shift to hedonistic and developmental consumption will further promote the growth of the grilled fish industry, and the market size of China's grilled fish industry is expected to reach 243.13 billion yuan in 2029. Chinese grilled fish head brand stores continue to expand, the industry is developing in the direction of branding, and the concentration is further rising. As of January 2024, the number of head brand half-day demon, fish exploration, and Jiangbian City roasted whole fish stores has reached 1,447, 316, and 131, respectively, and industry resources are tilted to the head. Women, the new middle class, youth are the main force of consumption in the grilled fish market, and this group pays more attention to consumption experience, and the new consumption model oriented by attaching importance to consumption experience gradually appears. The brand continues to open up new consumption experience, which is a new trend of the future development of the grilled fish industry.
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