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2016年,人工智能进入商业化发展阶段,市场规模迅速增加。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,截至2020年底,全球人工智能市场收入规模已经突破8920亿美元,预计2024年将超过3万亿美元。而在人工智能技术不断发展与客服行业转型升级等背景下,中国智能客服兴起也迎来了快速增长,未来智能客服有望成为行业实现新增长的突破点。
In 2016, "artificial intelligence" entered the stage of commercialization, and the market scale increased rapidly. According to data from iiMedia Research, as of the end of 2020, the global artificial intelligence market revenue has exceeded US$892 billion and is expected to exceed US$3 trillion in 2024. In the context of the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology and the transformation and upgrading of the customer service industry, the rise of intelligent customer service in China has also ushered in rapid growth. At the same time, in the adjustment phase of the development of China's customer service industry, smart customer service is expected to become a breakthrough point for the industry to achieve new growth in the future.艾媒报告|2020年中国在线办公行业“战疫”专题数据监测报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年2月新春复工期间,中国有超过1800万家企业采用线上远程办公模式, 共计超过3亿人使用在线办公应用。受疫情等突发事件影响,中国在线办公需求显著提升。疫情催化在线办公需求短期提升,但长期使用粘性有待加强,在线办公仍需突破当前发展难点。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在完善的网络基础资源、云计算等技术发展以及协同办公等需求提升下,疫情危机将倒逼在线办公行业突破障碍,借数字化转型东风,有望实现常态化发展。在线办公的常态化发展,将加速企业数字化转型进程,并推进办公场景的进一步拓展以及新型雇佣方式的兴起。2019年中国智能移动办公市场规模达到288亿元,随着在线办公需求增长及用户习惯养成,智能移动办公市场将更快速发展,预计2020年将达到449亿元。
According to iiMedia Research, more than 18 million enterprises in China adopted the online telecommuting mode during the Spring Festival return to work in February 2020, and more than 300 million people in total used online office applications. Affected by the outbreak and other emergencies, online office demand in China has increased significantly. Epidemic situation catalyzes the short-term increase of online office demand, but the long-term use of stickiness to be strengthened, online office still needs to break through the current development difficulties. Imedia consulting analysts believe that the epidemic crisis will force the online office industry to break through barriers and realize normal development by virtue of digital transformation under the improved network basic resources, cloud computing and other technological development as well as the demand for collaborative office. The normal development of online office will accelerate the process of digital transformation of enterprises, and further expand the office scene and the rise of new employment methods. In 2019, the smart mobile office market in China reached 28.8 billion yuan. With the growth of online office demand and the formation of user habits, the smart mobile office market will develop more rapidly, and is expected to reach 44.9 billion yuan in 2020.艾媒报告|2020年中国新春远程办公行业热点专题报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年新春期间中国远程办公人员超过3亿人,远程办公企业规模超过1800万家。在远程办公情况调查中,近五成受访用户开启了远程办公模式,且主要集中在互联网行业;44.4%的受访用户使用了远程办公的“在线沟通”功能;63.4%的受访用户认为远程办公的优势在于工作地点灵活自由;63.5%的受访用户表示看好远程办公行业发展前景。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国远程办公普及率相对较低,存在较大发展空间。受此次疫情催化,远程办公需求短期激增,新春期间云办公概念股在二级市场中走势强盛。但中国远程办公用户习惯尚未养成,疫情之后应更加注重培养用户习惯,保障信息安全,凸显协同办公优势,增加用户粘性。
According to the data from iiMedia Research, during the Spring Festival of 2020, there are more than 300 million remote office workers in China, and the number of companies using teleworking exceeds 18 million. In the survey of teleworking, nearly 50% of the interviewees used teleworking, which was mainly concentrated in the Internet industry ; 44.4% of the interviewees used the "online communication" function of teleworking; 63.4% of the interviewees believed that the advantage of remote office lies in the flexibility and freedom of the work place; 63.5% of the interviewees expressed optimism about the development prospects of the remote office industry. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the penetration rate of remote office in China is relatively low, and there is the large developmental space in teleworking industry. Catalyzed by the epidemic, the demand for remote offices surged in the short term, and cloud office concept stocks have been trending strongly in the secondary market during the Spring Festival of 2020. However, the habits of remote office users in China have not yet been established. After the epidemic, more attention should be paid to cultivating user habits, ensuring information security, highlighting the advantages of collaborative office, and increasing user stickiness.艾媒报告|2020中国职场新春居家办公行为状态调查研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,截至2月9日,73.7%的受访职场者表示其所在企业仍未复工,其中已经复工的企业多数集中在互联网/电子商务/IT/通讯行业,且主要采取居家办公模式。在居家办公的受访者当中,41.1%表示其日均办公时长延长;34.7%认为自身工作效率有所提升;76.8%透露其所在企业在新春办公期间尝试了新型在线办公软件。艾媒咨询分析师认为,此次“新冠肺炎”会促使大众对居家办公模式产生更深刻的认知,同时激发大量在线办公软件需求。中国在线办公软件市场发展尚未成熟,疫情的偶发性虽然为在线办公软件市场带来曙光,但用户需求的刚性和粘性仍需要进一步培养。
According to iiMedia Research data, as of February 9, 73.7% of the interviewed workers said that their companies have not resumed work, and most of the companies that have resumed work are concentrated in the Internet / e-commerce / IT / communications industry, and the home office model is mainly adopted. Among the respondents from home office, 41.1% said that their average daily office hours were extended; 34.7% thought that their work efficiency had improved; 76.8% revealed that their company tried new online office software during the Spring Festival office. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the “new crown pneumonia” will promote the public to have a deeper understanding of the home office model, while stimulating a large number of online office software needs. The development of China's online office software market is not yet mature. Although the epidemic situation brings dawn to the online office software market, the rigidity and stickiness of user needs still need to be further cultivated.艾媒报告 |2019年中国移动社交行业研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 2018年12月,微信月活用户数10.2亿,QQ月活用户数6.5亿,微博月活用户数3.2亿,三者仍是市场主流应用。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着技术发生变革,社交产品结合视频发展将成为行业大趋势。未来能够抓住技术变革契机,在社交+视频方面有突出表现的社交产品将对移动社交头部产品形成较大冲击。
According to iiMedia Research data, in December 2018, Wechat had 1.0 billion monthly active users, 645 million QQ monthly active users and 320 million Weibo monthly active users, which are still the mainstream applications in the market. iiMedia consultancy analysts believe that with technological changes, social products combined with video development will become a major trend in the industry. In the future, social products that can seize the opportunity of technological change and have outstanding performance in social + video will have a great impact on mobile social head products.
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