随着技术的不断发展,智能学习机产品技术日益成熟,广泛应用于多个教育学习场景,其广阔的应用前景将推动中国智能学习机行业规模快速增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国智能学习机市场趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国教育智能硬件市场规模达807亿元,同比增长29.53%;预计2025年中国教育智能硬件市场规模将超1000亿元。
With the continuous development of technology, the technology of intelligent learning machine products is becoming increasingly mature and widely used in multiple educational and learning scenarios. Its broad application prospects will drive the rapid growth of China's intelligent learning machine industry. According to the latest "Research Report on the Trends of China's Intelligent Learning Machine Market from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis firm in the global new economy industry, the size of China's education intelligent hardware market reached 80.7 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 29.53%; It is expected that the scale of China's education intelligent hardware market will exceed 100 billion yuan by 2025.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that Chinese educational intelligent products are bringing more possibilities and innovation to traditional education methods. The deep integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence with education is an important step towards the high-quality development of the intelligent learning machine field in the future.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国AI大模型市场现状及发展趋势研究报告
自OpenAI 发布 ChatGPT以来,大模型产业掀起全球的关注,AI大模型已经成为科技创新的新高地。AI大模型因其强大的数据处理能力和卓越的性能表现,被视为推动产业升级和经济转型的重要引擎。近年来,中国积极布局、大力支持AI大模型发展,相关科技公司积极研发国产大模型,同时不断涌现出大量大模型科技公司。随着技术的不断成熟和应用场景的不断拓展,AI大模型正逐渐渗透到各行各业,成为推动社会进步和经济发展的新动力。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国AI大模型市场现状及发展趋势研究报告》数据显示,2024年中国AI大模型市场规模约为294.16亿元,预计2026年将突破700亿元,中国AI大模型行业正处于爆发式发展阶段。艾媒咨询分析师认为,AI大模型已初步具有算力高效利用能力、真实世界感知能力、自主学习能力以及创作能力等。中国大部分的国产AI大模型可在文本、图像等方面赋能,并广泛渗透到娱乐、电商、工作以及垂直领域等各类应用之中,为中国传统行业进行数字化赋能。
Since OpenAI released ChatGPT, the large model industry has raised global attention. AI large models have become a new highland of scientific and technological innovation. Because of its powerful data processing capabilities and excellent performance, AI large models are regarded as an important engine to promote industrial upgrading and economic transformation. In recent years, China has actively laid out and vigorously supported the development of AI large models, and relevant technology companies have actively developed domestic large models, while a large number of large model technology companies have continuously emerged. With the continuous maturity of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, AI large models are gradually penetrating into all walks of life and becoming a new driving force to promote social progress and economic development.According to the latest "2024 wechat video user portrait and Behavior insight report" released by iiMedia Research, Data show that in 2024, the size of China's AI large model market is about 29.416 billion yuan, and it is expected to break through 70 billion yuan in 2026. China's AI large model industry is in the stage of explosive development. The iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the AI large model has initially had the ability to efficiently use computing power, the ability to perceive the real world, the ability to learn independently and the ability to create. Most of China's domestic AI large models can empower text, images and other aspects, and widely penetrate into various applications such as entertainment, e-commerce, work and vertical fields, and digitally empower China's traditional industries.艾媒咨询|2020中国在线教育行业创新趋势研究报告
Under the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, China has introduced a policy of "suspending classes and not stopping schools", which has accelerated the penetration rate of the online education industry. With the increase in national disposable income, the development of Internet penetration has brought a new round of growth in the online education industry. In 2020, the number of online education users is expected to reach 351 million, and the online education market is expected to exceed 480 billion RMB. Under the new growth, the online education industry has new innovative directions in the fields of teaching models, access channels, and technological empowerment. In terms of teaching mode, double-teacher live broadcast of large classes is the main course form of major online education institutions. On the basis of ensuring the scale of courses, efficient use of teacher resources has formed a good business profit model. Secondly, offline education institutions affected by the epidemic have also turned to online development and innovated the OMO model. With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology, the online education industry effectively uses AI technology to empower teaching, which not only improves teaching quality and experience, but also effectively reduces its customer acquisition cost through self-developed intelligent teaching hardware and intelligent answering services in order to acquire a nice operational efficiency.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国K12在线教育行业研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:作业帮,松鼠Ai 1对1,编程猫;其他提及企业/品牌:VIPKID,51Talk,阿卡索,哒哒英语,TutorABC,米乐英语,掌门1对1,海风教育,学霸君1对1,三好网,辅导君,学而思网校,新东方在线,沪江网校,网易云课堂,猿辅导,跟谁学,企鹅辅导,小猿搜题,一起作业,作业盒子,阿凡题,掌门少儿,火花思维,豌豆思维,洋葱学院,画啦啦,核桃编程,美术宝
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年中国在线教育市场规模将达4538亿元,K12在线教育用户规模将达3765.6万人。其中,一二线城市K12在线教育市场发展较为完善,而三四线城市K12在线教育渗透率仍有待提高。另外,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 59.4%受访用户认为师生互动交流有利于提高学生专注度。艾媒咨询分析师认为,K12在线教育平台应促进师生互动交流,运用AI等新技术实时记录学生状态,以提高学生学习专注度,及时反馈学生学习成果。未来,随着互联网的普及和发展,“互联网+教育”使得在线教育用户不断攀升,K12在线教育市场规模将持续扩大。
According to the data of iiMedia Research, it is estimated that by 2020, China's online education market will reach 453.8 billion yuan, and the number of K12 online education users will reach 37.656 million. Among them, the development of K12 online education market in the first and second tier cities is relatively perfect, while the penetration rate of K12 online education in the third and fourth tier cities still needs to be improved. In addition, according to the data of iiMedia Research, 59.4% of the respondents think that the interaction between teachers and students is conducive to improving students' concentration. iiMedia Research consulting analysts believe that K12 online education platform should promote interaction between teachers and students, use AI and other new technologies to record students' status in real time, so as to improve students' learning focus and timely feedback students' learning results. In the future, with the popularity and development of Internet, Internet plus education will make online education users continue to climb. The scale of K12 online education market will continue to expand.艾媒报告|2020H1中国酒店行业运行数据监测及标杆企业品牌研究报告
2020年4月30日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国酒店行业运行数据监测及标杆企业品牌研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对高端、中端、单体酒店和民宿等各类中国酒店行业进行全面分析,对锦江、全季、OYO、途家等品牌进行典型案例解读,以此分析直播电商的产品特性以及品牌方的发展趋势,判断2020-2021年中国酒店行业的发展趋势。受到本次疫情影响,中国酒店行业面临巨大危机,中端酒店体现了较好的灵活抗压能力,在未来的酒店消费升级市场中将具有一定的优势。而在疫情影响下,单体酒店、民宿营收严重下滑,行业或将面临重新洗牌。
Data show that in 2019, the number of domestic tourists in China increased by 8.40% year-on-year to 6,006 million. However, the new crown outbreak in 2020 will end the trend of hotel revenue growth and have a huge impact on the hospitality industry. Data show that in the first quarter of 2020, the entire hotel industry has been hit hard, the long-held small and medium-sized hotels will suffer a more severe impact.艾媒报告|2020Q1中国中小学在线教育行业运行监测报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国在线教育市场规模逐年上升,预计2020年达到4538亿元。2019年中国中小学在校学生数达到17802.6万人,基于巨大的学生体量规模,以及疫情期间政府关于“停课不停学”等政策为中小学在线教育提供了快速发展的契机。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,49.6%的受访中小学学生家长认为在线学习方便、安全,但有46.7%的受访中小学学生认为在线学习难以集中注意力,52.4%的中小学教师认为在线学习效果一般。目前,中小学在线教育市场迎来发展契机,但产品体验仍有较大提升空间,市场竞争格局未定,能够在用户体验方面具备优势的企业存在突围机会。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of online education market in China has increased year by year, and is expected to reach 453.8 billion yuan in 2020. In 2019, the number of students in primary and secondary schools in China reached 17.782.6 million. Based on the huge student scale and the government's policy of "Closed non-stop learning." during the novel coronavirus pneumonia, it provided an opportunity for rapid development of online education in primary and secondary schools. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 49.6% of the parents of primary and secondary school students thought that online learning was convenient and safe, but 46.7% of the primary and secondary school students thought it was difficult to concentrate on online learning, and 52.4% of the primary and secondary school teachers thought that the effect of online learning was average. At present, the online education market for primary and secondary schools is confronted with a development opportunities, but there is still increased potential for improvement in product experience, the market competition pattern is uncertain, and companies that have advantages in user experience have opportunities to break through.艾媒报告|2020年春季中国学校在线复课效果评估专项调研报告
应对疫情停课不停学,推迟返校时间是避免疫情进一步扩大的有效措施,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,51.1%的受访者赞成疫情期间线上教育,54.5%的受访者赞成疫情期间停课不停学。而在线教学中,如何有效达到教学质量以及监督学生完成教学任务,则成为了社会关注热点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,60.0%的受访者没有时间监督孩子进行线上教育,48.5%的受访者认为疫情期间线上教育学生注意力容易分散,39.6%的受访者认为线上教育教学质量不高,55.3%的受访者认为疫情期间,线上教育的预期效果比在学校学习效果差。如何解决这些线上教育的劣势,是在线教育进行持续发展需要解决的问题。
It is an effective measure to avoid further expansion of the epidemic to stop school and postpone the time of returning to school. According to the data of iiMedia Research, 51.1% of the respondents approve of online education during the epidemic, and 54.5% of the respondents approve of school suspension during the epidemic. In online teaching, how to effectively achieve teaching quality and supervise students to complete teaching tasks has become a hot topic of social concern. According to the data of iiMedia Research, 60.0% of the respondents did not have time to supervise their children's online education, 48.5% of the respondents thought that students' attention was easily distracted during the epidemic, 39.6% of the respondents thought that the quality of online education and teaching was not high, and 55.3% of the respondents thought that the expected effect of online education during the epidemic was worse than that of learning in school. How to solve the disadvantages of online education is a problem that needs to be solved in the sustainable development of online education.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国在线教育行业发展研究报告
随着互联网技术快速发展、社会对教育重视程度提高、经济水平不断提高,在线教育行业持续增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020中国在线教育用户规模将达3.09亿人,市场规模将达4538亿元。在在线教育用户调查中,34.5%用户表示对K12在线教育有一定了解;38.1%用户认为教学讲解环节与技术相结合的关系密切;44.8%用户表示继续观望在线素质教育发展前景;思维和编程类在线素质教育中最受用户认可,占比37.2%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,受政策利好、社会教育意识加强以及中小学学生升学压力的影响,未来K12在线教育市场需求将继续增大。而随着80年、90后父母教育意识的增强,素质教育需求也将愈加迫切。
With the rapid development of Internet technology, increasing social attention to education, and continuous improvement in economic levels, the online education industry continues to grow. According to iiMedia Research, the number of online education users in China will reach 309 million in 2020, and the market size will reach 453.8 billion yuan. In the survey of online education, 34.5% of users said they had a certain understanding of K12 online education. 38.1% of users believed that the combination of teaching and explanation links was closely related to technology. 44.8% of users said that they continued to wait and see the prospects of online quality education development. Thinking and programming online quality education were most recognized by users, accounting for 37.2%. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that due to the favorable policies, strengthened social education awareness and the pressure of primary and secondary school students to enter the higher education, the future demand for K12 online education market will continue to increase. With the strengthening of parents' education consciousness in 80s and 90s, the demand for quality education will become more urgent.
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