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随着现代生活节奏加快、压力增大,头皮问题逐渐增多,消费者对于头皮疗养产品的需求日益增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国头皮疗养行业发展趋势分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国护发产品市场规模达到620.90亿元,同比增长3.4%,预计2025年将达691.07亿元。随着居民对头皮健康问题的日益重视,头皮疗养行业有望得到新的发展。
With the acceleration of the pace of modern life and the increase of pressure, scalp problems are gradually increasing, and the demand of consumers for scalp therapy products is growing. According to the latest "Analysis report on the development trend of China's scalp therapy industry from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's hair care products will reach 62.09 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 3.4%. It is expected to reach 69.11 billion yuan by 2025. With the increasing attention of residents to scalp health problems, scalp therapy industry is expected to get new development. -
iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,过去6年保健品行业市场规模保持两位数的增速,至2019年,市场规模约达2227亿元,2021年有望突破3300亿元。随着健康消费观念提升,养生需求从“银发一族”逐渐往“年轻一代”扩散。此外新兴科技与行业融合将推动产品和服务升级,为行业发展带来利好。消费者方面,超四成的受访者将产品品牌作为其购买时首要考虑因素,其中43.8%的消费者是自发购买保健品的,另外消费者对保健品行业的信心逐渐恢复,五成受访者看好保健品行业发展,超七成受访消费者认为保健品行业合规性有所提高。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前保健品行业呈较好发展态势,但与此同时保健品行业同质化竞争激烈,在消费人群的扩大化、细分化的趋势下,企业需要通过加强品牌建设和精细化管理,提升产品及服务品质,更好适应市场变化。
According to the data of iiMedia Research,in the past 6 years, the market size of the health products industry has maintained a double-digit growth rate. By 2019, the market size will be approximately 222.7 billion yuan, which is expected to exceed 330 billion yuan in 2021. With the upgrading concept of healthy consumption, the demand for health care has gradually spread from the “silver-haired people” to the “younger generation”. In addition, the integration of emerging technologies and industries will promote the improving of products and services, bringing benefits to the development of the industry. In terms of consumers, over 40% of the interviewees regard product brand as their primary consideration when purchasing. 43.8% of consumers purchase health products spontaneously. In addition, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. Besides, consumer confidence in the health care product industry has gradually recovered. Nearly 50% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of the health care product industry, and over 70% of the interviewed consumers believe that the compliance of the health care product industry has improved. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the current health care industry is showing a good development trend, but at the same time, under the trend of expanding and subdividing consumer groups ,the homogenization of the health care industry is fiercely competitive. Enterprises need to enhance the quality of products and services by strengthening brand building and refined management to better adapt to market changes. -
2020年4月3日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国后疫时代医疗防护行业及细分领域分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国医疗防护行业及其细分领域的口罩、防护服、手套、护目镜等进行分析。此外,报告探讨产业上下游的运营模式,结合对欣龙控股、振德医疗、奥美医疗、尚荣医疗、际华集团、蓝帆医疗和兵装集团等典型企业的案例分析,对钢铁行业总体运行情况进行分析,并结合新冠疫情对2020-2021年中国医疗防护产业发展进行趋势预判。相较于发达国家,中国的医疗防护行业起步晚,防护水平低,由于医疗防护用品属于低值耗材,所以国内市场的品牌化理念也不强。但是,随着近些年中国经济的发展,国内的医疗防护市场逐渐升温,新老企业都有了品牌意识。在未来的发展道路上,品牌化和专业化将成为国内医疗防护用品生产企业的核心竞争力。
The outbreak of new crown pneumonia has raised awareness of personal protection, and the market potential for medical protective supplies is huge, and China's demand for medical protective equipment such as masks and gloves is expected to grow rapidly. In addition, the global outbreak of the new crown has also become a great opportunity for the export of China's medical protection products. As the first region to erupt in the outbreak, China has the first advantage of medical protective supplies, and the production capacity of medical protective supplies can be exported overseas. -
艾媒报告| 2020年中国妈妈群体行为洞察报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国新生婴儿规模达到1465万,预计2020年分娩的妈妈群体达到1530万。这部分妈妈群体中,90后人群已成妈妈群体主力。在家庭育儿方面, 妈妈群体是家庭育儿的主力, 而父亲在家庭孕育中的角色担当也在逐步提升。而这对亲子社交、孕育知识获取、母婴产品购买等有着巨大需求的年轻妈妈群体,更依赖于互联网渠道。伴随着需求细分,单一的运营模式开始转向多元服务发展,艾媒咨询分析师认为,移动母婴平台,尤其是母婴综合社区,拥有海量专业孕育知识,并为妈妈群体提供交流互动平台,更易受到妈妈群体的青睐。
According to iiMedia Research, 14.65 million babies were born in China in 2019, and 15.3 million mothers are expected to give birth in 2020. In this part of the mother group, the post-90s crowd has become the main force of the mother group. In terms of family child-rearing, the mother group is the main force of family child-rearing, and the father's role in family pregnancy is also gradually improving. This group of young mothers, who have a huge demand for parent-child social contact, acquisition of pregnancy knowledge and purchase of maternal and infant products, are more dependent on Internet channels. With the demand segmentation, the single operation mode starts to change to the development of multiple services. According to the analysts of iiMedia consulting, the mobile mother and baby platform, especially the comprehensive community of mother and baby, has a large amount of professional gestation knowledge and provides an interactive platform for the mother group, which is more favored by the mother group. -
During the epidemic, the top three most downloaded APP types among mother groups were news, maternal and child vertical, and social. In January 2020, the mother-and-baby app with the largest monthly active population was conceived by Maoma.com, with a total of 17,514,400 people, an increase of 2.47% from the previous month. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国肥胖人群规模在2019年已经达到2.5亿人以上,肥胖引起的健康问题逐渐成为社会关注的焦点。随着国家大健康战略的实施、居民人均收入和人均支出的提高、互联网与健康产业的深度融合,中国健康瘦身行业正在往标准化和规范化发展,市场竞争加剧。随着健康餐行业的持续发展和瘦身产品、健身房等行业的整合优化,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年健身器材市场规模突破520亿元,到2023年瘦身食品市场规模将会达到4000亿元。未来健康瘦身行业会更加规范化,市场逐渐下沉,细分化的支付场景和多元盈利模式将会成为健康瘦身行业新的发展入口。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of obese subjects in China has reached more than 250 million in 2019, and the health problems caused by obesity have gradually become the focus of social attention. With the implementation of the national health strategy, the increase in pre capital income and expenditure of residents, the deep integration of the Internet and the health industry, the healthy slimming industry of China has been moving towards standardization and standardized development, and the market competition has intensified. As the data of iiMedia Research shows that, with the continuous development of the healthy meal industry and the integration and optimization of weight-loss products, gyms and other industries, the size of the fitness equipment market is expected to exceed 52 billion yuan in 2020, and the size of the weight-loss food market will increase to 400 billion yuan. In the future, the healthy slimming industry of China will become more standardized, and go towards to the market sinking. Segmented payment scenarios and diversified profit models will become the new development opportunity of the healthy slimming industry of China. -
2020年2月19日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国口罩行业市场状况与趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国口罩行业的发展现状以及产业链细分领域进行深度分析,以欣龙控股、兴诺科技、阳普医疗等口罩企业为典型进行商情分析,深入探究运行模式和发展趋势。近几年中国口罩产业产值及产量均保持约10%的高速稳定增长,而2020年的新冠病毒疫情,令口罩从非必备常态的产品转变为必备的临时防护用品,预计2020年口罩将领跑中国防护用品领域。然而艾媒咨询分析师认为,2020下半年至2021年,口罩行业可能面临严重的产能过剩问题,如何通过提高口罩品质、品牌价值以增加口罩产品的附加值和出口海外的竞争力是行业发展的关键。
In recent years, the output value and output of China's mask industry have maintained a rapid and stable growth of about 10%. The COVID-19 epidemic will transform masks into necessary temporary protective supplies in 2020. However, iiMedia Consulting remind that from the second half of 2020 to 2021, the mask industry may face serious overcapacity. How to increase the quality of masks and brand value to increase the added value of mask products and the competition for export overseas that is the key to the development of the industry . -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:巴拉巴拉,全棉时代,帮宝适,NIKE,DAVE&BELLA,好孩子,可优比,Moony,贝因美,辉山乳业,阿里云,蒙牛,浙江一鸣,Gerber/嘉宝,Little Freddie/小皮,Heinz/亨氏,Earth’s best/爱思贝,Happy baby/禧贝,Engnice/英氏,Bellamy’s/贝拉米,方广,Eastwes/伊威,RIVSEA/禾泱泱,bio island,Childlife/童年时光,Nemans/纽曼思,Baby Ddrops,BIOSTIME/合生元,Nature’s Way,Eric Favre,CULTURELLE/康萃乐,Autili/澳特力,Ostelin,佳贝艾特,卡洛塔妮,可瑞康,御宝,蓝河,百跃谱恩,圣元圣特拉慕朵拉小羊,羊羊100,和氏,爱他美,启赋,a2,美素佳儿,飞鹤,美赞臣,雅培,惠氏,诺优能,君乐宝,雅培菁智有机,惠氏启赋蕴萃,Healthy times 爱斯时光,飞鹤臻稚,Alra宝贝与我,Neolac悠蓝,蒙牛瑞哺恩,Hipp喜宝,澳优淳璀
随着二孩政策的全面开放、消费升级和她经济崛起,母婴产业发展势头迅猛。本报告主要通过月子中心、婴儿食品、母婴购物、亲子教育四方面对母婴产业进行热点监测及数据分析。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年,中国月子中心数量可达4439家,但母婴电商获得投融资金额和数量均为近四年最低值。分析师认为,母婴各细分行业负面新闻不断,需要进一步加强行业规范和监管力度,以提升产业竞争力。
With the full opening of the two-child policy, the upgrading of consumption and the rise of her economy, the mother and infant industry is developing rapidly. This report mainly conducts hot spot monitoring and data analysis on the mother and infant industry through four aspects: the confinement center, baby food, mother and baby shopping, and parent-child education. According to iiMedia Research, in 2019, the number of monthly child centers in China can reach 4,439, but the amount and number of investment and financing for mother and baby e-commerce are the lowest in nearly four years. Analysts believe that the negative news in the various mother and infant sub-sectors continues, and it is necessary to further strengthen industry norms and supervision in order to enhance industrial competitiveness. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,自2013年的17.8亿元到2018年的142.2亿元,中国月子中心的市场规模年均复合增长率在50%左右。结合中国当前人口生育率情况来看,2021年后人口生育率可能有下降趋势,因此,月子中心的市场规模也会受到影响,但仍将保持近300亿元的市场规模。此外,艾媒咨询(iiMedia Research)调研显示,2019年,约有42.32%的消费者对国内的月子中心比较满意或非常满意。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前月子中心正处于蓬勃发展阶段,预计未来一段时间仍保持增长趋势;但是由于行业水平参差不齐,并且还没有形成完备的市场监管标准,因此在2019-2020年月子服务行业会处于调整期,增速放缓。
According to iiMedia Research, from 1.78 billion yuan in 2013 to 14.22 billion yuan in 2018, the average annual compound growth rate of the market scale of China's monthly child center is about 50%. In view of China's current fertility rate, the population fertility rate may decline after 2021. Therefore, the market size of Yuezi Center will also be affected, but it will still maintain a market size of nearly 30 billion yuan. In addition, a survey by iiMedia Research shows that in 2019, about 42.32% of consumers are satisfied or very satisfied with the domestic month center. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the current month child center is in a booming stage and is expected to maintain a growth trend in the future; however, due to the uneven level of the industry and the lack of complete market regulatory standards, it is expected The confinement service industry will be in an adjustment period and the growth rate will slow down. -
随着二胎政策全面推广以及移动互联网的普及,中国移动母婴行业走上稳健发展的步伐,2019年用户规模将达到2.04亿人。而目前90及95后人群开始走进适育年龄,移动母婴平台的用户开始更替,这部分人群在较为宽松及呵护的环境下成长,对互联网依赖程度高,因此更为青睐使用能提供更多元服务的产品。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访母婴用户用户在平台上最偏好获取育儿知识相关资讯,占比达52.1%。而偏好获取备孕知识、生理健康、孕期护理相关资讯的用户占比也均超过三成,用户资讯获取需求呈现多元化特点。针对用户需求的变化,能综合资讯、知识、交流、电商的综合母婴平台目前成为移动母婴行业的主流。
With the overall promotion of the second child policy and the popularity of the mobile Internet, China Mobile Maternal and Infant Industry has stepped onto a steady pace of development, and the scale of users will reach 204 million in 2019. At present, post-90s and post-95s begin to enter the age of fertility, and the users of mobile maternal and infant platforms begin to change. This group of the population grows up in a more relaxed and caring environment, and is highly dependent on the Internet. Therefore, they prefer to use products that can provide more diversified services. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, interviewed users of mobile maternal and infant platforms preferred to obtain information related to parenting knowledge on the platform, accounting for 52.1%. Meanwhile, more than 30% of the users prefer to acquire information related to pregnant knowledge, physical health and pregnancy care, and their needs for information acquisition are diversified. In response to the changing needs of users, the integrated maternal and infant platforms that integrates information, knowledge, communication and e-commerce services has become the mainstream of the mobile maternal and infant industry.
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