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艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告
在当前便捷的生活方式下,线上快递已成为众多消费者的首选方式,他们普遍认为线上寄件具有节约时间和费用的双重优势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告》数据显示,众多快递品牌中,顺丰凭借其高效的服务质量和可靠的物流体系,备受广大消费者的青睐。纵观整个行业,超过九成的消费者对当前的快递寄件服务持正面评价。在寄件方式的选择上,消费者则最偏爱蜂巢/菜鸟驿站智能寄件(48.74%),其次是上门取件服务(33.02%)。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在线上快递蓬勃兴起的背景下,快递公司需优化服务流程,特别是在物流信息的实时更新、上门服务的准时性等方面,以提升消费者的整体体验。同时,为进一步抢占市场份额与促进行业协调发展,各快递公司应充分利用自身在大件、中小件以及文件运输中的专业优势,不断创新服务模式,以满足消费者日益多样化、个性化的需求。
In the current convenient lifestyle, online courier has become the preferred choice for many consumer, who generally believe that online parcel delivery has the dual advantages of saving time and money. The latest "2024 China online express industry consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry, shows that among many courier brands, SF Express has won the favor of a large number of consumers with its efficient service quality and reliable logistics system. Over 90% of consumers surveyed hold a positive view of the current courier delivery service. In terms of parcel delivery methods, consumers are most partial to smart parcel delivery via hive/AliExpress Station (48.74%), followed by home delivery service (33.02%). Analysts from iimedia Research believe that in the background of the booming online courier industry, courier companies need to optimize their service processes, especially in real-time updates of logistics information and punctuality of home delivery services, to enhance the overall consumer experience. At the same time, in order to further seize market share and promote coordinated development of the industry, courier companies should fully utilize their professional advantages in handling large, medium and small parcels and documents, and continuously innovate service models to meet the increasingly diverse and individualized needs of consumers.艾媒报告|2018-2019中国智慧物流行业研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,当前物流企业对智慧物流的需求主要包括物流数据、物流云、物流设备三大领域,2018年智慧物流市场规模超过4000亿元,预计到2025年,智慧物流市场规模将超过万亿。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着物联网、人工智能等技术的发展,以及新零售、智能制造等领域对物流的更高要求,智慧物流市场规模将持续扩大。
According to iiMedia Research data, the current demand of logistics enterprises for smart logistics mainly includes logistics data, logistics cloud and logistics equipment. In 2018, the smart logistics market will exceed 400 billion yuan. It is expected that by 2025, the smart logistics market will exceed trillion yuan. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that with the development of IoT, AI and other technologies, as well as the higher requirements for logistics in new retail, intelligent manufacturing and other fields, the scale of intelligent logistics market will continue to expand. At the same time, the development of new retail, the upgrading of consumer consumption and the increase of user experience expectations have contributed to the gradual expansion of demand in the real-time distribution industry. It is expected that the number of users in China's distribution industry will reach 421 million in 2019, and there is still potential for continued growth.艾媒报告|2018-2019年全球及中国快递行业运行状况与商业决策调查分析报告
Globally, among the world's top 500 companies in 2018, logistics companies occupy four seats. For Deutsche Post DHL, annual revenue in 2018 was 61.55 billion euros, up 1.8% year-on-year; but pre-tax profit (EBIT) was 3.16 billion euros, down 15.5% year-on-year. In China, the volume of China's express delivery business reached 50 billion in 2018. Among them, Guangzhou express business has a maximum of 5.06 billion pieces, and Shanghai Express has the highest revenue, exceeding 100 billion yuan. Overall, the overall satisfaction of users in the express delivery industry increased in 2018, but the delay is still the most dissatisfied factor for users. For a specific company, SF Express has the highest punctuality rate, accounting for 61.4% of China's total express delivery business. In 2019, China's express delivery industry has the following development trends: technology development will help intelligent logistics upgrade, the concentration of express delivery industry will be further enhanced, and the express delivery industry will develop to high quality.艾媒报告|2019-2020中国电子签名物流细分市场专题报告
电子签名技术作为帮助企业降本提效的有利武器,受益于国家政策的支持和引导,被越来越多企业接受和认可。在极度追求效率的物流行业,电子签名技术正在快速渗透。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,58.9%的物流受访企业表示使用过电子签名服务;认为电子签名服务可协助“运单实时流转”和“规范收货签章”的受访物流企业分别占54.3%、42.9%;半数以上受访企业认为电子签名服务有效提高了物流业务的时效性以及客户体验。艾媒咨询分析师认为,传统物流企业将在新技术、新模式、新力量的推动下,加速推进信息化变革,借此迈入高质量发展的新阶段。在这场变革浪潮中,信息化技术将进一步解放物流企业的生产力,助力企业提升经营效率和服务价值,而电子签名作为企业信息化变革的基础设施将率先普及和发展。
As a beneficial weapon to help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency, electronic signature technology has benefited from the support and guidance of national policies and is accepted and recognized by more and more enterprises. In the logistics industry, which pursues efficiency, e-signature technology is rapidly penetrating. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 58.9% of logistics enterprises surveyed said they have used e-signature services; 54.3% and 42.9% of logistics enterprises surveyed believe e-signature services can help "real-time flow of waybill" and "standardize receipt and signature" respectively; more than half of the enterprises surveyed believe e-signature services have effectively improved the timeliness of logistics business and customer experience. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that traditional logistics enterprises will be driven by new technology, new models, new forces, accelerate the information technology change, so as to enter a new stage of high-quality development. In this wave of change, information technology will further liberate the productivity of logistics enterprises and help them to improve operational efficiency and service value, while electronic signatures will take the lead in popularizing and developing as the infrastructure for enterprise information technology change.艾媒咨询|2020H1中国冷链物流产业应用及典型案例研究报告
在居民生活品质意识加强及物流产业发展日渐成熟的推动下,中国冷链物流市场规模不断扩大,2019年冷链物流市场规模已达3780亿元,并预计在2020年达到4850亿元。同时,中国冷链物流企业数量持续增长,在2019年达到了1832家,但存在着地域分布不均的问题,32.3%的企业集中在华东地区。目前冷链物流产业主要应用于食品及医药两大产品线。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国生鲜电商交易规模超过2600亿元,而医药物流市场预计在2020年达到3.8万亿元,并且预计未来冷链物流产业将开拓出新的产品线,冷链物流市场潜力较大。面对“新冠疫情”居家隔离政策下爆发的配送需求,冷链物流企业通过扩大运输网络及车辆仓储资源,同时深化信息技术的应用提高配送效能及服务体验。
Driven by people’s increasing awareness of living standard along with the development of logistics industry, the scale of China cold chain logistics market has enlarged continually, which has reached 378 billion RMB in 2019, and is expected to reach 485 billion RMB in 2020. At the same time, the number of cold chain logistics enterprises in China has increased constantly, which has reached the number of 1832 in 2019. However, there is a problem of uneven distribution, as 32.3% of the enterprises are located in the Eastern China. So far, there are two main product lines for the application of cold chain logistics, which are food and pharmaceuticals. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China fresh food e-commerce market transaction is expected to be over 260 billion RMB, while the market scale of China pharmaceutical logistics is expected to be 3800 billion RMB in 2020, and other new product lines are also expected to be explored in the future, so the market potential of cold chain logistics is substantial. To face with the demand exposure of delivery under the policy of stay home quarantine within the “COVID-19” period, the cold chain logistics enterprises improved their delivery efficiency and customers’ service experience by expanding their delivery network, increasing the vehicles and storage resources, as well as further the application of information technology.
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