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The data shows that in 2018, the number of Chinese market entities was 110 million, of which the number of SMEs exceeded 70 million. They have a large demand for office space. Along with the economic development and the change of concept, the demand for office space of enterprises gradually shows the characteristics of cost reduction and experience upgrade. In this context, the joint office space upgrades and replaces traditional commercial real estate with a model that can better address user pain points and meet user needs, and gradually exhibits rigid characteristics. It is estimated that the scale of China's joint office market will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2020. . At present, China's joint office enterprises mainly focus on Internet-based start-ups and some real estate brands, which are widely distributed in first-tier cities and continue to radiate to second-tier cities. In terms of market share, head players have already occupied a third of the country's share, and market concentration is expected to increase further. As a unicorn enterprise in the joint office field in China, Ucommune has great potential for development due to its own resource integration capability and scale advantage, but its single revenue structure, unstable cash flow, and operational management capabilities will be the major problems that need to be solved to overcome its opponents., isPublished=1, filePath=20190521/【完整版】优客工场:独角兽扩张,“二房东”摘帽难.pdf, updateTime=Tue Jul 06 18:41:36 CST 2021, authorId=null, pageNum=42, printPrice=null, labelList=[{id=10297, labelName=创客空间}, {id=10287, labelName=孵化器}, {id=1020, labelName=联合办公}, {id=6861, labelName=租赁}, {id=10298, labelName=租赁服务}, {id=9347, labelName=优客工场}, {id=10299, labelName=WeWork}, {id=8820, labelName=氪空间}, {id=9714, labelName=纳什空间}, {id=1614, labelName=独角兽}], seourl=https://report.iimedia.cn/repo1-0/38715.html, showPrice=5999.0, createTime=Tue May 21 14:11:30 CST 2019, freePages=null, bargainable=0, md5=0aade6068d765216c01cb20650571076}], wordList=[], searchHelperResult={msg=succ, code=1, data={"allCutWordSet":[],"reverseLimitProList":[],"limitProValSetMap":{},"apiCost":201,"wordHashMap":{"":157956258},"wordGuanlianSetMap":{"":[]},"isUseGuanlianci":1,"limitProList":["app_pro_val_objList_2_cids_0","app_pro_val_objList_2_labelIds_10297","app_pro_val_objList_2_report_type_0"],"allProKeyList":["app_pro_word_objList_2_title_157956258","app_pro_word_objList_2_labels_157956258","app_pro_word_objList_2_catalog_157956258"],"wordWeightList":[{"value":999.0,"key":""}],"total":1,"importWordSet":[""],"dataList":[{"highHit":0,"hitProList":["app_pro_objList_2_report_type","app_pro_objList_2_isFree","app_pro_objList_2_publish_time"],"hitwordWeight":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111","objId":"38715","sortLogList":[{"val":0,"fieldIndex":0,"key":"ifHighHit"},{"val":0,"fieldIndex":1,"key":"report_type"},{"val":0,"fieldIndex":2,"key":"isFree"},{"val":2017612633061982208,"fieldIndex":3,"key":"hitWords"},{"val":"2019-05-21 16:28:58","fieldIndex":7,"key":"publish_time"}]}],"proAndValPriorityList":[{"filter":"in","valSort":"-1","key":"ifHighHit"},{"valSort":"0","type":4,"key":"report_type"},{"valSort":"1","type":4,"key":"isFree"},{"filter":"in","valSort":"-1","key":"hitWords"},{"type":1,"key":"title"},{"type":3,"key":"labels"},{"type":1,"key":"catalog"},{"valSort":"-1","type":2,"key":"publish_time"}]}}, page=1}, apiCost=551, idList=[38715]}
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The data shows that in 2018, the number of Chinese market entities was 110 million, of which the number of SMEs exceeded 70 million. They have a large demand for office space. Along with the economic development and the change of concept, the demand for office space of enterprises gradually shows the characteristics of cost reduction and experience upgrade. In this context, the joint office space upgrades and replaces traditional commercial real estate with a model that can better address user pain points and meet user needs, and gradually exhibits rigid characteristics. It is estimated that the scale of China's joint office market will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2020. . At present, China's joint office enterprises mainly focus on Internet-based start-ups and some real estate brands, which are widely distributed in first-tier cities and continue to radiate to second-tier cities. In terms of market share, head players have already occupied a third of the country's share, and market concentration is expected to increase further. As a unicorn enterprise in the joint office field in China, Ucommune has great potential for development due to its own resource integration capability and scale advantage, but its single revenue structure, unstable cash flow, and operational management capabilities will be the major problems that need to be solved to overcome its opponents., isPublished=1, filePath=20190521/【完整版】优客工场:独角兽扩张,“二房东”摘帽难.pdf, updateTime=Tue Jul 06 18:41:36 CST 2021, authorId=null, pageNum=42, printPrice=null, labelList=[{id=10297, labelName=创客空间}, {id=10287, labelName=孵化器}, {id=1020, labelName=联合办公}, {id=6861, labelName=租赁}, {id=10298, labelName=租赁服务}, {id=9347, labelName=优客工场}, {id=10299, labelName=WeWork}, {id=8820, labelName=氪空间}, {id=9714, labelName=纳什空间}, {id=1614, labelName=独角兽}], seourl=https://report.iimedia.cn/repo1-0/38715.html, showPrice=5999.0, createTime=Tue May 21 14:11:30 CST 2019, freePages=null, bargainable=0, md5=0aade6068d765216c01cb20650571076}]




The data shows that in 2018, the number of Chinese market entities was 110 million, of which the number of SMEs exceeded 70 million. They have a large demand for office space. Along with the economic development and the change of concept, the demand for office space of enterprises gradually shows the characteristics of cost reduction and experience upgrade. In this context, the joint office space upgrades and replaces traditional commercial real estate with a model that can better address user pain points and meet user needs, and gradually exhibits rigid characteristics. It is estimated that the scale of China's joint office market will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2020. . At present, China's joint office enterprises mainly focus on Internet-based start-ups and some real estate brands, which are widely distributed in first-tier cities and continue to radiate to second-tier cities. In terms of market share, head players have already occupied a third of the country's share, and market concentration is expected to increase further. As a unicorn enterprise in the joint office field in China, Ucommune has great potential for development due to its own resource integration capability and scale advantage, but its single revenue structure, unstable cash flow, and operational management capabilities will be the major problems that need to be solved to overcome its opponents.



