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在移动互联网的高速发展下,2019年中国移动搜索用户规模突破7亿人,2020年在新冠疫情推动下,移动互联网加速渗透,预计规模将达到7.54亿人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,搜索引擎、社交平台、电商平台是受访网民获取信息的前三大渠道,占比分别为69.6%、49.0%、35.3%。78.4%的受访者表示搜索信息时第一时间会想到移动搜索引擎,对移动搜索有很强的依赖度。对于移动搜索的方式,受访用户最常使用的移动搜索方式是文字搜索,占比达72.6%;而随着AI技术的成熟以及用户使用习惯的深化,使用语音搜索、图片搜索的受访用户分别占44.4%、20.8%。未来移动搜索行业需求将呈现多元化、专业化发展,AI技术的应用成为市场主要发力点,移动搜索市场竞争持续升级,头部市场将在中长期内保持一超多强的市场格局。
With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the scale of China's mobile search users exceeded 700 million in 2019. Driven by the COVID-19 in 2020, mobile Internet penetration will accelerate, and the scale is expected to reach 754 million. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, search engines, social platforms, and e-commerce platforms are the top three channels for interviewed netizens to obtain information, accounting for 69.6%, 49.0%, and 35.3%, respectively. 78.4% of the interviewed netizens said that they would think of mobile search engines as soon as they searched for information so they have a strong dependence on mobile search. For mobile search modes, the most common mobile search mode used by interviewed users is text search, accounting for 72.6%. With the maturity of AI technology and the deepening of usage habits, the interviewed users who use voice search and image search accounted for 44.4% and 20.8% respectively. In the future, the demand for mobile search will show diversified and professional development, and the application of AI technology will become the main force of the market. The competition of mobile search market will continue to escalate, and the head market will maintain a market structure of “one super strong, many stronger” in the medium and long term. -
搜索是网民在移动端获取资讯和知识的重要渠道,地位重要,2019年各大互联网平台也更加注重在移动搜索行业的布局,移动搜索市场保持稳定增长态势。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年第四季度中国移动搜索用户规模已达7.05亿人。面对庞大的搜索市场,行业竞争将迎来更为激烈的年份。另一方面,凭借成本低、传播速度快、根据搜索目的精准投放用户等特点,移动搜索营销价值进一步彰显,也吸引更多企业加大搜索营销投入。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,接近九成的受访广告主表示愿意在搜索引擎投放广告,广告主在搜索引擎营销投放金额是营销预算的1.13倍。
Searching Engine is an important channel for Netizens to obtain information and knowledge with mobile terminals. In 2019, major Internet platforms paid more attention to the layout of the mobile search engine industry, and the market maintained a stable growth trend. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the user scale of China mobile search engine industry reached 705 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. Facing the huge search engine market, the industry will embrace a more intense year. On the other hand, with the characteristics of low cost, fast communication speed and accurate delivery of users according to the purpose of search, the value of mobile search marketing is further demonstrated and more enterprises are attracted to increase the investment in search marketing. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, nearly 90% of the interviewed advertisers said that they would like to advertise in search engines, and the amount of advertisers’ marketing in search engines is 1.13 times of the marketing budget. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国第三方手机浏览器用户规模达6.82亿人,同比增长为4.4%;预计2021年的用户规模达7.30亿人,同比增速将下降至3.3%。移动互联网用户增长红利式微,占据用户心智成为了发展与竞争的关键。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,主流手机浏览器拥有超六成90后用户,其中UC浏览器和搜狗浏览器的年轻用户占比超七成。随着年轻群体经济能力的增强,年轻消费用户正在崛起。同时,下沉市场用户的实力也不容轻视。下沉市场和年轻群体将成为各厂商争夺的焦点。在市场竞争激烈的背景下,对于手机浏览器厂商来说,洞察用户需求,向平台化发展,丰富平台内容,拓展功能,延伸场景,提升用户获取内容信息的效率,将能提高用户黏性以及收获用户的肯定。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2019, the number of third-party mobile browser users in China reached 682 million with a year-on-year growth of 3.9%. The scale of the users is expected to reach 730 million in 2021, a year-on-year increase that will continue to decline to 3.3%. As the growth bonus of mobile Internet users has diminished, occupying users' minds has become the key to development and competition. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, mainstream mobile browsers have more than 60% of the post-90s users, of which young users of UC browser and Sogou browser accounted for more than 70%. With the increase of young people's economic capabilities, young users are increasingly important. At the same time, the importance of sinking market users should not be underestimated. Sinking markets and younger groups will become the focus of competition among manufacturers. In the context of fierce market competition, for mobile browser manufacturers, insight into users’ demand and development towards a platform, enriching content in the platform, expanding functions, extending scenarios, and improving the efficiency of users' access to content information will improve users’ stickiness and gain the affirmation of users. -
近年来,手机浏览器用户规模持续增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国手机手机浏览器用户规模达6.53亿人,预计到2020年,中国手机浏览器用户规模将突破7亿人。同时手机浏览器市场大体格局已定,在搜索业务之外,可以看到浏览器平台纷纷从优质丰富的内容和产品技术能力两个方向上发力,争夺存量用户市场。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在关于手机浏览器相比其他垂直信息平台在观看图文信息流的优势认知调查上,有46.2%的受访用户认为浏览器的图文内容聚合更广泛。与此同时,技术也在为手机浏览器赋能,人工智能技术加速向应用端落地,利用人工智能技术为产品赋能已经成为行业共识。未来,打造安全、放心的产品将是手机浏览器品牌建设的重点。
艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国移动搜索市场研究报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:百度,搜狗,神马搜索,奇虎360,UC浏览器、蜻蜓FM、VIVO、腾讯、今日头条、网易新闻、 陌陌 、小米、OPPO、华为、微博、微信
随着国内搜索行业规范化进程推进,人工智能提供技术支持,2019年第一季度中国移动搜索用户规模进一步扩大。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近八成偏好使用文字搜索的方式进行搜索,偏好使用语音搜索和图片搜索的移动搜索用户分别占比达到41.1%和29.5%。其中选择文字搜索的用户超过六成是通过输入关键字的方式进行搜索,仅有36.0%的用户是输入一段文字的方式。艾媒咨询分析师认为,移动搜索注重交互方式多样化,其中语音搜索的用户已经形成一定规模,具有较好的发展前景。随着人工智能技术与搜索引擎的结合,移动搜索品牌的搜索内容精准度较高。人工智能深度挖掘人类自然语言所表达的意图,为用户提供精准答案,提升用户搜索体验和效率。虽然现阶段移动搜索行业竞争梯度分明,但技术革新以及其他应用搜索业务的探索,使移动搜索市场竞争仍然存在变数。
With the promotion of standardization of the domestic search industry and the technical support provided by artificial intelligence, the scale of China Mobile search users will further expand in the first quarter of 2019. iiMedia Research data show that nearly 80% of mobile search users prefer text search, and 41.1% and 29.5% prefer voice search and picture search respectively. Among them, more than 60% of the users who chose to search for words were searching by entering keywords, while only 36.0% of the users entered a paragraph of words. Analysts in iiMedia Research believe that mobile search focuses on the diversification of interaction modes, among which the users in voice search have already formed a certain scale and have good development prospects. With the combination of artificial intelligence technology and search engines, mobile search brands have a higher accuracy of search content. Artificial intelligence deeply excavates the intention expressed by human natural language, provides users with accurate answers, and improves user search experience and efficiency. Although the competition gradient in the mobile search industry is clear at this stage, technological innovation and exploration of other application search services still make the competition in the mobile search market variable. -
iiMedia Report |2018-2019 China Mobile Search Engine Market Research Report
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 59.6% of the interviewed users prefer using built-in browser. Page advertisement and information security are major pain points in the development of the industry. Nearly 50% of the users hope platform could optimize these two aspects.
2018年移动搜索行业整体发展良好,头部企业持续发力人工智能技术。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国移动搜索用户数量接近6.9亿,增长率3.8%,增速有所放缓。目的性搜索是用户使用移动搜索平台的首要原因。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China Mobile Search users has reached 685 million people in 2018, and the growth rate has been slow down. The built-in browser is the users’ first choice when searching information. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 36.8% of the interviewed users prefer using built-in browser. Page advertisement and information security are major pain points in the development of the industry. Nearly 50% of the users hope platform could optimize these two aspects.
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